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Conversation Between MISSY and mart
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 14
  1. mart
    01-10-2011 06:42 PM
    HAPPY BIRTHDAY MISSY!!!, hope your days going great and you get what you hoped for!.
  2. mart
    12-31-2010 10:55 PM
    Happy New Year Missy!!!.
  3. MISSY
    12-31-2010 10:37 PM
    Merry late Christmas! and Happy New year. I have been burried in year end reports so i havent been on much!
  4. mart
    12-18-2010 12:41 PM
    Merry Christmas Missy!, hope you have a peaceful break.
  5. mart
    04-13-2010 06:23 PM
    Thank you Missy, i had a great Birthday.
  6. MISSY
    04-12-2010 10:29 PM
    Happy Birthday Mart!
  7. mart
    04-01-2010 07:16 PM
    Thank you Missy, losing two sisters just makes my remaining sister Carol more special to me, if you understand what i mean. We kept each other together and our mum, brother John during that bad year we lost Diana and Linda.
  8. MISSY
    03-31-2010 10:20 PM
    Mart that was sweet what you wrote about your sister
  9. mart
    03-27-2010 10:26 PM
    Perfectly ok Missy, i know it's just a bit of fun.
  10. MISSY
    03-27-2010 09:10 PM
    Hay Mart , just feeling a little playfull. No harm intended.

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