FTV Girls Danielle Forum

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Violet 03-02-2009 01:59 AM

Violets been spotted

Originally Posted by MrSnook (Post 2852)
Have yoy ever been spotted by a fan/casual observer in the outside world? Has someone kinda remembered you but not known where and you told them? I would think it would be odd to spot someone off the net and say, "I'm a big fan of you-naked" in person.

Hey Violet from FTV. I get spotted all the time I've had to quite several jobs and move several times. I'm always having to change my hair color and style, I can't go out any where with out a fan running into me all the time at bars, and even house parties, even at the beach. Its crazy I've never expected so many people to know Violet or to realize who I was. Just last night I was in this small bar that was close to empty so I thought I would be safe and out of no where this guy comes up to me and was like are you Violet and I was like ya and he was like I new it, it was so crazy I get hired for a job and find out later my boss knows all about me. Do you ever experiance this Weirdness of being Famous and would you ever Do Violet?:rolleyes:

Violet 03-02-2009 02:08 AM

Good Question

Originally Posted by Pin-Up Artist (Post 8690)
Maybe I didn't phrase it clearly, so I'll try again: first, this question is for Danielle. I'm sure she appreciates the support, & I'm not attacking or accusing her in any way. Just asking the question: has she thought about any consequences of doing nude modeling. How people will respond to her, will they see her as more of a sex-object & not be able to maintain professionalism, that type of thing.

I draw pin-ups & comics stuff--tasteful 50's Varga Girl-type pictures; nothing graphic. But I've lost out on other illustration work because I've had clients who found out after they'd contacted me that I've drawn naked girls & they didn't want any "feminist backlash". That's what I'm asking Danielle--is she worried that, down the road, there may be people who don't want to be associated with her because of her modeling. Does she think that, if a hospital or agency found out about this after they'd been ready to hire her, they might change their minds because it doesn't reflect well on their organization.

I know she's plenty smart & she can be anything she wants; I'm asking about outside forces that may work against her.

So, Danielle, what do you think?

(Moderator Note: Danielle will answer your question in due time. In the meantime, do not continue to repost your question because other members appear to be answering the question. This is an open forum message board and any member is allowed to post answers to questions. If you just want Danielle to respond use a private message.)

Very good question for my life has been effected greately due to all these things and it is something to consider for I never thought about any of this until it was all ready happening to me so it is something to think about Danielle some advise from a porn star

tigger 03-02-2009 12:37 PM


Originally Posted by natal (Post 8852)
i imagine that most pathologists spend their time looking at tissue samples, microscope slides and other assay data, rather than cadavers ;)

they do it all from getting the body, to doing the altopsy in wrongfull deaths.

danielle_ftv 03-02-2009 07:56 PM


Originally Posted by tigger (Post 8867)
they do it all from getting the body, to doing the altopsy in wrongfull deaths.

Tigger has it right.

danielle_ftv 03-02-2009 07:58 PM


Originally Posted by Violet (Post 8855)
Do you ever experiance this Weirdness of being Famous and would you ever Do Violet?:rolleyes:

Um yeah...I would totally do you.

lovley 03-02-2009 09:23 PM


Originally Posted by danielle_ftv (Post 8876)
Um yeah...I would totally do you.

i dont dare ask that since im afraid i would get a no for sure and wow you gotta film your meeting with violet lol. :p

so here is my question that i do dare ask :D do you have any bad habbits?
your a wounderful person but im sure we all have one :D mine is eating junkfood but im still sooo skinny :o

danielle_ftv 03-02-2009 09:32 PM


Originally Posted by bockwurstwasser (Post 8075)
Hi Danielle,

I have some questions for you

if you wear undies in privat, do you prefer thong or regular panties?
At what age did you start wearing thongs?
Did you ever dye hair? What colours?

thanks & big kisses from Germany

Here is the VIDEO reply to your question.

lovley 03-04-2009 12:26 PM

Have you seen the movie "let the rigth one in" ? its swedish langue but with english subtitles .. i highly recommend it, awesome movie :) it can be compared to "Pan's Labyrinth" from spain. another movie i recommend :D i also wounder if you seen that one ?

good grades on imdb if your familiar with that site

i hope asking 2 questions makes this the rigth thread talk about it lol.

danielle_ftv 03-04-2009 07:15 PM


Originally Posted by lovley (Post 8918)
Have you seen the movie "let the rigth one in" ? its swedish langue but with english subtitles .. i highly recommend it, awesome movie :) it can be compared to "Pan's Labyrinth" from spain. another movie i recommend :D i also wounder if you seen that one ?

good grades on imdb if your familiar with that site

i hope asking 2 questions makes this the rigth thread talk about it lol.

I have seen "Pan's Labyrinth"....it was a great movie, but definitely kind of graphic in some parts. I haven't seen "Let the Right One In" though. Honestly I don't particularly care for movies in subtitles. It's a little difficult to read and focus on the movie at the same time.

lovley 03-04-2009 07:59 PM


Originally Posted by danielle_ftv (Post 8929)
I have seen "Pan's Labyrinth"....it was a great movie, but definitely kind of graphic in some parts. I haven't seen "Let the Right One In" though. Honestly I don't particularly care for movies in subtitles. It's a little difficult to read and focus on the movie at the same time.

oh ok.. but if you would likte the movie there would be a book for you to read ;)
im gonna read the book soon since the movie was great.
i understand i am the same way about movies with subtitles but if you liked pans labyrinth then i think you would like this one also. :) but i dont force you to watch it just a recomendation. atleast see the original before hollywood reales their version that comes 2010.. people thik they are gonna rip it apart lol. the movie was so good hollywood emidetly started making their own "let the rigth one in" . oh i feel i have so meny misspells now but its late and im tired :o

danielle_ftv 03-04-2009 08:49 PM


Originally Posted by lovley (Post 8937)
oh ok.. but if you would likte the movie there would be a book for you to read ;)
im gonna read the book soon since the movie was great.
i understand i am the same way about movies with subtitles but if you liked pans labyrinth then i think you would like this one also. :) but i dont force you to watch it just a recomendation. atleast see the original before hollywood reales their version that comes 2010.. people thik they are gonna rip it apart lol. the movie was so good hollywood emidetly started making their own "let the rigth one in" . oh i feel i have so meny misspells now but its late and im tired :o

Go get some sleep silly :D and thanks for the recommendation.

munna 03-05-2009 12:57 AM

Danielles fav movies and actors....
hi danielle, i was wondering if u like watching movies, where genre are u most intrested in and what r ur favourite movies and ur favourite actors!!!!! I would like to know "Danielle's list of Top 10 celebrities"? :)

bockwurstwasser 03-05-2009 05:02 PM

Hi Danielle, thanks for answering my question. I have another question. I thnk only a guy can ask that.
If you often do not wear any undies, how is the feeling in your pubic area, especially with jeans? I should rub or hurt a little bit, doenst it?

lovley 03-05-2009 06:41 PM


Originally Posted by danielle_ftv (Post 8941)
Go get some sleep silly :D and thanks for the recommendation.

well thanks i did go sleep and it feelt wounderful. tomorow im free from work so ill sleep looong time like in the old days lol.

do you often go to cinema to watch movies or do you prefer rent them?

ionman 03-06-2009 04:12 AM

Question for Danielle
When you are down and sad, what do you do to make yourself happy again?

yorgi 03-06-2009 09:17 PM

yups, i am its very happy and dont sleep after visit your web.

danielle_ftv 03-07-2009 12:39 AM


Originally Posted by bockwurstwasser (Post 8967)
Hi Danielle, thanks for answering my question. I have another question. I thnk only a guy can ask that.
If you often do not wear any undies, how is the feeling in your pubic area, especially with jeans? I should rub or hurt a little bit, doenst it?

Um...not really unless they are very tight and most of my jeans aren't that tight. Besides I rarely wear jeans...normally I'll wear shorts.

danielle_ftv 03-07-2009 12:39 AM


Originally Posted by lovley (Post 8972)
well thanks i did go sleep and it feelt wounderful. tomorow im free from work so ill sleep looong time like in the old days lol.

do you often go to cinema to watch movies or do you prefer rent them?

Well since I don't own a tv (or didn't until today) I don't really rent movies and will only go to the movie theater if friends or family invite me.

danielle_ftv 03-07-2009 12:40 AM


Originally Posted by ionman (Post 8992)
When you are down and sad, what do you do to make yourself happy again?

Sleep, take a bath, hang out with friends, or read.

danielle_ftv 03-07-2009 02:18 AM


Originally Posted by mart (Post 8197)
I know this question isn't related to your site or FTV but can i ask how many car crashes 'if any' you've had and do you consider yourself a good driver, or bad driver?.:)

Here is the VIDEO reply to your question.

Humbi69 03-07-2009 06:22 PM

Hi Danielle. I have read you have been in Germany for a while. Do you speek german? Have you been to Switzerland to and when yes where have you been there? Big Hug Mike

Humbi69 03-07-2009 08:20 PM

Hi Danielle. I just saw your dancing video log and I really enyoyed to see you dancing. You are so cute. I also like Michael Jackson. :cool: What's your favorit song of him? Did you hear about his Comeback, what do you think about it? Big Hug Mike

mart 03-08-2009 06:04 PM


Originally Posted by danielle_ftv (Post 9013)
Here is the VIDEO reply to your question.

Thank you for the video answer Danielle.:)

shink1m 03-09-2009 04:28 PM

Hi, Danielle! Would you ever go and visit the Philippines? I know I'm not your only Pinoy fan here and it would be awesome if you did come over. Are there any specific places here in my country you'd wanna see? Or food you'd wanna eat?

More power, Danielle! ^_^

Mergathal 03-11-2009 06:12 AM


Originally Posted by danielle_ftv (Post 9013)
Here is the VIDEO reply to your question.

Commenting on your video answer to Mart's question.

LMAO! Danielle, I am right there with you!:D I try to restrain myself for commenting on other peoples stupid driving but I have a hard time not doing it, although mine are usually "WTF?", "Are you friggin blind?" or something along those lines. Also the whole driving under the speed limit... man if you are not going 5 over, I get mad.:mad: And if you sit there and speed up and slow down all the time... I want to pull my hair out. I hate that I do it and understand that not everyone will drive like me but come on. And I agree on the texting while driving is very dumb. But I can honestly say, I have never been the driver in a car that was involved in an accident, my fault or otherwise, although I have had a few close calls. I count my blessing for that too, I am awful lucky in that sense! But it just made me laugh, thinking OMG, she is describing almost exactly how I am in the car anymore.:)

P.S. Do you know Ludacris' "Move B***H"? I hate to say it but it fits a little too well... except that my problems only occure when someone is in front of me, if no one is in front of me, I do the speed limit and just drive lead foot free at least.

Geezer 03-12-2009 01:28 AM


Originally Posted by haseo626 (Post 9154)
hey i like your work and i got a brithday coming up on march 18 and here nother qustion what your favorite movie.:):):)

AWRIGHT! Someone else with a birthday on March 18! Cool:D

danielle_ftv 03-13-2009 08:02 PM


Originally Posted by haseo626 (Post 9154)
hey i like your work and i got a brithday coming up on march 18 and here nother qustion what your favorite movie.:):):)

Queen of the Damned. I'm pretty sure I listed my favorite movies somewhere on here at least three times and of course it is written in the "About Me" section.

danielle_ftv 03-13-2009 08:04 PM


Originally Posted by Mergathal (Post 9148)

P.S. Do you know Ludacris' "Move B***H"? I hate to say it but it fits a little too well... except that my problems only occure when someone is in front of me, if no one is in front of me, I do the speed limit and just drive lead foot free at least.

Nope don't think I've seen that one. Ludacris makes movies???

danielle_ftv 03-13-2009 08:06 PM


Originally Posted by bockwurstwasser (Post 8208)
Hi sweet Danielle,

do you prefer sex with a guy with or without condom?

Here is the VIDEO reply to your question.

kennyhello 03-14-2009 10:24 PM

you ...ate a lot lately??:confused:

danielle_ftv 03-15-2009 01:08 AM


Originally Posted by kennyhello (Post 9235)
you ...ate a lot lately??:confused:

Huh??? What does that mean?

kennyhello 03-15-2009 10:06 PM


Originally Posted by danielle_ftv (Post 9238)
Huh??? What does that mean?

??i don't know if it's illusion you looked skinnier a few months ago??:confused:
anyway, by the way, danielle, you are taking math, right? forget the previous question. totally disregard it.

all right, i am gonna borrow some space and some time in this question thread to ask you some really serious question, ready???

my question is "what is the area between y=sinx and y=cosx from one crossing to the next?"

i hope you can do my homework for me by tommorrow, thanks a lot. million kisses and hugs.

Mergathal 03-16-2009 07:24 AM


Originally Posted by danielle_ftv (Post 9188)
Nope don't think I've seen that one. Ludacris makes movies???

No, the song. I think the guy after me was asking you about movies.

Mergathal 03-16-2009 07:29 AM


Originally Posted by kennyhello (Post 9235)
you ...ate a lot lately??:confused:


Kennyhello, don't you know that is a quick way to get a lady to whoop on you?:eek:

You only mention if they have lost weight or are looking good! Never imply they are looking fatter!

danielle_ftv 03-16-2009 09:52 PM


Originally Posted by kennyhello (Post 9262)
??i don't know if it's illusion you looked skinnier a few months ago??:confused:
anyway, by the way, danielle, you are taking math, right? forget the previous question. totally disregard it.

all right, i am gonna borrow some space and some time in this question thread to ask you some really serious question, ready???

my question is "what is the area between y=sinx and y=cosx from one crossing to the next?"

i hope you can do my homework for me by tommorrow, thanks a lot. million kisses and hugs.

Um...wow...that's incredibly hurtful. And you know what's funny I have'nt gained or lost any weight since about two or three months ago. I've pretty much stayed at the same consistent weight....the only thing that has changed is my muscle tone. Anybody else want to tell me how fat I'm looking?

danielle_ftv 03-16-2009 10:01 PM

Question for all my members and fans on here:

Why should I continue putting so much of myself into this site when I get mean comments like "looks like you've gained some weight?" As much as I do for this site and you guys I just wonder why somebody would say something like that. I'm really hurt right now...do you people realize how hard it is to eat right and try to work out and look good, on top of running this site, shooting for other photographers, going to school, etc? It's not easy AT ALL! Maybe we should make this site more like the other generic single girl sites out there...where I might answer your messages but most likely I'll have someone else do it for me. And screw answering anything on this board or making PERSONAL video logs...what other single site girl does anything like that? NOBODY. I've put 110% of my heart and soul into this site. I share everything with you guys and have become friends with many of you. I've always been super honest about my life and haven't given false answers. F@ck it...I'm going to go enjoy my Spring Break now.

kennyhello 03-16-2009 10:35 PM


Originally Posted by danielle_ftv (Post 9301)
Question for all my members and fans on here:

Why should I continue putting so much of myself into this site when I get mean comments like "looks like you've gained some weight?" As much as I do for this site and you guys I just wonder why somebody would say something like that. I'm really hurt right now...do you people realize how hard it is to eat right and try to work out and look good, on top of running this site, shooting for other photographers, going to school, etc? It's not easy AT ALL! Maybe we should make this site more like the other generic single girl sites out there...where I might answer your messages but most likely I'll have someone else do it for me. And screw answering anything on this board or making PERSONAL video logs...what other single site girl does anything like that? NOBODY. I've put 110% of my heart and soul into this site. I share everything with you guys and have become friends with many of you. I've always been super honest about my life and haven't given false answers. F@ck it...I'm going to go enjoy my Spring Break now.

Sorry, I propably wouldn't have said. Because I didn't know that was hurtful to you. If I reconsider it again or I knew it was hurtful to you, then I wouldn't have said it. Sincerely appoligize, let forget what I have said. I always said something wrong, how are you doing?

I know that you quit your italian class because you wanted to buy a computer lesson online and learned it can become professinal italian translator then you are going to take that class again. I am sure you can do it. Also, don't ever giving up on anything you love doing, I remember there is a idiom goes like this words don't hurt, sticks or rocks hurt. I am sure you understand what it means.

I really don't think you gained any weight, I just wanted to get some attention. Wasn't real. I hope it is understandable after my explanation.

Raymond (Studio6Girls) 03-16-2009 10:36 PM


Originally Posted by danielle_ftv (Post 9301)
Question for all my members and fans on here:

Why should I continue putting so much of myself into this site when I get mean comments like "looks like you've gained some weight?" As much as I do for this site and you guys I just wonder why somebody would say something like that. I'm really hurt right now...do you people realize how hard it is to eat right and try to work out and look good, on top of running this site, shooting for other photographers, going to school, etc? It's not easy AT ALL! Maybe we should make this site more like the other generic single girl sites out there...where I might answer your messages but most likely I'll have someone else do it for me. And screw answering anything on this board or making PERSONAL video logs...what other single site girl does anything like that? NOBODY. I've put 110% of my heart and soul into this site. I share everything with you guys and have become friends with many of you. I've always been super honest about my life and haven't given false answers. F@ck it...I'm going to go enjoy my Spring Break now.

WTF Dude? Are you just trying to be an *******?


I say ignore him. He's probably 450lbs and never leaves the house. I think you look fine. And FYI if you're working out and gaining muscle then you will gain weight since muscle weight more than fat. I think that you should do whatever makes you feel good. I know how much people can judge other people based on their weight. I used to be the skinny, in-shape guy that judged people. Then I was in a car accident where I hurt my back, coudn't work-out, etc.. and I went from 175lbs to my current 235 in about 9 months. I'm just now getting back to working out.

So, head-up and screw that guy.

T-bone Thomas 03-16-2009 10:38 PM

Danielle, all you do for your members here and on your site is amazing. There is no better interaction between a model and her members than here. I'm sure 99% of your members here are so happy and thankful for what you do for them. Don't let your mood be ruined by one single post!
Enjoy your Spring Break.

ugo 03-16-2009 11:04 PM


I am happy that you are true.

You have given me so much strength for my life still difficult.

And you are a really good girl for us all. And I believe that you are rare among all the girls FTVGirls.

I do not want to give too much hassle to make so many unnecessary comments you what you do between your site and your privacy.
And you're master to do what you want as opposed to what we are talking about.

We need only respect her. Women must always be loved, adored and respected.
Other comments from easy irony is not the right man to meet women like Danielle.

I love to be sweet and romantic. And I hope always to have done something nice and clean to Danielle.


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