FTV Girls Danielle Forum

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lovley 03-31-2009 11:23 AM

i was once reading..well i cant remember exactly.. but it was something about certain porn that religion was against ..still in a state or place where allot/most of people was religious there was higher sales rate for just that porn.. lol..

so now on to a question.
summer or winter person? oh i suck at this question thing lol

raman_bharti 03-31-2009 04:19 PM

Do you guys believe in supreme power?
Do you guys believe in supreme power?

I don't think..

World is tempting all around and thats the way universe operates.

Do you know why religion has come to existence?
I think none might have answer to this?

Its easy to get tempted by food, beauty, sound, smell, touch and sex..

Its also very easy to motivate others for something inappropriate..

Inapproritate activity is something that makes person more unconscious about his/her own being and person operates unconsciously driven by these instinct.

Guys.. a quick question to you all.
Are you food addict?

If answer is yes then it means we are operating out of unconscious self and you cannot understand question i posted..

And yes, i dare to accept it that i was looking for nude site. But the important aspect is every moment i do something unethical , i realize it and i am to change thought pattern of my mind..

Unless a person realizes the disease, doors dont open to change..

If we promote and help someone for his/her behavious and we love that person, we are doing a harm intentionally or unintentionally. If you guys really love Danielle than you should help her understand not to get driven by instinct to have more materialistic things around her, but gather more peace.

Imagine a girl like danielle becoming a porn star at age 20-21. It means somewhere circumstances must be have been such that person has to choose this as a career, i dont think anybody would intentionally choose to do that.

And by the way i didn't wrote anything for you guys, i was minding my own business and posted a question to danielle.

if danielle would have answered to this question in the same tone as you guys have, i wont have spended another 15 minutes in composing this response.

Any was i am not criticizing anybody for responses.

My question came just out of compassion for Danielle.
Hopes, if she could have posted response to it..

Anyways luck is not in my favor.

mart 03-31-2009 04:46 PM

Can we stick to questions only lads.;)

eastbill 03-31-2009 10:37 PM

yes please....

CK1 04-01-2009 02:12 AM


these are not questions to be answered but ranther just statement to think about...

are you not using the "oportunity" to "enlighten" a person as a reason to excuse the behavior you are condeming... visiting these sites that temp and change your thought process. if you feel so strongly about it, would you not be best served to avoid the sites instead of creating a reason to keep visiting it?

but my last statement would be... you can lead a horse to water, but you can't make it drink. sometimes the horse knows there is something wrong with the water...

laranger 04-01-2009 02:45 AM


Originally Posted by raman_bharti (Post 9808)
Blah Blah Blah

The questions or whatever would be best sent to Danielle in PM's.
Thank you,


cute_teacher75 04-01-2009 02:54 AM

Oh, dear god... another God Fraud trying to save us all.

"Judge not lest ye be judged" seems to be one of those empty platitudes espoused by these people yet not actually practised, or maybe understood.

All I have to say is, thank God I'm a Buddhist.

Natal 04-01-2009 06:01 AM


Originally Posted by raman_bharti (Post 9808)
Do you guys believe in supreme power?

I don't think..

Bla bla bla

You don't believe in a supreme power either. What you believe in are your beliefs, which is not the same thing. This is the typical error that most religous people make and ironically it is why they pretty much all are condemned to the hell they are so afraid of. They just don't get it, consequently they have no souls.

If there is a supreme being I highly doubt that he/she/it gives a damn about how you live your life, as long as you do no evil unto others.

raman_bharti 04-01-2009 02:46 PM

Danielle, can you please share you video?
Hi Danielle

The more difficult a thing is, the more attractive it is, the more unattainable the more mind becomes obsessed..

Lovers feel a certain burning in their heart. A deep longing and design to meet with with beloved creates that burning.

To love someone is bound to create a very fire in heart..
The mind has capacity to imagine anything and also has capacity to hypnotize itself. After long repetition one can even see the lover just the way one imagined. It is by product of mind..

I know, same is the case with me atleast.. i dont say my mind is in love with you. But yes, it is in friendliness towards you. While composing this mail, i am looking at you image just above this textbox..
Your looks are very tempting, so i have removed your photograph from my desktop..

Full of such innocence, you are really amazing.. You look more beautiful when you are fully dressed. Does this innocence still remains with you or you are grown up now and innocence is gone?

Danielle, can you please share your video on day to day activities that is non nude?


WhyYou 04-01-2009 03:17 PM

Questions...this is the Question thread...let's get back on the topic here

geolarson2 04-01-2009 03:27 PM

Besides, she answered that question back on 11-14-08 in her response to Joss's question about believing in God, Heaven & Hell. Its on the free video logs page.

Pancho 04-02-2009 11:20 AM

Halo Danielle,
you are a very nice woman. I have one question: Waht do you think about a German Fan Webpage?

raman_bharti 04-02-2009 12:36 PM

Want to date with you?
Hi Danielle

i live in Pheonix and would like to date with you.. I am Asian.. Would you mind if i ask you to date with me ? You are very tempting..

Please let me if this proposal works to you? If yes, how much do you charge your clients like us?


tigger 04-02-2009 12:42 PM


Originally Posted by raman_bharti (Post 9860)
Hi Danielle

i live in Pheonix and would like to date with you.. I am Asian.. Would you mind if i ask you to date with me ? You are very tempting..

Please let me if this proposal works to you? If yes, how much do you charge your clients like us?


Charge what do you mean charge. she is not a piece of meat. Danielle is a varry classy, beautiful, loving ,carring young lady. that is an insult to ask how much she charges. you should consider it an honor to be in the same state as her. You need to learn a little respect for women!:mad:

raman_bharti 04-02-2009 01:00 PM

Totally respect..
Come on dont take it personal, i totally respect woman..

Date doesn't only means sleeping or having sex together, its good to think out-of-box and practice..

i totally respect her..

i am just asking to date with her. Now how this proposal works out that doesn't matter? i think this proposal must not work out without monetary attachment to it..

if i say i am in love with her, this would sound little childish unless both individual understand. Danielle is very mature. And it is...

First a person needs a opportunity to meet..
And then comes friendliness..
and then comes friendship and finally love arises out of com-union,
if you feel you may continue to live entire life or look for someelse.

Let Danielle answer this question?

So Again, i wana date with you Danielle ?

WhyYou 04-02-2009 02:41 PM


Originally Posted by raman_bharti (Post 9862)
Come on dont take it personal, i totally respect woman..

Date doesn't only means sleeping or having sex together, its good to think out-of-box and practice..

i totally respect her..

i am just asking to date with her. Now how this proposal works out that doesn't matter? i think this proposal must not work out without monetary attachment to it..

if i say i am in love with her, this would sound little childish unless both individual understand. Danielle is very mature. And it is...

First a person needs a opportunity to meet..
And then comes friendliness..
and then comes friendship and finally love arises out of com-union,
if you feel you may continue to live entire life or look for someelse.

Let Danielle answer this question?

So Again, i wana date with you Danielle ?

This is an OPEN forum. This means that ANYBODY can answer this question. If you want JUST Danielle to answer your question I suggest you send her a PRIVATE MESSAGE. If you post your question on the message board be ready for whatever reactions her fans may have.

Paying a woman for a date is considered rude and appears to be that you consider her to be a prostitute. This shows disrespect towards her. You have already been warned about being disrespectful!

Why not get to know her by chatting with her through private messages and email before asking for a date?

geolarson2 04-02-2009 03:38 PM

If I may, I think we have either a cultural misconception here, or we have a troll playing games. I'll assume the former for the moment and just say that Ms D is a model & performer (akin to any mainstream actress) who works in the nude. It is a form of artistic expression covered by our 1st Amendment right of freedom of speech (which carries with it freedom of expression). Culturally, Americans tend not to pay their dates--the man may pay for dinner or a movie, the couple may "go Dutch" meaning each is responsible for her/his own expenses. Same-sex couples may decide beforehand which will pay for the dinner/movie.&c., or that they will go Dutch. If you're looking for an escort, may I suggest your yellow pages? Or if you are looking to pay for sex, may I suggest Nevada where legal brothels have been established l in every county, I believe, except Clark (Las Vegas) and Washoe (Reno-Sparks) where prostitution is still illegal. Just because a woman, in this case Ms D, chooses to work in a field where her body is bare and is unashamed of her physique does not mean that she is a prostitute or an escort, and may I refer you to another of Ms D's free video logs, this one from 1-25-09 addressed To Everyone with the title, "R-E-S-P-E-C-T". Now I'm not saying you, raman_bharti, intended to provoke, irritate or disrepect Ms D or anyone else here--I am hoping this was just a cultural misunderstanding. And, as WhyYou suggested, perhaps it would be better if you were to converse with the board more before asking anyone on a date, and again, as WhyYou has pointed out this is the Question Thread for Danielle, so my question is this: Did I overstep my bounds? :o

eastbill 04-02-2009 10:01 PM

geolarson i think you worded things well and diplomatically.

grande351 04-02-2009 11:35 PM

You post summed it up perfectly, as did the post from WhyYou. I hope Danielle hasn't been reading this thread over the last few days.

Personally, I find it strange that this person, in the course of four or five posts has gone from condemning Danielle for choosing to pose nude to trying to buy a date with her. That's quite a turn-around!

tigger 04-03-2009 12:14 AM

*#x-+***x@^&8**///** and thats what i have to say about it!

CK1 04-03-2009 01:04 AM

you need to read previous messages and you can have most of your questions answered. people are not taking what you say personally, the are defending Danielle from what you said. it may not be what you meant, but that is the way it came across that made it insulting. the respect you talk about is shown by the people that stand up and do not let Danielle, or anyone else on this board get bullied, insulted, etc. yes, there are different points of view and we don't all see eye to eye but i would say that for the most part, we are very respectful of each other and especially our host. you should choose your words more carefully.

CK1 04-03-2009 02:13 AM

Time to get back to REAL Questions...
Danielle, here are some interesting/unusual questions.

1- if you could have any superhero/villian power, what would you want? (flying, etc.)
2- If you could have any Mythical or SciFi animal/thing as a pet what would you want? (examples: Unicorn, robot, etc.)
3- if you could live in any time period, if just for a day, where and when would it be?

daniellemybelle 04-03-2009 02:46 AM


Originally Posted by raman_bharti (Post 9860)
Hi Danielle

i live in Pheonix and would like to date with you.. I am Asian.. Would you mind if i ask you to date with me ? You are very tempting..

Please let me if this proposal works to you? If yes, how much do you charge your clients like us?


This is ridiculous, WHY YOU I don't think anyone would say you are over stepping your boundaries as moderator if you kicked this guy to the curb. How is he allowed to post such demeaning, ridiculous questions and thoughts without any repercussions? I agree wholeheartly with grande351 in that is totally strange that he condemns Danielle for her choices and posing etc.etc. and then wants to date her? Come on! this is not just a matter of cultural misunderstandings as so elegantly and tolerantly explained, but I think we are all a bit too tolerant of this Raman guy and letting him get away with way too much! I am sorry Danielle if you are reading this and I just couldn't let this go with out commenting.

Anoree 04-03-2009 04:23 AM

The more I think about raman's post, the more convinced I get that he is just a troll who tries to spread disturbance. That's why I haven't posted anything about him yet.

1) He is incoherent. He shifts from trying to "save" Danielle, playing the religious card, over asking for non-nude videos (Danielle DOES them) to ask her for a payed date.

2) He doesn't love her as he claimed. He says love needs time to develop (a thing I agree in), yet he obviously hasn't taken his time to view Danielle's video logs. Otherwise he couldn't have assumed Danielle just does this for money.

3) He stays posting his "personal questions" in this thread, even though he has been told repeatedly to ask them per PM.

This all tells me we should simply ignore raman_bharti and stick to the purpouse of this thread: Asking Danielle questions. Discussions with raman_bharti should be done in either a different thread, profile visitor messages or PMs.

So here is my question for Danielle:

What do you think of raman_bharti, should he stay and learn or do you want to see him gone?

WhyYou 04-03-2009 06:18 AM

Ok guys...enough for now...I have received an apology from raman_bharti...remember that he's new and there are cultural differences. If he misbehaves again he will feel my boot.

eastbill 04-04-2009 12:26 AM

i am impressed how everyone sticks up for each other here, especially danielle. This is unlike every other place i have seen.

WhyYou 04-04-2009 12:58 AM

If anybody wants to start another discussion then start a new thread with a descriptive topic. Let's get back to the topic of this thread...Questions for Danielle.

daniellemybelle 04-05-2009 02:57 AM

Danielle, what do you think of guys that profess their love for you immediately? and of guys that preach to you? (just thought I'd keep to the question format ;) )

raman_bharti 04-05-2009 09:46 AM

i can actually understand. Human mind has great power to hypnotize itself. And individual usually falls in trap of this hypnotism and same is the case with me.

We should have been driven by her beauty once we have met her but see the level of hypnotic state mind is in. our mind is taken away by her images lying on this site. No doubt, extremely beautiful.

Its good to be doer than dreamer. Although the way i approached Ms Danielle was not correct.

But, in five days after i joined this forum atleast thought to meet her. Atleast i dared to post a question asking her for date. My apologises, i must have gone through the private message which i didnt knew about.

And i am gonna meet her if she allows..

Feelings i expressed on this forum were same as it must have been expressed by her family members and have no regrets for the same.

Question to Danielle:

Danielle, how do handle people who are willing to meet you and feel you in presence?

I hope, this question doesn't hurts anyone.

Please excuse me in advance..

stef de bef 04-06-2009 10:02 AM

dvd's or blu-ray's of danielle?
are they of is it a good idea making dvd's or blu-ray's of the beatiful danielle?
a can not wait to see this amazing girl on my tv screen playing with herself and her toys and adventures with her girlfriends.
i am her new fan from holland.

danielle_ftv 04-10-2009 11:39 PM


Originally Posted by stef de bef (Post 10073)
are they of is it a good idea making dvd's or blu-ray's of the beatiful danielle?
a can not wait to see this amazing girl on my tv screen playing with herself and her toys and adventures with her girlfriends.
i am her new fan from holland.

No unfortunately FTV recently stopped doing DVD's...so I doubt that we will ever make dvd's for my site.

danielle_ftv 04-10-2009 11:41 PM


Originally Posted by Pancho (Post 9856)
Halo Danielle,
you are a very nice woman. I have one question: Waht do you think about a German Fan Webpage?

I think that would be really cool. I already have a fan page on Facebook (that I think Raven_Azrael made) and I think it's awesome that you guys would take the time to do that for me.

Pancho 04-12-2009 12:26 PM


Originally Posted by danielle_ftv (Post 10179)
I think that would be really cool. I already have a fan page on Facebook (that I think Raven_Azrael made) and I think it's awesome that you guys would take the time to do that for me.

I send you the link when I finishd whit this site

danielle_ftv 04-18-2009 09:55 PM


Originally Posted by Enigma (Post 10216)
Hi Danielle,

I know you have answerd questions about you playing chess when you was about 11, but have you heard of a site called FlyOrDie.com? it's free to play and there are loads or people online all the time ready to play.

If you like I can tell you my user name for that site and we can play together?

It would be cool to play one game with you ;)

Nope...don't think I've heard of that. I would probably lose horribly if I tried playing again. Let me get my skills back up and I'll play you.

mart 04-20-2009 05:40 PM

This may be a silly question Danielle!, but i'm gonna ask anyway lol. How do you decide when recording a video log whether to film nude or clothed?.:)

danielle_ftv 04-20-2009 10:58 PM


Originally Posted by mart (Post 10687)
This may be a silly question Danielle!, but i'm gonna ask anyway lol. How do you decide when recording a video log whether to film nude or clothed?.:)

Um...I guess it just depends on what type of mood I'm in and whether or not I was clothed in the video log before it.

danielle_ftv 05-04-2009 11:05 PM


Originally Posted by the Dutch mountains (Post 8477)
Danielle: Many girls ( at least here in Europe ) are having problems with their self-asteem, mostly because they compare themself to much with Photoshopped pictures... Did you ever have ( or still have ) problems with your self-asteem ? And what would you want to say to people who spend to much time on thinking what other people think about them ?

Here is the VIDEO reply to your question.

daniellemybelle 05-05-2009 06:30 AM

is it just me or does anyone else always smile and feel good when Danielle ends her video responses with a big smile and kiss to the camera? She just always looks so cute doing that.

Anoree 05-05-2009 07:05 AM


Originally Posted by daniellemybelle (Post 11139)
is it just me or does anyone else always smile and feel good when Danielle ends her video responses with a big smile and kiss to the camera? She just always looks so cute doing that.

Oh, no, I love it, too. Danielle can get me smiling with that despite anything that may have happened before on that day. And my smile usually keeps on for a couple of minutes.

I think it's a wonderful "habit" she assumed. :)

grande351 05-05-2009 10:55 AM


Originally Posted by daniellemybelle (Post 11139)
is it just me or does anyone else always smile and feel good when Danielle ends her video responses with a big smile and kiss to the camera? She just always looks so cute doing that.

OMG! I love that, it's the best part! I know it's weird, but sometimes I feel like leaning forward and kissing my screen :)

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