FTV Girls Danielle Forum

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Anoree 11-29-2010 06:27 PM

D031, 10-23-08: To Grande351
"Hey Grande351

I read your questions on the question board. You actually asked me two questions. One was: Why did I get picked on when I was in school?

I think that mainly has to do with the fact that I moved around quite a bit, so I never really got to settle into one school long enough for people to get to know me. I was always kind of a loner and was really, really shy. I mean I was always really scared to go up to people and make friends. And because I didn’t have any friends I didn’t have anybody to protect me from the other kids. So I think that’s why I got picked on.

To your other question: Why do women like WoW so much?

I think they like it because it’s a multi-player game. You can play it with your girlfriend, your boyfriend, your family, so everybody can get involved. It’s not bloody and violent and I don’t think women particularly care for bloody or gory games. You can become your character and that’s always awesome.

I hope that answered your question - or questions I should say.


Anoree 11-29-2010 06:30 PM

D032, 10-25-08: To Eastbill
"Hey Eastbill

I read your question on the question thread and you were asking me: Where do I love to vacation?

I don’t have one specific location that I like to go to. I love going to Europe. I’ve been almost everywhere in Europe. I’ve been to a lot of places in the US. I have Alaska. I have vacationed in Massachusetts, that was awesome. I’ve been to Hawaii a few times and actually very much enjoy going to Hawaii, even though I didn’t think I was going to, because I’m not a beach girl. I’ve been to different places. I like to experience new things, new cultures.

I hope that answered your question.


Anoree 11-29-2010 06:33 PM

D033, 10-26-08: To Tinguy
"Hey Tinguy

I read your question on the question thread. You were asking me what my reaction is to guys getting turned on by me.

It’s normal, so I’m used to it. It’s fine. When I started doing nude modeling and this site, it’s … I mean, what could you expect? That’s what it’s for. It’s for guys to enjoy, and I guess get turned on by.

I hope that answered your question."

Anoree 11-29-2010 06:36 PM

D034, 10-27-08: To Ryan
"Hey Ryan

I just wanted to say thank you so much for sending me this, the DVD collection of Firefly. It’s much appreciated and I will watch it very soon here. I just have to get a television first. Or I’ll just go to my mom’s house.

Thank you so much.


Anoree 11-29-2010 06:38 PM

D035, 10-28-08: To KingRichard
"Hey KingRichard

You asked me what my wildest fantasy is.

I guess I have to say a massive orgy with all my favorite FTV Girls, and with a few select guys may be, and every single one of them takes their turn pleasuring me. That would be pretty kinky.

So I hope that answered your question."

Anoree 11-29-2010 06:44 PM

D036, 10-30-08: To Ask
"Hey Ask

Today is your birthday! And tomorrow is Halloween! How exciting is that!

I hope you have something fun to do today, or maybe you’re celebrating your birthday tomorrow since it’s a Friday. I hope it’s fun and you get a lot of candy - tomorrow.

Happy Birthday!


Anoree 11-29-2010 06:48 PM

D037, 11-03-08: To Kent
"Hey Kent

I read your question in the question thread. You were asking me: Have I’ve given any thought to what I want for Christmas this year?

Yes, I do celebrate Christmas, by the way. I guess I love getting gift certificates to anywhere. Those are always good. And books, I love getting books, too. Christmas is still all the way off, so I’ve some time to think of what I want. I haven’t done any Christmas shopping for my friends and family yet, but probably will at the beginning of December.

I hope that answered your question.


Anoree 11-29-2010 06:50 PM

D038, 11-04-08: To MrSnook
"Hey MrSnook

I read your question in the question thread and you were asking me if I have ever been spotted by a fan.

Nope, not yet, unfortunately. I think it would be totally awesome if I did. I’d love to meet some of my fans in person. So, if anybody of you guys ever see me in person, spot me, come up to me and say “Hi, I like you. I see you naked all the time.”

I hope that answered your question."

Anoree 11-29-2010 06:52 PM

D039, 11-05-08: To Diveguy84
"Hey Diveguy84

I just wanted to say Happy Birthday! Today you’re 51. It’s a great birthday. Well, every birthday is a great birthday. Hopefully you’ll do something fun today and get lots of cake.


Anoree 11-29-2010 07:03 PM

D040, 11-06-08: To YetAnotherDave
"Hello YetAnotherDave

I read your question on the question thread. You were asking me: Why did I get the tattoos?

My first one I actually got done when I was 16. I was thinking about getting a tattoo done but hadn’t gotten permission from my mom. One of my friends had a traveling tattoo artist come over to his house, and so I decided “What the heck” and got it done. That was kind of a mistake. My mom freaked out on me really bad. But that was just, like I said, a teen phase thing, just a spur of the moment thing.

My tattoo on my front I got done when I was 18. Actually one of my ex-boyfriends bought it for me. And that was also another spur of the moment thing. I tend to just change myself up every once in a while: Different hair color, different hair style, tattoo, new piercing, but I won’t be doing that anymore because I don’t want to have to go through any more pain with the tattoo removal.

The tattoo removal is actually going very well right now. I’ve gone through two sessions and my third session is going to be on the 7th of November. Hopefully it will get off within the ... plotted time? I think that’s the right word. I’ll be taking pictures as it progresses and hopefully it will be off by February next year. Yeah! That will be so exciting.

I hope that answered your question.


Anoree 11-30-2010 07:58 PM

D041, 11-07-08: To Ask
"Hey Ask

To your post on the question thread, you asked me about my funniest memory at a photo shoot.

Actually it’s the Lena update that will appear in about two or three weeks here. We were in a shopping center, making out and doing other stuff, and she ended up stealing my shorts and ran off, while of course I had no underwear on, so I’m sitting there, huddling down, trying to make sure nobody can see me, while there’s one person on this side, looking. So I had to run over and crouched down at this other place. And then this other lady peering through a window could see everything that was going on. Lena thought it was pretty funny, but I was pretty mortified.

That was the funniest thing that happened to me during a photo shoot. I’m sure there’ll be plenty of other funny stuff.


Anoree 11-30-2010 08:00 PM

D042, 11-08-08: To Anoree
"Hey Anoree

I read your question on the question thread and you were asking me what I thought about member interference in my personal decisions.

I think it’s great that you guys are taking an interest in what I do and in my personal life and the decisions that I make. But at the same time you’ve got to realize that I’m an adult and I can make my own decisions. But I love listening to what you guys have to say and what you guys think and feel about topics such as doing the hardcore and just different stuff like that. I don’t think it … It doesn’t really bother me all that much.

Thank you, guys, for your opinions and your advice and I really appreciate it.

I hope that answered your question."

Anoree 11-30-2010 08:02 PM

D043, 11-09-08: To Max
"Hey Max

I read your question on the question thread and you were asking me about my best girl and girl experience.

I guess that would have to be my first time ever messing around with a girl. I was with my friend Susie and she was staying the night at my house. We were about to get ready to go to sleep and all of a sudden she kind of starts fondling my boobs. She starts kind of nuzzling my neck and sort of kissing me and stuff and before you know it she had her hands down my pants. It was pretty amazing, but that was my first time doing anything with a girl, so I was a little nervous. It was a pretty intense experience, but definitely worth it.

I hope that answers your question."

Anoree 11-30-2010 08:04 PM

D044, 11-10-08: To Raven_Azrael
"Hello everybody

I just wanted to say that I’m sorry that I wasn’t able to answer everybody’s emails and stuff. I’ve been shooting a lot lately and I just got finished shooting with Playboy. It was quite awesome. I also got to shoot with Brynn and there will be an update that will be appearing on the site soon. I’m not quite sure when, but it’s completely awesome and I’m sure you guys are going to love it.

Today we actually have a birthday. It’s raven_azrael’s birthday. Happy Birthday! I hope it’s a good one.


Anoree 11-30-2010 08:12 PM

D045, 11-11-08: To Armyguy2008
"Hey Armyguy2008

I read your questions on the question thread. You were actually asking me two questions. One of them was: When did I start coming out of my shelf.

I didn’t really start coming out of my shelf until I was about 18 years old. FTV has definitely helped me quite a bit to become more social and just less shy. It was definitely something I had to come over by myself. I remember that I used to never order from servers. It’s quite silly. I was really shy, so I made my mom or made my friends order for me. It’s a great accomplishment when I can order for myself.

The other question that you were asking me was: When did I decide to do the Danielle FTV site.

We decided to do it I think about four months ago, maybe not even that long ago. It was something that I wanted to do when I had shot with FTV. I thought it would be a lot of fun to have my own site like Alison Angel or Lia19. So when Rob brought it up to me I jumped right on it and thought it was an awesome idea. And I think it’s going very well. Hopefully you guys do, too.

I hope that answers your question.


Anoree 11-30-2010 08:14 PM

D046, 11-12-08: To Bassanjeff
"Hey Bassanjeff, I think that’s how you say your name.

I just wanted to say Happy Birthday to my self-proclaimed biggest fan. I hope it’s a great one. So, have a happy birthday!


Anoree 11-30-2010 08:25 PM

D047, 11-13-08: To Grubster
"Hey Grubster

I read your question on the question thread. You were asking about my previous shyness and whether I’m over it or not and if I’m working on it.

You know what; I am still kind of shy. I’m still trying to work on it. I’m getting better as the years go by. I definitely get shy around some of the FTV models, like when I assist their shoots. I get pretty shy when I meet new people and they tend to think that I’m either, I guess, stand offish or stupid, which really just isn’t the case. It’s just shyness, that’s all. But when people get to know me, they realize I’m a pretty sociable person when I’m with my friends. Yep, I’m working on it and I’m sure in 5 years or so I’m not shy anymore.

I hope that answered your question.


Anoree 11-30-2010 08:41 PM

D048, 11-14-08: To Joss
"Hey Joss

I read your question on the question thread. I’m not sure if I should answer it or not because I don’t know if I’ll offend people by answering this, but I will anyways. You were asking me if I believed in god or not and if I believed in heaven and hell.

I do believe in god, but I don’t think that there is just god. I think that there is also, I guess, two parts of god. I think there’s a female and a male form and they’re just one thing, complete. I don’t think you can just have a masculine god, because where’s the feminine part? Kind of silly, but that’s what I believe in.

About the heaven and hell thing, I don’t believe in hell. I think that’s just something that men made up to keep humans in line. I do believe in an afterlife. I also believe in reincarnation. I’m sure that’s going to offend some people. I also believe that pretty much whatever you believe in is going to happen in your afterlife. So, if you’re an atheist and believe that nothing is going to happen and you just rot in the dirt, then that’s going to happen to you. I think that if you do believe in heaven and hell and you believe that you’re going to go to hell, then that’s going to happen to you. But personally, I don’t believe in hell. So, I think I’m going up to some form of heaven, hopefully. I’ve been a pretty good girl.

I hope that answered your question.


Anoree 11-30-2010 08:43 PM

D049, 11-15-08: To All Members
"Hey everybody

I just wanted to tell you that from the 15th to the 22nd I’ll be in Texas for my sister’s baby shower. For some odd reason my sister does not have Internet in her home, so unfortunately I won’t be able to get onto the site or answer anybody’s PMs or Visitor Messages or comments on the posts or threads. So, kind of take it easy on the PMs, because when I get back I don’t want to answer a hundred of them.

I will see you guys when I get back, OK?


Anoree 11-30-2010 08:44 PM

D050, 11-19-08: To ThePrimeMinister
"Hey ThePrimeMinister

Are you really the Prime Minister or are you just faking it? Just kidding.

I just wanted to say Happy Birthday. Today you are, I think, 30 years old. That’s pretty good. That’s a good birthday. Not as great as 21 … just kidding. I hope it’s a good one. You should post more on my board. Also just kidding … not really, but you have to pretend. So have a great birthday today!


Anoree 11-30-2010 09:07 PM

D051, 11-20-08: To Ionman
"Hey Ionman

I read your question on the question thread and you were asking me: Do I prefer guys that are nerds or jocks and why?

Actually I don’t have a preference. I just normally go with whatever I’m attracted to. Most of my boyfriends haven’t been either nerds or jocks, they’ve just been semi popular guys that… yeah, aren’t nerds or jocks. Some of them had some nerd qualities about them, like they play computer games or some of them read a lot. And then, others would work out some, but I could never categorize them. So, I’m a free loving sort of girl. I don’t have a type. Maybe you’ll be my type. - Just kidding.

I hope that answered your question.


Anoree 11-30-2010 09:15 PM

D052, 11-22-08: To Voncroy10
"Hey Voncroy10

I read your questions on the question thread. One of your questions was: When am I planning on quitting modeling?

I’m hoping that I have another five, six, seven years of modeling left in me. It’s a fun job and I really, really enjoy it, but it’s not a steady job and I will be needing a steady job when I get older. After I model I think I want to become a pathologist. That’s about 11 years of school, so I have a lot of schooling to look forward to. But it should be a great job. I’m really excited about it.

And then the other question that you had for me was: What am I good at besides modeling?

I’m good at reading and I’m good at writing. I actually won a short story award in high school. That was pretty awesome. I have a medal for it and everything. I’ll show you guys it some time. But other than that … modeling, reading and writing.

I hope that answered your question.


Anoree 11-30-2010 09:22 PM

D053, 11-24-08: To Voncroy & Mark68
"Hey guys

Today we’re celebrating two birthdays, yeah! Voncroy10’s and Mark6830’s. Sorry, I forgot that for a second. So, I hope you guys have a great birthday. I hope it’s a great one. Have fun, get laid … Hope I get laid. I never get laid. My life is pathetic. Just kidding.


Anoree 11-30-2010 09:33 PM

D054, 11-26-08: To Proxim6
"Hey Proxim6

I read your question in the question thread and you were asking me if I like to dance and if I make a dancer.

I love to dance and … yeah, you guys are going to make fun of me for this … I’ll just show you what kind of a dancer I am.

Let’s see … put some music on first …
[starts music and dances, giggling]
Oh, god, you guys are going to make fun of me for that one, but there’s my dancing skills for you. Hope you enjoyed.


Anoree 11-30-2010 09:36 PM

D055, 11-27-08: To All Members
"Hey guys

I’m back from Texas. Yeah! I have a tan now, how awesome is that? Yeah, Totally. It isn’t a big tan, though. It’s going away in about five days, unless I actually go back and get it over again.

Anyways, I came home to some awesome gifts from you guys. It’s mucho appreciated.

I got a Victoria Secrets gift card from captnjack. Thank you.

I got the Adams Family [snips fingers] from Geolarson. God, I’m a total dweeb.

And then Ugo, sweet Ugo, you got me … I think this goes on your window in the car. Isn’t it cute? It says “I love you.” It’s a little bee person. And a little cat calendar for next year. Thank you. I needed a calendar for next year. And then – you definitely know the way to my heart – you got me the Ferrero Roche candy. I love these things. I named my dog after these.

Thank you so much for these. I really appreciate you guys."

Anoree 11-30-2010 09:40 PM

D056, 11-28-08: To Robertoverde
"Hello Robertoverde

I read your question on the question thread and you were asking me if I ever thought about doing a contest or a meet and greet for my members.

I actually have thought about that. I think it’s a great idea. I’d love to have a contest where the winner gets to meet me, maybe go out on a date with me. You guys can take me out to dinner. Feed me some filet mignon.

But I’ll have to talk to Rob about it and we'll probably set something up. I really think that would be a great idea and a lot of fun. I’d love to meet some of my members.

I will inform you guys when we decide to do that.


Anoree 11-30-2010 09:44 PM

D057, 11-29-08: To Iammatrix
"Hello Iammatrix

Today is your birthday. Happy Birthday! I think you are 31 today. It’s a good birthday. I hope it’s a great one and you should maybe visit my site and post a little bit more, or are you too busy for me? Just kidding. Have a happy birthday, sweetie."

Anoree 11-30-2010 09:50 PM

D058, 11-30-08: To BledAngel & Carlos
"Today we are celebrating two people’s birthdays. Yeah!

Today is BledAngelShadow’s birthday and carlosg805’s birthday.

Happy Birthday, you guys! I hope it’s a great one this year. Well, I hope all of them are great ones, but I hope this one is especially great. Especially, since I’m sending you your own personal video log, yeah! How exciting is that. Just kidding.

So eat lots of cake, get laid, do what birthday people do. Can’t wait ‘till my birthday.

Talk to you later, guys"

Anoree 11-30-2010 10:00 PM

D059, 12-01-08: To Pete
"Hey Pete

I read your question on the question thread and you were asking me if I am ticklish and if so would I like being tickled. It sounds like somebody has a tickling fetish.

Anyways, I’m ticklish. I don’t have a spot that I like to be tickled. That’s not really one of my fetishes. I am ticklish around my tummy area and definitely kind of a little bit on my neck and on my feet, too.

I hope that answered your question."

Anoree 11-30-2010 10:01 PM

D060, 12-02-08: To King Richard
"Hey King Richard

Today is your 38th birthday, yeah! I hope it’s exciting, hope you do something fun. I hope you’re here next year, so I can make you a birthday video log for your 39th birthday. That’s going to be even better than this one. Just kidding.

Have a good one, sweetie."

Anoree 12-01-2010 08:51 PM

D061, 12-03-08: To Lora
"Hey Lora

I think that is how you pronounce your name.

I read your question on the question thread and you were asking me whether I prefer men or women in my “off screen” life.

I don’t really have a preference. It pretty much differs day to day. I mean most of the time I just enjoy women as much as I enjoy men. That’s kind of a vague answer, but I don’t have a preference. But when I’m drinking, it’s definitely normally girls, as you could tell from the Halloween candid video. I was very much in love with Lia then. I’m sure we are all in love with her.

Anyways, I hope that answers your question.


Anoree 12-01-2010 08:54 PM

D062, 12-04-08: To Marcus
"Hey Marcus

I read your question on the question thread. You actually had two questions for me. One of them was: Do I fantasize while I’m masturbating? And the other one was: Does someone being there filming it make a difference?

To the first question, do I fantasize while I’m masturbating: Occasionally I do. It’s mostly when I’m being filmed, because you kind of have to take your mind off of having somebody sit there and watch you. If you’re in public, you have to be thinking of something else, otherwise it takes twenty minutes. But yes, it actually does make a difference with somebody there filming me. I can, in personally life, without being filmed, without anybody there, I can have an orgasm within a minute, and I’ve actually timed that. But when there’s somebody there, filming you, it takes longer and you’re always worrying about how you look on the camera. It’s kind of a pain in the butt sometimes, but you get used to it after a while.

I hope that answered your question.


Anoree 12-01-2010 09:03 PM

D063, 12-05-08: To Funtime2111
"Hey Funtime2111

I read your questions on the question thread and you were asking me what type of books I like to read and what’s the last non-fiction book that I’ve read.

The last non-fiction book that I read was “If Democrats had any brains they’d be Republicans” by Ann Coulter. It was interesting to say the least. She’s … quite … She seems to have a lot of pent up rage for the Democrats, but it’s nice to be able to get both opinions, of the Republicans and the Democrats.

My favorite types of books to read are Science Fiction Fantasy. I love historical fiction like anything from Gregora Phillips? I think that’s her name. I love Pierce Anthony, I think he’s a great, great, great writer. His books are very interesting. They’re family fun books. That’s about it.

I hope that answered your question.


Anoree 12-01-2010 09:06 PM

D064, 12-07-08: To Atticsaurus

Today is your birthday, yeah, how exciting. Not sure how old you are, because you didn’t put the year of your birthday, but anyways, today is still your birthday. I hope it’s a good one and I hope you’re here for another year – hey, that rhymes – so that I can make you another birthday video log. I hope that so far that you’ve been enjoying your time on my website. And for your birthday present from me you get a boob flash! See, boob.

All right, bye"

Anoree 12-01-2010 09:12 PM

D065, 12-08-08: To Munna
"Hey Munna

I read your question on the question thread and you were asking me what other professions I wanted to do before I got into the porn industry.

I used to want to be a stealth fighter pilot until I figured out that you can’t fly multi-million dollar planes with really bad eyesight like I have. So, mostly blind is bad, that was out of the question.

I used to also want to be an actress, still kind of do, but I have to wait for that moment to come.

I wanted to own a metaphysical book store. I’ve always been interested into the paranormal and new age-y stuff like that. I wanted to sell the crystal balls and tons of books and stuff like that.

What else did I want to do?

I wanted to be a nightclub owner, but then I realized that it takes a lot of money and it’s very likely to fail. It’s a very hit and miss type business right there.

I used to want to be a Martitian. Kind of weird, but I always thought that would be kind of cool.

What else? Oh, there’s a ton of jobs. Oh, the CIA Case Officer. But then I realized they don’t let in crazy people like me. Just kidding.

I hope that answered your question."

Anoree 12-01-2010 09:15 PM

D066, 12-09-08: To Alecarustar
"Hey Alecarustar

I think I pronounced that right, hopefully I did. I read your question on the question thread and you were asking me if I were single or not and what my boyfriend thinks about me doing the site and stuff.

I am single. I do date occasionally but it’s very rarely. If I were to have a boyfriend I hope he would be ok with this, the website and the nude modeling and stuff like that. I mean, frankly, it’s none of his business and he should be happy that I’m doing something that I like to do.

I hope that answered your question."

Anoree 12-01-2010 09:18 PM

D067, 12-11-08: To Captnjack
"Hey captnjack

I read your question on the question thread and you were asking me about my broken arm.

I actually broke it Christmas day 2001. I had gotten a new pair of roller blades for Christmas and I decided to try them out and ended up landing right on my left elbow when I decided to go down this very, very steep hill. I remember my sister and her friend came rushing down. I was just screaming, holding my arm in pain. And they were saying then “Oh, it’s just a sprain, it’s just a sprain.” So I walked home covered in mud and went home, washed myself off and went to sleep for about 3 hours. When I woke up I showed my mom and she’s like “Well, it looks like we’re spending Christmas night in the emergency room.” So, that’s where I spent Christmas night.

I ended up having to get surgery on it. It was quite painful and it (my arm) was so swollen, too. It was three times the size that it was. So that’s where I got the little scars from, this little frowny face. That’s where the pins were and that’s where the incision was.

I hope that answered your question.


Anoree 12-01-2010 09:22 PM

D068, 12-13-08: To Bockwurstwasser
"Hey Bockwustwasser

God, I probably just butchered that name. I read your questions on the question thread and you were asking me when I’ve started wearing no undies – let’s see what else – and if I’d had any bad reactions by people who’ve seen it.

I’ve started wearing no underwear probably when I started modeling, because you can’t really wear underwear or bras the day you have a photo shoot because you get the lines and stuff, so probably about last year. And it’s funny, because I own tons and tons and tons of underwear and lingerie and bras and stuff. They don’t really get put to use that often. I do probably like, let’s say, 28 out of 30 days. And I’ve never really been caught. I never had anybody see that I’m not wearing any underwear. Or if they do see, they don’t tell me.

I hope that answered your question."

Anoree 12-01-2010 09:25 PM

D069, 12-15-08: To CK1
"Hey CK1

I read your question on the question thread and you were asking me what my favorite type of date was and you also gave me a list of date ideas.

I guess my top three would be Theme Park for a day, staying home, cooking dinner together and watching a movie, and then going out to dinner and then dancing.

The two that didn’t really care for that much would have to be going to the beach for a day and having a casual meal. Because, personally I just… The beach is really not my thing. I don’t really care for the sun all that much. I mean, it’s great every once in a while, but not really my thing. The other one that isn’t really my “cup of tea” is staying home, cooking dinner and watching sports. Unless it’s the Olympics I don’t really like watching sports, unless it’s a movie about sports, but it would have to be something funny, like Dodge Baller, Balsa Ferrier (sp?), something like that.

I hope that answered your question, right?


Anoree 12-01-2010 09:27 PM

D070, 12-16-08: To CK1
"Hey CK1

I just woke up and realized that I hadn’t made you a birthday video log yet. So, here’s your birthday video log, and I apologize that it’s coming so late.

I hope you have a great birthday today and I hope you’re here for many other birthdays. Celebrate it with me, yeah!

I’m kind of tired but I need to go shower and stuff and get ready for my day.

Have a good day, sweetie!


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