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mart 03-16-2009 06:52 PM

Well thanks for nothing Geezer, Tigger.:rolleyes:

I took a cold shower usually works although Tigger's was tempting.:D

tigger 03-18-2009 01:06 AM

UG Amanda drag me to the mall where we are at. she needs a new pair of shoes to go with the 10,000000000 other pair she has. :( After almost two hours she goes back to the first store we went to and walkes in and grabes a pair and gets them. a nother 45 min of looking at and trying on outfits we go back to the shoe store and she returns the shoes . :confused: We get back to the motel room and she goes into the bathroom and i hear paper wrusling to find her sitting on the edge of the tub craming a cupcake in her mouth!!!!!!!!!!!! Im on a diet and she is sneeking sweets. I give up! :o

DWM222 03-18-2009 02:41 AM


Originally Posted by tigger (Post 9370)
UG Amanda drag me to the mall where we are at. she needs a new pair of shoes to go with the 10,000000000 other pair she has. :( After almost two hours she goes back to the first store we went to and walkes in and grabes a pair and gets them. a nother 45 min of looking at and trying on outfits we go back to the shoe store and she returns the shoes . :confused: We get back to the motel room and she goes into the bathroom and i hear paper wrusling to find her sitting on the edge of the tub craming a cupcake in her mouth!!!!!!!!!!!! Im on a diet and she is sneeking sweets. I give up! :o

Welcome back to the world of "Lady Friends" Tigger...LOL
No pain...No gain:D

Geezer 03-18-2009 03:52 AM


Originally Posted by tigger (Post 9370)
UG Amanda drag me to the mall where we are at. she needs a new pair of shoes to go with the 10,000000000 other pair she has. :( After almost two hours she goes back to the first store we went to and walkes in and grabes a pair and gets them. a nother 45 min of looking at and trying on outfits we go back to the shoe store and she returns the shoes . :confused: We get back to the motel room and she goes into the bathroom and i hear paper wrusling to find her sitting on the edge of the tub craming a cupcake in her mouth!!!!!!!!!!!! Im on a diet and she is sneeking sweets. I give up! :o

Yeah, but did she have you holding her purse while she shopped? Only REAL MEN can hold women's bags during shopping excursions!:eek:

tigger 03-18-2009 01:00 PM


Originally Posted by Geezer (Post 9380)
Yeah, but did she have you holding her purse while she shopped? Only REAL MEN can hold women's bags during shopping excursions!:eek:

Didnt hold it the hole time but did my fair shair. :o

j.d.eeViant 03-19-2009 02:13 AM

I'm going to Adultcon in LA Friday. I have to fly from Florida, and everytime I do I worry I'm going to crash. :(

laranger 03-19-2009 02:41 AM


Originally Posted by j.d.eeViant (Post 9422)
I'm going to Adultcon in LA Friday. I have to fly from Florida, and everytime I do I worry I'm going to crash. :(

I would be more worried about the airplane crashing if I were you.

j.d.eeViant 03-19-2009 02:57 AM

oh great now I'm going to get a complex!!

laranger 03-19-2009 03:09 AM

Sometimes, those will keep ya on your toes, no time for worrying then. :D

j.d.eeViant 03-26-2009 12:27 AM

I have survived and returned!

CK1 03-26-2009 01:04 AM

Good to have you back. Any good stories of your trip?

tigger 03-26-2009 06:56 PM

I just got some sad news . one of Sarahs friends Heather her dad lost his job monday. and last night he hung him self out in the shed behind there house. I dont care how bad things get they are never that bad.

CK1 03-26-2009 10:52 PM

Wow, my heart goes out to that family. loosing a love one is never easy but under those circumstances... its just tragic. be there for them because they will need it.

tigger 03-27-2009 12:09 AM

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This is a piture of sarah and heather is on the right. She is the one who lost her father this morning. She also has a little brother too i think he is 7. Kids dont deserve this. Killing your self solves nothing. It only hurts the ones left behind.

captnjack 03-27-2009 08:26 AM

That is really tragic and must have been traumatic for the family.

mart 03-27-2009 11:21 AM

That is so sad Tigger no one should end their life like that. No matter what the circumstances it becomes a terrible waste of life. My condolences to the family i know you be there to support them. Their'll need all the friends they have for this difficult time.:)

tigger 03-27-2009 09:57 PM

this is such a waist. the guy was only a few yrs. older than me. had a beautiful wife and two great kids. wife has a good job too. cant understand why he did this over lossing his job, from what Sarah has told me they would have ben ok for a while till he was able to find work! they have some family came in from out of state to help out. i told sarah to let me know if there is anything we can do. grandma took dinner over to them last night.

geolarson2 03-27-2009 11:51 PM

I'll admit I've thought about it, and often. I've only admitted that to I think 1 other person before, but since this unfortunately had to come up, I guess I might as well say it here. The thing is, no matter how difficult a day seems to be, I've always wound up not doing something rash. A friend of mine from high school hanged himself, a friend from elementary school through jr. high was accidentally shot to death. I don't allow firearms in the house simply because it would be way too easy for me to pick one up and give in--but that's the thing: I'm stubborn, and I have 2 young someone's to watch over and guide for as long as I can, and I don't want to miss one single day of being here with them. I can also say that while I've dealt with depression since I was young, and have had to find new ways of dealing with it in recent years (with some success, since I'm still here), it isn't easy--loss of pride, status, manhood, loss of dreams or hopes and so on take a heavy toll, and a massive sudden shock is just that--a massive sudden shock. Some days are harder to deal with--some days, were it not for those young ones, I do think I'd put an end to it all, and that's where this idea I read about that things aren't necessarily good or bad, they just are, so if you just take and accept them for what they are without imposing your own wishes on them, it makes life so much easier. There's this old parable that sums things up about 3 old men who drink vinegar. Two of the guys wind up wincing or frowning because the vinegar tastes "icky", but the 3rd guy smiles. Why? Well, because the vinegar tastes like vinegar, and that's a good thing just because that's what vinegar's supposed to taste like. I hope that made some sense ...my sincerest condolences go out to your daughter's friend & family, tigger.

geolarson2 03-28-2009 05:32 PM

Somewhat odd Genealogy Trivia
Way back in my undergrad days, after I'd switched from psych to anthro to history, I found myself in a class on Medieval Britain. While there, I found myself analyzing the motives of the nobles & Crown, and that led me to look at familial ties. Anyway, long story short the whole thing became a nice little hobby of mine that branched out to the rest of Europe and into America. So this morning I'm just scrolling through my index and looking at the various names and such, and it dawned on me--Barack Hussein Obama and Alexander Boris de Pfeffel Johnson, President of the United States and Mayor of London respectively, have some interesting parallels in their families. Both have Muslim ancestors, while neither is a Muslim (Obama's grandfather converted to Islam from I think it was the Catholic Church, and Johnson's grandfather converted from Islam to the Anglican Church if I have it right--Obama, of course, was raised by his mother and maternal grandparents who were Methodists). Both are of mixed-race--Obama's father was Kenyan, Johnson's great-grandfather was a Turk (his son, Boris's grandfather, changed the family name from Kemal to Johnson). Both also have their ties to slavery. Obama's mother's family once owned slaves, while Boris's great-great-grandmother was a slave, the difference is that Obama's family's slaves were of African origin, while Johnson's great-great-grandma was Caucasian (and here I don't mean she was white, although she was, I mean that she apparently came from the Caucasus). And while obviously on his mother's side Barack has American ancestry, including a few ancestors from New England, Johnson does, too--his maternal great-grandmother was born Helen Tracy Porter in Towanda PA, while her family came to PA from Connecticut & Massachusetts. It just struck me this morning that here you have two prominent politicians with some interesting titbits of trivia in their family trees. Oh, and by the way, they're distantly related to each other--both are at the very least descended from Edward I of England (Obama through his immigrant ancestors, Edward FitzRandolph of MA & Eltonhead Conway Thacker of VA; Johnson through Auguste Guelph, sister of King George III, who married King Friedrich I of Wuerttemburg).

captnjack 03-28-2009 08:54 PM

Geo your are a fountain of knowledge...where do you find this stuff?

tigger 03-29-2009 01:39 AM

Sarah called me today. she spent most of the day down at Heathers house helping out with cleaning and cooking along with a few other friends. the funeral is tomarow i wont be able to make it home. Sarah told me that they are having problems with there car they have to unhook the battery at night or it will be dead in the morning. there must be a short somewere. i told her I would look at it when i get home tue. Heathers aunt is staying for a cupple weeks so her mom will have someone there. I told her if they need a car right now to let them use mine. Its not much a 86 camery 3 diffrent colors. i bought it wrecked and using junk yard parts put it back together. dosent look like much but it runs good and gets great gas milage. it makes an exilent run around car. my truck only gets about 12 mpg. Gess Heathers little brother is taking it varry hard, he is only 7yrs. her mom wanted the shed where he killed him self gone so i called down to the fire hall and a cupple of the guys went down and tore it down and hauled off all the crap today. Her mom wants to talk to me when i get home , Heather thinks she wants me to take all the stuff of her husbands out of the garage. but she isnot shure, but i will go over and see her when i get home. the team all pitched in and came up with $250 for me to give her. so that was nice of them.

tigger 03-29-2009 06:50 PM

Boy did I make a little screw up today!!!!!!!!! We stoped at a rest stop and I had to go varry varry bad. I jumped from the truck ran yes ran into the bathroom just made it on the pot. im sitting there doing my buisnes an i hear girls talking , then it hit me i had run into the ladys room! :eek: I sat there till all was quiet thought i had gotten away with it when i came out the door the two girls that were in there were right there!!!! I just said afternoon ladys and quickly got out to my truck.

T-bone Thomas 03-29-2009 08:04 PM


Originally Posted by tigger (Post 9762)
Boy did I make a little screw up today!!!!!!!!! We stoped at a rest stop and I had to go varry varry bad. I jumped from the truck ran yes ran into the bathroom just made it on the pot. im sitting there doing my buisnes an i hear girls talking , then it hit me i had run into the ladys room! :eek: I sat there till all was quiet thought i had gotten away with it when i came out the door the two girls that were in there were right there!!!! I just said afternoon ladys and quickly got out to my truck.

LOL. I can see the situation in my mind right in front of me. So funny! Thanks for sharing with us, Tigger. You made me laugh and saved a boring Sunday.

grande351 03-29-2009 09:05 PM

OMG Tigger!!!
I've done the SAME thing!
I was at an event in one of those big fairgrounds buildings and they had bathrooms with no doors, just a wall. You walk around the wall and you're inside. To the left it's the ladies' room and to the right is the men's room. Well, I didn't see the sign and went to the left! Somehow, maybe because it was early and the coffee hadn't kicked in yet, I never noticed the lack of urinals and went in the stall and sat down. Just like you, I heard female voices and the cold, embarassing reality set in. I finished my "business" and when I didn't hear anybody, I pulled my pants up, threw open the stall door and made a run for it! I sprinted out of there like that Jamacian fellow that won the Olympics. I don't think anybody noticed :D

CK1 03-29-2009 09:24 PM

Well... i had a similar but different experience. i participated in the Disney World Half Marathon (don't be impressed, i walked it. didn't really run) and i experienced something that i was not aware of. Runner are not shy. several times along the course i saw people running into the bushes to take care of business. Men and women. and sometimes they were not concerned with being hidden as much as going as quickly as possible to not loose time. i could not do that and "waited" until we were in one of the parks. so by the time i get there i am actually running (the only time i really ran) and i run towards the bathrooms... now having been at the parks millions of times i knew where i was going... so i make a mad dash to the bathroom only to walk in and see a line of women waiting to use the stalls. i quickly said "sorry." and started to walk out when i notice the sign said
"MEN" and there were urinals on one side of the bathroom. my look of confusion got one of the women to say "lines in the womens bathroom are worse." and another replied "Nothing we havent seen before." needless to say i never had such a hard time going. think aboug trying to "go" with about half a dozen plus women behind you.

geolarson2 03-30-2009 04:42 PM


Originally Posted by captnjack (Post 9751)
Geo your are a fountain of knowledge...where do you find this stuff?

What started off with little hand-drawn charts of English nobles & kings has turned into a 200,000+ person database that I can only keep sorted out using a computer. For me part of the fun was learning a little about someone's background when I decided to add them in, coupled with the research & digging through musty, dusty old books and scanning microfiche & microfilm (when I started, I didn't have a PC--I got one 5 years later, when a top-of-the-line PC was the Pentium 133), and then there's the jigsaw effect. Imagine putting together a jigsaw puzzle that's all face-down, you don't know how many pieces it has, exactly, and trying to sort it out by learning what clues each piece has and then filling them in. (I actually used to do that stuff when I was a kid with MC Escher puzzles.) But to be honest my knowledge is pretty scatter-shot anymore. I'm not 100% sure what got me thinking about Boris Johnson & Barack Obama--might have been listening to the radio where Mick Fleetwood was being interviewed, which reminded me of John Entwistle (they sound similar in conversation, and kinda look similar, at least their noses), which reminded me of Boris the Spider which I guess is what made me think of Boris Johnson. And then a little later I had cable news on and naturally they were talking about the Obama administration and so maybe somewhere in the deep, dark recesses of my mind (places no one should go without taking precautions), up popped the whole slavery thing. That, I think, has been rolling around in the back of my mind for a couple months now because it appears that relatives of mine were involved in the American slave trade--and I have no southern ancestry. Back the beginning of the year, I read an article about Rhode Island's slave trade which continued right up 1842 (I did have to look that up). Anyway, a lot of what I come up with actually comes from what I dug up back a decade and more ago which a trusty PC and a couple nice programs keep track of for me now. I can honestly say, though, that I don't think I'd do so well standing behind a lectern teaching nowadays--the bits & pieces are there in my noggin, they just aren't so well organized today.

Truth is, I'm an information junkie, and I love problem & puzzle solving. One upon a time I thought it would be great to be an intelligence analyst, more in the Robert Redford/Three Days of the Condor vein than the Tom Clancy/Jack Ryan (or Jack Bauer) line. To that end, I liked surveying some of the bigger blogs (i.e., Kos, Red State, Talking Points), watched the various editorial programs on cable news (i.e., O'Reilly, Olbermann) and so on. Back in college, I used to watch C-Span & C-Span2 a lot, especially the foreign broadcasts (i.e., Prime Minister's Questions during Maggie Thatcher's, John Major's and Tony Blair's governments, BBC World, CBC with Peter Mansbridge), surveyed various papers (WSJ, NY Times, Wash Post--my favourite), listen to NPR regularly (I'm actually tired of the opinion programs, from Rush to Air America). Anyway that's what drives me, for what its worth. Oh, just a "fun fact" sort of, but I actually have a distant cousin who happens to be married to someone with almost exactly the same surname as Rob--just with an "i" instead of a "y". Weird, huh?

geolarson2 03-30-2009 04:44 PM


Originally Posted by tigger (Post 9762)
Boy did I make a little screw up today!!!!!!!!! We stoped at a rest stop and I had to go varry varry bad. I jumped from the truck ran yes ran into the bathroom just made it on the pot. im sitting there doing my buisnes an i hear girls talking , then it hit me i had run into the ladys room! :eek: I sat there till all was quiet thought i had gotten away with it when i came out the door the two girls that were in there were right there!!!! I just said afternoon ladys and quickly got out to my truck.

You know, I very nearly went to a university that had coed baths (Go Banana Slugs!!!!). If only I'd paid more attention to funding, what fun might have been ...;)

captnjack 03-31-2009 01:06 AM


Originally Posted by geolarson2 (Post 9772)
...Truth is, I'm an information junkie, and I love problem & puzzle solving. One upon a time I thought it would be great to be an intelligence analyst, more in the Robert Redford/Three Days of the Condor vein than the Tom Clancy/Jack Ryan (or Jack Bauer) line...

Geo that is amazing and I can imagine you as the Robert Robert character / 3 Days of the Condor. I hope that is a compliement it was meant to be anyway.

geolarson2 03-31-2009 01:31 AM


Originally Posted by captnjack (Post 9788)
Geo that is amazing and I can imagine you as the Robert Robert character / 3 Days of the Condor. I hope that is a compliment it was meant to be anyway.

It is! BTW, did you know Redford, on his mother's side, is a great-great-great grandson of Rep. Robert M. Bugg (Whig-TN)? His ex-wife is related to Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse (D-RI) and Watergate special prosecutor Solicitor Gen. Archibald Cox? Small world. Back to 3 Days, Max von Sydow was born in the same city my great-grandpa was born, and was also a cousin of Swedish Prime Minister Knut Hammarskjold and his son, UN Secretary General Dag.

tigger 03-31-2009 11:30 AM

I have a hard time rembering my phone number. :o

geolarson2 03-31-2009 01:23 PM


Originally Posted by tigger (Post 9802)
I have a hard time rembering my phone number. :o

So do I! I have it written here by my computer, and on the fridge by the phone. What can I say? Some circuits work in the ol' noggin, some are on the fritz still. Sometimes it amazes me what I remember, and at the same time it does piss me off what I've forgotten. Que sera sera ...whatever will be, will be (love Sly & the Family Stone, BTW!)

j.d.eeViant 03-31-2009 04:38 PM


Originally Posted by CK1 (Post 9659)
Good to have you back. Any good stories of your trip?

Yeah sorry for the delayed reply but there was more important stuff going on in the topic and I didn't want to interrupt. Overall it was a fun trip and I got to meet a lot of girl i like, and even worked with Sophie Dee in her booth for a while. I've been talking with her online for the past 2 1/2 years so it was nice to finally meet her in person and she was just as nice in person.

YetAnotherDave 03-31-2009 11:31 PM

Hey geo, seeing you do your bit on my Mayor, Boris, we have a TV programme in the UK on BBC which does Family Trees etc "Who Do You Think You Are?". Boris was on it a series or so ago and remember seeing it with info you described :D

This is one link http://www.bbc.co.uk/whodoyouthinkyo...-johnson.shtml and a YouTube Video here http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dozUkeDXXgw

tigger 04-01-2009 12:25 AM

1 Attachment(s)
Sarah wanted a pond and i was kinda ok with that. the problem all the fallen trees and stumps.

tigger 04-01-2009 12:28 AM

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tractor battery was dead!!!!!!!:(

tigger 04-01-2009 12:31 AM

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Needed a little bigger equipment than i had. lol:D

tigger 04-01-2009 12:34 AM

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bigger boys have bigger toys! :p

tigger 04-01-2009 12:37 AM

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packing down the edge with the crawler.

tigger 04-01-2009 12:41 AM

1 Attachment(s)
And now we have a pond.

WhyYou 04-01-2009 01:14 AM


Originally Posted by tigger (Post 9822)
And now we have a pond.

Your pond needs some water to become a pond...start peeing in the backyard...lol!


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