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geolarson2 10-14-2008 06:05 PM

I have to say, I am very happy for you that the tattoos are coming off. I am sorry that it hurts though. I showed your removal video to that relative of mine who went white and has had second thoughts now. Said relative has given up on even Cracker Jack or ball-point tats! On the one hand, its kinda cool to do something spontaneous when I'm a very reserved person (that friend of mine from 2d grade on who lives down your way has told me several times that I think too much). So in some ways I'm envious (I admit it) that you could do something on the spur of the moment, but then you have to live with the consequences sometimes, or you have to go in for 6 months having a laser burn those "indiscretions" off. When I had too much to drink and wound up piercing my ear (did it myself with a safety pin & cheap silver stud--always had trouble finding the exit hole though and always wound up getting (ahem) irritated & just shoving it through) I knew it was something that could come out when I got bored with it. BTW, I was sorry to read about that infection at your belly button--hope the antibiotics are helping it.

And riding a mechanical bull, huh? With friends like those, who needs Rob? To quote Mr. Kool-Aid, "Oh, yeah!" It must have been quite an experience--for the patrons! Will she lose her top? Can the dress contain her? Tune in next week for another adventure of Danielle of the West!

Max 10-17-2008 04:26 AM


Originally Posted by MISSY (Post 2038)
You were 19 when I was born.:D

then you were 17 when I was born

Max 10-17-2008 04:33 AM


Originally Posted by danielle_ftv (Post 2332)
I've had two sessions already. On a 1-10 pain scale it's probably an 6 1/2 or 7. They aren't quite sure how many treatments it will take but after two sessions I am already seeing it lighten up and the shading in the middle is almost gone. Last time I went in I went 30 minutes early so they could put numbing cream on the skin...but that didn't seem to work very well. I don't really do anything, just lay there. It will take more than 6 months to get the tattoos off so unfortunately you guys will be seeing it for awhile.

I know that it may take a while, but at least you are getting them removed. I am a man of patience, and we would still love you even if you had them, but it is good that you are getting them removed. I am looking forward to see how pretty you will be without them.

PurplePanties 10-19-2008 12:39 PM

Once the treatment is over, will there be any sign/indication of the tattoo left, ie a slight difference in skin tone to the surrounding area?

tigger 10-21-2008 11:30 AM

im back. unless they find something else they want to experiment on.lol glad to see you enjoyed your trip i was there for 1 day when i was in the service. thanks for letting Missy come on here and keep me updated on everthing. last night was the first time i could rilly see well enough to read the screen.

DWM222 10-21-2008 01:55 PM

Welcome back....lucky girl...I love Hawaii..Hope you had a great time:)

eastbill 10-22-2008 12:17 AM

Yes very lucky girl. I love Hawaii too.. was there in september. why cant i ever be there and see someone as good looking as you?
Where in Hawaii did you go?

Next time take me please..........

danielle_ftv 10-22-2008 01:31 AM

They won't know until it's completely done...though they say there shouldn't be any "ghost image". Hopefully there won't be, but I guess if there is I will just have to use a little Dermablend.

Originally Posted by PurplePanties (Post 2775)
Once the treatment is over, will there be any sign/indication of the tattoo left, ie a slight difference in skin tone to the surrounding area?

danielle_ftv 10-22-2008 01:32 AM

The big island. That was my second time in Hawaii. It's funny how I thought I would hate it (I don't really care for the sun or the beach) but when I got there I just feel in love with it.


Originally Posted by eastbill (Post 2884)
Yes very lucky girl. I love Hawaii too.. was there in september. why cant i ever be there and see someone as good looking as you?
Where in Hawaii did you go?

Next time take me please..........

actually she was in Oahu/Waikiki/Honolulu -Rob

a_danielle_fan999 10-22-2008 05:46 AM


Originally Posted by danielle_ftv
The big island. That was my second time in Hawaii. It's funny how I thought I would hate it (I don't really care for the sun or the beach) but when I got there I just feel in love with it.

I love to see your photoshoots in San Diego, my hometown. :)

San Diego has a lot of deserted stretches of beach for your private photo shooting sessions.

eastbill 10-22-2008 09:15 PM

oh i know what you mean you do fall in love with it.


Originally Posted by danielle_ftv (Post 2898)
The big island. That was my second time in Hawaii. It's funny how I thought I would hate it (I don't really care for the sun or the beach) but when I got there I just feel in love with it.

actually she was in Oahu/Waikiki/Honolulu -Rob

Max 10-23-2008 03:28 AM


Originally Posted by danielle_ftv (Post 2898)
The big island. That was my second time in Hawaii. It's funny how I thought I would hate it (I don't really care for the sun or the beach) but when I got there I just feel in love with it.

actually she was in Oahu/Waikiki/Honolulu -Rob

What kind of stuff did you do there?

danielle_ftv 10-24-2008 12:46 AM

Shoot stuff...

Originally Posted by Max (Post 2958)
What kind of stuff did you do there?

a_danielle_fan999 10-24-2008 01:14 PM

I like to share with you my favorite photo I took in my Hawaii vacation last year (I'm only a amateur photographer not a pro)


a_danielle_fan999 10-24-2008 01:30 PM

A quiet afternoon in San Diego...



FTVGirls_Rob 10-24-2008 05:34 PM

The shoot was similar in locations to the Larysa & Faye shoot..

a_danielle_fan999 10-24-2008 07:17 PM

The Hawaii photo was taken at the Polynesian Cultural Center at the start of the Polynesian pageant.

The San Diego photos were taken at Windansea, the surf capital of San Diego.

chris 10-27-2008 04:30 AM

Hi Danielle,

Don't know what I like best, the journal or the vids:) I haven't read everything yet but I wanted to say thanks before I dive in. Please keep posting, although I didn't get an invite to the Halloween party, I am looking forward to reading about it.:)-

danielle_ftv 10-27-2008 06:02 AM

OMG...I love the Polynesian Cultural Center. I totally fell in love with the Maorians (New Zealand) when I went there.


Originally Posted by a_danielle_fan999 (Post 3021)
The Hawaii photo was taken at the Polynesian Cultural Center at the start of the Polynesian pageant.

The San Diego photos were taken at Windansea, the surf capital of San Diego.

sonny 10-27-2008 06:05 AM

Ha, that's great news about the financial site! I always feel asleep in econ class, I probably just needed you as a teacher. Also, funnel cakes are the best things on earth, but only when eaten at fairs. They never seem to taste as good when you have them other places.

Geezer 10-27-2008 09:15 PM


Originally Posted by a_danielle_fan999 (Post 3021)
The Hawaii photo was taken at the Polynesian Cultural Center at the start of the Polynesian pageant.

The San Diego photos were taken at Windansea, the surf capital of San Diego.

Isn't the Polynesian Cultural Center run by the Mormon Church? If so, I bet they just love having FTV shoots on their grounds. I HOPE I am confusing this center with a different one!:o

geolarson2 10-27-2008 09:22 PM


Originally Posted by Geezer (Post 3158)
Isn't the Polynesian Cultural Center run by the Mormon Church? If so, I bet they just love having FTV shoots on their grounds. I HOPE I am confusing this center with a different one!:o

Yep, the PCC's on grounds belonging to BYU Hawaii.

geolarson2 10-27-2008 09:25 PM


Originally Posted by danielle_ftv (Post 3117)
OMG...I love the Polynesian Cultural Center. I totally fell in love with the Maorians (New Zealand) when I went there.

Its just a bit o' trivia, but Russell Crowe's part Maori.

eastbill 10-27-2008 10:59 PM

cool about the photoshoots. i can imagine standing for a pinhole cam would be difficult. that photo in Hawaii... i love it. i know where that was i was there in september. i am a real hawaii o phile. i cant wait to see your pictures in hawaii and those of you in your costume for your party.

danielle_ftv 10-29-2008 04:04 AM

Oh gawd...I don't think FTV has ever shot there. It's to far away from Waikiki/Honolulu to do a shoot there. Plus there is way to many people to get away with anything.

And yes it is run by the Mormons.


Originally Posted by Geezer (Post 3158)
Isn't the Polynesian Cultural Center run by the Mormon Church? If so, I bet they just love having FTV shoots on their grounds. I HOPE I am confusing this center with a different one!:o

eastbill 10-30-2008 12:57 AM

yeah that would not be a bad area. but there are lots of other places there that not many people are. some beautiful out of the way places in Oahu.

a_danielle_fan999 11-02-2008 01:46 PM

When you're in Oahu I highly recommend the Turtle Bay Resort (http://www.turtlebayresort.com/). It's in Northern Oahu and about right between the famous North Shore and Polynesian Cultural Center (10 or 20 minutes drive to either location in opposite directions)

The place gives you the Old Hawaii feelings because of its beautiful yet somewhat seclusive location. It also has very excellent tennis and golf facility there too.

Many national and international events have been held there.

Many Hollywood movies have also been made there. The most recent one is this "Forgetting Sarah Marshall" movie (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D9podUETps8).

Ryan 11-03-2008 12:29 PM


I enjoyed both videos. :D

And I voted for ya.

Nice job, Danielle. :)

danielle_ftv 11-03-2008 10:15 PM

Awesome thank you. Mucho appreciated. The owners of the site are really cool and I think it's awesome that they are spending their time and money to make this free site that helps people learn about financial stuff.


Originally Posted by Ryan (Post 3451)

I enjoyed both videos. :D

And I voted for ya.

Nice job, Danielle. :)

captnjack 11-03-2008 11:14 PM

Well I voted for you also but just the free one.

grande351 11-03-2008 11:28 PM

I voted for you also! The videos were very nice. All the working out you've been doing really shows.
I also noticed when bit your lower lip. I love it when you do that! I have NO idea why, i just do :)

For Captnjack: Both of the videos are free, you have to register to see the second one, but it doesn't cost anything.

geolarson2 11-04-2008 01:57 AM

Agreed with Ryan, captnjack & grande351--really nice video of you, and a very interesting concept. big cheers--

ugo 11-05-2008 09:19 PM

Whoever is able of to make the " Classical Man " that tries to hook Danielle (or other woman) for purposes of sex and vulgarity, should be ashamed!!!!!:mad:

You try to reason well, men!!! And you learn the gentleness and the respect toward the women (also naked).

geolarson2 11-05-2008 09:20 PM

Don't change who you are ...listen to yourself (oh, and me, but just this once ;)). You aren't someone's puppet, you don't need someone telling you to put your piercings back, after you've decided to get rid of them. You're a grown, intelligent woman--you can make up your mind for yourself. Just because your profession is as a model and you aren't ashamed of who you are or what you look like and are relatively comfortable with nudity doesn't mean you're out to hook up with some stranger who thinks its cool (macho?) to send you explicit emails, treat you like an unfeeling object or have trouble telling fantasy from reality--you only work in fantasy, but you live in the real world, just like everyone else. Guys who think its fun or cool to play cheesy games, who think its proof of their manliness or manhood should probably do one of two things--get out a ruler and double-check, or just simply walk away with their tails between their legs because I think we all know that in reality they're just compensating for something. And lastly, you don't need me standing up for you when you can do it so well yourself, and I won't have your back, or run interference for you, but what I will do is stand beside you, side by side, and support you when you confront those who try to intimidate you one way or another. You are who you are, Ms D, and if that's too much for some little boys (or girls) to deal with, then maybe they need to visit a site more aimed at them.

eastbill 11-05-2008 10:51 PM

Danielle. i am amazed that people can be that way. You dont need to change anything. you are an extremely beautiful woman. There is no way anyone should be asking you to change what you do. you chose a certain way and that is how it is. like geolarson2 said you are no ones puppet. You have too much of a mind to be like that. Games are not where it is at. I know i am greatful for all you do and never expect you to answer me or anyone if that was not your mood or desire. so know your true fans love you just the way you are. happy with your smile and your warmth.
Thank you.

dtstuff9 11-05-2008 11:23 PM

haha....myspace....some things never change. There are plenty of reasons why I don't use myspace and that was one of them. Anyway, hope you're in a better mood.

YetAnotherDave 11-05-2008 11:33 PM


Just read your journal of Nov 5th and I am amazed that folks actually have the audacity to write that sort of crap and stuff like that and generally disrespect you in that way. Bin 'em & ban 'em imho ! btw you won't offend any right minded folks on the site with comments like that.

Moving on, I'd like to say thank you for doing that Video Log for me that I asked for, I mean in response to my question. :) hehe It was a real surprise to see my name on the updates. XX

Also thanks for that recent PM following up earlier discussion. My sentiments entirely.

danielle_ftv 11-06-2008 01:11 AM

Thanks you guys. I love how caring all of you are. I'm proud to have such...well, friends :)

Geezer 11-06-2008 02:30 AM

Stay Strong
Sticks and stones may break my bones but names will never hurt me. I THINK that is how the saying goes.

Anyway, Danielle, there will always be those who want to tear someone down or think they are better than another based on different life choices. It's life and it can't be avoided. Some people, because of what you do, feel it's their "right" to call you names, say bad things about you, proposition you, whatever.

But... if you remain strong and true to yourself, these people can't have any effect on you. Just realize idiots and ******** are everywhere and make the conscious choice to "blow them off" and pay no attention. It's probably difficult being young without a life time of experience behind you but, trust me, as one who has experience their own share of ridicule, "those people" don't mean diddly in the big scheme of life. Be tough and true to yourself!;)

ugo 11-06-2008 08:14 AM

I think that the true friends are alone here, to the forum of You, Danielle.:) Other parts there is a lot of confusion and liberty to be too much explicit.

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