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geolarson2 04-01-2009 02:36 AM


Originally Posted by YetAnotherDave (Post 9814)
Hey geo, seeing you do your bit on my Mayor, Boris, we have a TV programme in the UK on BBC which does Family Trees etc "Who Do You Think You Are?". Boris was on it a series or so ago and remember seeing it with info you described :D

This is one link http://www.bbc.co.uk/whodoyouthinkyo...-johnson.shtml and a YouTube Video here http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dozUkeDXXgw

Fascinating! Thank you most kindly, Dave. I know that there's a couple genealogy programs (or programmes if you prefer) on the BBC or ITV (I get BBC America, but they don't show those programs--I'm happy with Dr. Who & Torchwood), and I know Lisa Kudrow was trying to get one of them imported for the US, like we stole, I mean borrowed, any number of your shows to Americanize them. More often than not, I find when I wind up talking genes with my fellow countrymen & women that they're surprised to find that there are a number of well-known British names who have American connections (i.e., The Queen Mum, Princess Diana, Winston Churchill), but does it surprise you at all to find that your Lord Mayor had American ancestors? Or that Rachel Ward and Adam Hart-Davis also have American connections? In Lady Ward's case, she's a great-great-great-great-great granddaughter of Sen. William Bingham; in Adam's case, his maternal grandmother was a Borden from New England (that would be the same family as Borden Condensed Milk and Lizzie--Adam's grandma was also a great-aunt of Adlai Stevenson III).

tigger 04-01-2009 10:19 PM

We just finnished with dinner and Sarah was trying to dish out some icecream and it was frozen solid. so she asked me if i could get some out so i grabed the scoop and dug in and a big piece flew out brazed sarahs hair hit grandma in the arm and landed in pouncers dish! we all had a little chuckel out of it and grandpa said now that the cat has his how about the rest of us. grandma took it from me and put it in the microwave for 30 sec and sarah was able to dish us out some and pouncer enjoyed his too! :D

mart 04-02-2009 11:31 AM


Originally Posted by tigger (Post 9822)
And now we have a pond.

I had a pond once but it had water in it Tigger lol. Are you waiting for the rain Tigger? easier than filling it yourself. ;)
That sounds like a very suspicious icecream story Tigger. I mean tell the truth you felt sorry for Pouncer. So you thought you'd aim a bit of icecream his way.:D

tigger 04-02-2009 12:31 PM


Originally Posted by mart (Post 9857)
I had a pond once but it had water in it Tigger lol. Are you waiting for the rain Tigger? easier than filling it yourself. ;)
That sounds like a very suspicious icecream story Tigger. I mean tell the truth you felt sorry for Pouncer. So you thought you'd aim a bit of icecream his way.:D

We are supost to get a week of rain so im hoping it will help! Sarah will pry get one of the guys at the fire hall to bring the tanker up and put some in it. she is already talking about what kind if fish she wants. The house is on the side of a mountan and the water shed comes right down the property so i dug a trench to aim it to the pond hole! I get a break on my house ins. by having a pond on the property. all of the wild life has already investigated it. There were prints all over the place the next morning.

pouncer always gets to lick the dishes out but he got a treat this time , no one wanted it after it was covered in cat food! :D as soon as the team flyes in i will be heading out, back to the grind. I got Amanda a huge jar of pickles the real big kind, she loves them and so does Missy. Amanda did not come home with me this time she had to take care of some things at home. and i got a lot done with out her trying to clean everything.

geolarson2 04-02-2009 03:58 PM


Originally Posted by tigger (Post 9822)
And now we have a pond.

So how's the drainage? 3 of my first 4 jobs were in pet shops working with freshwater fish--do you have a natural filter or something mechanical? Activated carbon can help scrub the water, but you also need something that will oxygenate it (is it very windy where you are, because the ripples can help with that). Without those two things, the fishies'll wind up swimming in the liquid equivalent of LA on a bad air day (i.e., no air, in their own filth--no offense to LA residents, but that's what happens when you overpopulate a basin that gets wind but is bottled up by mountain ranges that prevent the pollution to dissipate). You'll need something hardy without a doubt (carp are usually pretty good), and you might need to cover the pond, depending on how big & deep it is, at night to keep wildlife away with something like a chicken wire screen. One thing you don't want is for the water to just stand there, since mosquitoes breed in still water, algae grows fast in it and so on, but even if you give it a good stir every day you can probably get oxygen in for the fish, keep the algae and skeeters from taking hold and so on. One last thing, but there's this general rule of thumb for populating a pond or aquarium that goes for every gallon of water you have, you can have up to 1 inch of fish, so if you take a 20 gallon aquarium and stick 20 1" tetras in it, you're at the maximum level that size tank can support. I used to keep something bigger though--a nice 100 gallon aquarium with a couple S. American catfish (plecostimus & hoplo), a couple silver dollars, an oscar and a black pacu. The oscar grew to 12", the pacu, when I got rid of him, was 18", the silver dollars topped out at about 4" and the cats were 18" & 6". I also ran a pair of Marineland Emperors Bio-wheels & a Marineland HOT Magnum canister, but still had to do a 30% water change monthly. I still have the equipment & tank, but the floor of my apt. can't hold up so much weight (8.4 pounds per gallon, plus about 40 pounds of gravel, the rocks, the acrylic tank itself, filters, &c., adds up to close to 1000 pounds all in all in roughly a 3" x 5" base :eek:)

tigger 04-02-2009 10:13 PM


Originally Posted by geolarson2 (Post 9867)
So how's the drainage? 3 of my first 4 jobs were in pet shops working with freshwater fish--do you have a natural filter or something mechanical? Activated carbon can help scrub the water, but you also need something that will oxygenate it (is it very windy where you are, because the ripples can help with that). Without those two things, the fishies'll wind up swimming in the liquid equivalent of LA on a bad air day (i.e., no air, in their own filth--no offense to LA residents, but that's what happens when you overpopulate a basin that gets wind but is bottled up by mountain ranges that prevent the pollution to dissipate). You'll need something hardy without a doubt (carp are usually pretty good), and you might need to cover the pond, depending on how big & deep it is, at night to keep wildlife away with something like a chicken wire screen. One thing you don't want is for the water to just stand there, since mosquitoes breed in still water, algae grows fast in it and so on, but even if you give it a good stir every day you can probably get oxygen in for the fish, keep the algae and skeeters from taking hold and so on. One last thing, but there's this general rule of thumb for populating a pond or aquarium that goes for every gallon of water you have, you can have up to 1 inch of fish, so if you take a 20 gallon aquarium and stick 20 1" tetras in it, you're at the maximum level that size tank can support. I used to keep something bigger though--a nice 100 gallon aquarium with a couple S. American catfish (plecostimus & hoplo), a couple silver dollars, an oscar and a black pacu. The oscar grew to 12", the pacu, when I got rid of him, was 18", the silver dollars topped out at about 4" and the cats were 18" & 6". I also ran a pair of Marineland Emperors Bio-wheels & a Marineland HOT Magnum canister, but still had to do a 30% water change monthly. I still have the equipment & tank, but the floor of my apt. can't hold up so much weight (8.4 pounds per gallon, plus about 40 pounds of gravel, the rocks, the acrylic tank itself, filters, &c., adds up to close to 1000 pounds all in all in roughly a 3" x 5" base :eek:)

Im going to climb down in it and fart to cause bubbles and like whyyou said pee in it that ought to kill the sketers. :D i got a solar power float that sprays water and we will pry get a cat fish and a few carp and some bluegils . it is just going to be a wild pond. and a redneck swiming pool. the pitures dont do it justice it is about 30 ft acrost and 12 ft deep in the middle. about the wildlife if they can catch it they can have it. the racoons will go into the barn and build a boat and get down my fishing rods and paddle out and pry have better luck than i would. lol I have given up on trying to keep them out of things!

geolarson2 04-02-2009 10:38 PM


Originally Posted by tigger (Post 9877)
Im going to climb down in it and fart to cause bubbles and like whyyou said pee in it that ought to kill the sketers. :D i got a solar power float that sprays water and we will pry get a cat fish and a few carp and some bluegils . it is just going to be a wild pond. and a redneck swiming pool. the pitures dont do it justice it is about 30 ft acrost and 12 ft deep in the middle. about the wildlife if they can catch it they can have it. the racoons will go into the barn and build a boat and get down my fishing rods and paddle out and pry have better luck than i would. lol I have given up on trying to keep them out of things!

Brilliant! I love that, a wild pond. My brother's grandma used to live up along a canal that entered Lake Mukwonago (sp?) in Wisconsin--I went there one summer and had a great time floating down the canal into the lake on an old navy survival raft! Oh, and the sout ranch I used to go to in Colorado up by Red Feather Lakes had its own little "lake"--cold as hell, yeah, but the oler brother of a friend of mine and some other scout lifeguards built a tripod rope swing there one summer that was wicked fun! Tell ya what though, tigger, I am envious that you can build a pond on your land like that and just have fun with it! :cool:

tigger 04-03-2009 12:07 AM


Originally Posted by geolarson2 (Post 9879)
Brilliant! I love that, a wild pond. My brother's grandma used to live up along a canal that entered Lake Mukwonago (sp?) in Wisconsin--I went there one summer and had a great time floating down the canal into the lake on an old navy survival raft! Oh, and the sout ranch I used to go to in Colorado up by Red Feather Lakes had its own little "lake"--cold as hell, yeah, but the oler brother of a friend of mine and some other scout lifeguards built a tripod rope swing there one summer that was wicked fun! Tell ya what though, tigger, I am envious that you can build a pond on your land like that and just have fun with it! :cool:

Well i wanted it so i did it! I grew up on a lake , we live less than 1 mile from a lake and Sarah wanted it too so her and her friends could have some place to horse around and lay out with out all the perverts looking. She cant wate till there is water in it. We are getting a hell of a storm right now so it should add some too it. Im going to get some rocks and build a fire pit too I love to just sit by the fire and listen to nature, in the summer the tree frogs are like lisining to music it is so relaxing.

CK1 04-03-2009 12:53 AM

get a couple of people who play guitar some marshmallows and you have yourself the beginnings of a great party. :)

grande351 04-03-2009 01:36 AM

So Tigger, are you gonna have us all over for a party when you get the pond done? :D

CK1 04-03-2009 02:06 AM

what grande said... I do play guitar... can't sing worth a damn but i can play guitar. :D

mart 04-03-2009 11:35 AM

Anyone heard from Ugo? only i've not seen him around lately. Just wondering if he's ok.:)

geolarson2 04-03-2009 02:40 PM


Originally Posted by mart (Post 9924)
Anyone heard from Ugo? only i've not seen him around lately. Just wondering if he's ok.:)

I've been wondering about that, too. Makes me nervous when he isn't around, what with his issues at work, &c.

grande351 04-04-2009 12:33 AM


Originally Posted by geolarson2 (Post 9928)
I've been wondering about that, too. Makes me nervous when he isn't around, what with his issues at work, &c.

Yeah, It is strange! He was last on way back on March 21st. That's a long time for someone who was as active a poster as he was. I know he had all those problems at work and was taking care of his mother. I sure hope he's alright. He's such a great guy!

tigger 04-04-2009 12:58 AM


Originally Posted by grande351 (Post 9893)
So Tigger, are you gonna have us all over for a party when you get the pond done? :D

Hell yea! Maby we could get Danielle to do a nude pond shoot! :D

tigger 04-04-2009 01:00 AM

Im woried about UGO too. he had the problems with his kidneys too . I hope he is ok.

Geezer 04-04-2009 01:06 AM

I know it's NOT funny but... maybe the Mafia got Ugo!:eek:

tigger 04-04-2009 01:54 AM

1 Attachment(s)
A friend sent me this. thought i would shair it.

MISSY 04-04-2009 02:39 AM


Originally Posted by CK1 (Post 9894)
what grande said... I do play guitar... can't sing worth a damn but i can play guitar. :D

Just do not let Tigger dance, I have seen it and it's not pretty!!!!!!!!!:eek:

CK1 04-04-2009 02:48 AM

why do you think i learned guitar? actually, it was because of a girl... but that is a differnet story.

mart 04-04-2009 07:22 AM


Originally Posted by tigger (Post 9979)
A friend sent me this. thought i would shair it.

That's such a nice picture Tigger. I applaud anyone that goes into service we tend to forget soldiers have families as well.:)

captnjack 04-04-2009 01:05 PM

A very touching photo tigger.

tigger 04-05-2009 12:43 AM

Droped my truck off at the dealer this morning to get serviced. WE got back to the motel and Amanda wanted to go explore the area but i did not sleep vary well last night so i just wanted to lay down for a bit, and i did. i woke up a few hours later Amanda was gone figured she was out with every one else, got up went into the bathroom and sat down to releave my self and looked down and my toe nails were painted a lovely shade of pink on one foot and hot red on the other. I gess Amanda got a little board.lol :o

CK1 04-05-2009 12:49 AM

that story made me laugh out loud. i guess you are a heavy sleeper.

MISSY 04-05-2009 01:25 AM


Originally Posted by tigger (Post 10012)
Droped my truck off at the dealer this morning to get serviced. WE got back to the motel and Amanda wanted to go explore the area but i did not sleep vary well last night so i just wanted to lay down for a bit, and i did. i woke up a few hours later Amanda was gone figured she was out with every one else, got up went into the bathroom and sat down to releave my self and looked down and my toe nails were painted a lovely shade of pink on one foot and hot red on the other. I gess Amanda got a little board.lol :o

OMG. I wan't photos!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:) you just cheered me up from a vary depresing day.

MISSY 04-05-2009 01:30 AM

Thank you all for your kind words. Mom lived a long life and is in a better place now.

DWM222 04-05-2009 02:26 AM

Missy...Sorry for your loss

grande351 04-05-2009 04:23 AM

Now you'll have to paint your fingernails to match!!

You just gotta love a girl who'd pull a practical joke like that. Sounds like she's a keeper!

Anoree 04-05-2009 07:11 AM

Could somebody please check if Ugo has been on Alison's Board lately?
Unfortunately my membership ran out, so I can't look for myself.

Ugo is offline for two weeks now and I'm really starting to worry.

mart 04-05-2009 09:17 AM


Originally Posted by tigger (Post 10012)
Droped my truck off at the dealer this morning to get serviced. WE got back to the motel and Amanda wanted to go explore the area but i did not sleep vary well last night so i just wanted to lay down for a bit, and i did. i woke up a few hours later Amanda was gone figured she was out with every one else, got up went into the bathroom and sat down to releave my self and looked down and my toe nails were painted a lovely shade of pink on one foot and hot red on the other. I gess Amanda got a little board.lol :o

Amanda could have at least painted both lots of nails in the same colour lol. I'm guessing your more happy with the red shade. I mean i don't think the pink would suit a big burly guy like you Tigger lol. Does Amanda have any red lipstick? it would go well with red toenails as long as you wear sandals to show off your new look lol. Oh and not forgetting the red nail varnish, so with red nail varnish, red toenails and red lipstick i think you would look simply gorgeous Tigger.:D

MISSY 04-05-2009 11:35 AM


Originally Posted by mart (Post 10035)
Amanda could have at least painted both lots of nails in the same colour lol. I'm guessing your more happy with the red shade. I mean i don't think the pink would suit a big burly guy like you Tigger lol. Does Amanda have any red lipstick? it would go well with red toenails as long as you wear sandals to show off your new look lol. Oh and not forgetting the red nail varnish, so with red nail varnish, red toenails and red lipstick i think you would look simply gorgeous Tigger.:D

MART!!!!! Is there somthing you would like to shair!!!!!!!! :eek: are there some red toe nails under thous work boots?????? :D

I found out who the culprets were , Amanda did the pink and Marcy did the red. and from what I heard they were lovely!!!!! :p

T-bone Thomas 04-05-2009 12:59 PM


Originally Posted by MISSY (Post 10040)
MART!!!!! Is there somthing you would like to shair!!!!!!!! :eek: are there some red toe nails under thous work boots?????? :D

Oh my god, is there a secret about Mart I didn't knew? :confused:
Don't tell me you're wearing women's clothes when you're alone at home, :)
Mart, you are a naughty naughyty boy (or girl?)

tigger 04-05-2009 01:14 PM

1 Attachment(s)
A lady got hit by a car in frontof the motel last night they landed the rescue bird right next to the motel!

tigger 04-05-2009 01:27 PM


Originally Posted by T-bone Thomas (Post 10041)
Oh my god, is there a secret about Mart I didn't knew? :confused:
Don't tell me you're wearing women's clothes when you're alone at home, :)
Mart, you are a naughty naughyty boy (or girl?)

Oh god first whyyou in bunny ears, my painted toe nails, and now mart in ladys clothes. next thing ugo will be wairing alisons undies! :D

MISSY 04-05-2009 01:33 PM

Tigger Jeromy wants to have a little talk with you when we get there. lol:eek:

MISSY 04-05-2009 01:35 PM

1 Attachment(s)
A little treat for ya.

MISSY 04-05-2009 01:59 PM

My dam cat is drunk! Jeromy was eating his breakfast and asked me what was up with the cat. I went over and picked him up and he smelled of wine. My sister and some friends had some wine last night and the glases were left on the table and tommy must have had his own little party last night.

grande351 04-05-2009 02:35 PM


Originally Posted by MISSY (Post 10046)
My dam cat is drunk! Jeromy was eating his breakfast and asked me what was up with the cat. I went over and picked him up and he smelled of wine. My sister and some friends had some wine last night and the glases were left on the table and tommy must have had his own little party last night.

You better stop him now, before he winds up like this!


MISSY 04-05-2009 02:49 PM

My niece is holding him and he is just laying there stairing at the food on the table. lol my sister and niece live with us.

tigger 04-05-2009 02:53 PM

Is this the same cat that ate the drywall paste and was rolling around in the saw dust when i worked on your house.

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