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Anoree 12-02-2010 05:57 PM

D071, 12-18-08: To Hydraman
"Hey Hydraman

I read your question on the question thread and you were asking me: If I were to kiss myself, how would I like to be kissed?

I like being kissed not with a very wide open mouth, so slobber doesn’t end up all over my face, because that’s a complete turn off for me. Not too much tongue, because I don’t want to end up suffocating on a tongue. It’s kind of weird. I like a little bit of lip nibbling, that’s kind of a turn on for me. A little bit of fondling, too. Just kind of slow, not too fast, just take your time and have fun with it.

I hope that answered your question.

A kiss free"

Anoree 12-02-2010 06:07 PM

D072, 12-20-08: To Geezer
"Hey Geezer

I read your post on the question thread and you were asking about my various illnesses and ailments.

Right now I am anemic, that’s what I was going to the doctor the other day for. My blood levels are a little low right now and they were telling me that I needed to go to the ER to have them checked out. But I hate going to the ER because personally it’s just a waste of my time. You go in, you wait four hours and then they tell you nothing is wrong with you, or they can’t do anything for you, or to take more iron. It’s a waste of time. I’ve been anemic on and off since I was 13, the first time that I was anemic I went to the hospital and had to get two blood transfusions.

Other than being anemic I have a heart murmur. That’s just fairly minor compared to being anemic, I think at least in my opinion. They’re doing blood tests to see if I have some type of blood disease, and then I also have to go to the doctor and get an EKG and ECG, so they can see if I have something wrong with my heart, because I have really odd breast pains. Personally I think that everything is ok with me, but I just go to the doctor to appease my mother.

I hope that answered your question and does not worry you guys too much. It shouldn’t really worry you guys.


Anoree 12-02-2010 06:11 PM

D073, 12-22-08: To Indyfan
"Hey Indyfan

I read your question on the question thread and you were asking me if I am a fan of alcoholic drinks.

I am a fan of some alcoholic drinks. I love port wine but kind of have a more luxurious taste when it comes to port wine. I’m kind of spoiled. I like Tailor Flat Gate 40er and anything older than that. I also love ice wine, but generally only ice wine that is made in Germany. I like Cider, I love Cider, it’s really good.

As you can tell, I’m really into sweeter drinks. I don’t like Tequila or Vodka or any of the really hard drinks. So I don’t imbibe that much, but every once in a while I’ll just have some port wine with dinner or when I’m lucky I get some ice wine. That’s also very rarely.

I hope that answered your question.


Anoree 12-02-2010 06:27 PM

D074, 12-23-08: To Everyone
"Hey guys, it’s me.

It’s 3 o’clock in the morning and I just got back from hanging out with my friends. I went to a club tonight where they had a body painter and decided to do the craziest thing I’ve ever done in my life. I got myself body painted! Check it out.
[zooms from face to full body view]
Yeah! Look, I’m a spider lady! That’s crazy stuff. It’s like naked in front of a bunch of people. And there you can actually see there’s a black widow, how cool is that?

This is pretty crazy, that’s for sure. There was a bunch of people watching me. But it’s a very good job.

I definitely had to share this with you guys. Pretty cool stuff. Very, very cool. I got a little paint on my underwear. That’s ok. Thank god I was wearing underwear!

Anyways, I need to go home, have like a 15 minute drive ahead of me, but I wanted to show you guys this. I hope you guys enjoy.


Anoree 12-02-2010 06:42 PM

D075, 12-25-08: To Everyone
"Hey guys

Today is Christmas. How exciting is that? I love Christmas. I just wanted to say Merry Christmas to all of you guys and to all of my new members, too. I wanted to give them a nice worm welcome. I hope you guys are all here next year, because I’ll be doing something even kinkier and crazier for my Christmas video thing. And I’ve had quite a few presents from you guys I do really, really appreciate. It’s very nice of you and I will be doing video logs showing you guys the presents.

I’m going to go open up my presents and you guys should go open up your presents, too.

Merry Christmas to you guys!

Christmas Kiss"

Anoree 12-02-2010 06:50 PM

D076, 12-28-08: To Everyone
"Hey everybody

I just wanted to show you guys and gals what I got from Christmas – or for Christmas, I should say.

Captnjack got me a gift card to bebe and he also got me a gift card to Starbucks, too. It’s a cute little package thing, too. I love it.

And then, let’s see, from Texasdrake I got the fairy statue. Isn’t it pretty? Looks like me. Actually the wings broke and I had to have Rob’s handyman fix it for me. They actually broke twice, that was really bad, but still very pretty.

And then from Geolarson I got these two beautiful pictures. Can you see that? It’s kind of glary a little bit. I think he took them. It’s very, very good landscape photography.

And then from Rob’s handyman I got a fairy statue, so pretty. I love fairies, by the way, if you haven’t known and figured that out already.

Let’s see, from my mom – my mom got me a bottle of ice wine. She got me a little garden set, too. I’m one of the only people in the family that has a green thumb. And then she also got me a gift card to IKEA.

And then, last but not least, I got a brand new laptop - Yeah! - From FTV! Thank you. It’s good, so now I have two laptops, although I have to fix the other laptop, since it has viruses and spyware and other stuff on it. Oh, the CD thing is broken, too.

Anyways, I just wanted to say thank you and everybody thanks. You guys are … I’m glad you guys are all here for Christmas and we get to celebrate New Year’s together, too, and hopefully Valentine’s day and St Patrick’s day and my birthday and everything. That will be great to celebrate all those holidays with you guys.

So, anyways, thank you guys so much."

Anoree 12-02-2010 06:53 PM

D077, 12-30-08: To dtstuff9
"Hey dtstuff9

I’m finally making you your birthday log. I completely forgot to make you your birthday log and just realized today that it was your birthday. So it’s like 10 o’clock at night and I just got finished shooting and editing my shoot. So you’re finally getting your birthday log and I apologize about that. Next year it won’t come too late.

I hope it’s a great birthday and I hope you spend many more with me. You’re fairly young, I think 23 or 24, so we’re not that far apart in age.

Anyways, I want to say happy birthday and, uh, check out my new necklace. Lia got that for me for Christmas. It’s a little chick. Isn’t it cute? I like it. It’s very dainty.

I have to go to bed. I have a photo shoot tomorrow, and then the next day and the next day after that, too. So it’s going to be a pretty crazy, hectic week.

Good night, guys, and happy birthday."

Anoree 12-02-2010 07:03 PM

D078, 12-31-08: To Everyone
"I just got my second batch of Christmas presents. The American postal system is quite slow, so it took a while before I got all of them. Actually, I think there’s still more to come, but these ones are great.

I got from tigger a lip pallet thing with a bunch of different lip colors, and then he also got me an eye shadow thing, too. He also got me a really pretty watch. Its pink, isn’t that cute? And a pink pen, too. That will be nice to take to school. And a Sudoku, I think that’s how you pronounce it, a little machine Sudoku game thing. It’s cute, I love it. It’s pink, it’s girly.

And then from Anoree, he got me an American Express Traveler’s Check. Thank you.

And then from Grande351, he got me candy. As you see, I already ate two of them. So good, I love the Ferrero Roches. He got me a fairy calendar, so pretty. I love it, a bunch of pretty pictures in there. And then he got me two gift cards, one to Borders and one to Windsor. So I will have cute stuff to wear for my shoots. And then he printed out some of the pictures that he photoshoped. I don’t know if you guys can see that very well. There’s one there… I assume these are like his favorite pictures. Very, very pretty, I like them. And the Purple wedding dress…

Anyways, you guys went all out for Christmas for me this year. It’s really nice of you guys. I really appreciate and love my gifts. They will be taking main spaces, spots in my home. So, I’ll do another candid video with all the stuff placed about the house.

Thank you guys so much! I really appreciate it.


Ok, I almost forgot: Grande351 also got me this bag, too, which I will be carrying my school books in. It says “My best friend is a person who will give me a book I have not read.” That’s very, very true. On the other side it says “When I get a little money, I buy books; and if any is left, I buy food and clothes.” That is also very true. And then there’s a really cute little pin. I love this. It looks like my little puppy. Can you see that? It’s Ferrero. It says “Papillons for Obama Biden 2008.” Ferrero says “Merry Christmas and thank you for the presents! Woof, woof!”"

Anoree 12-02-2010 07:10 PM

D079, 01-03-09: To Anoree
"Hey Anoree

I read your question on the question thread and you were asking me what a normal workday schedule looks like.

Right now I actually don’t really have a normal workday schedule, because the photo shoots you can only do on certain times or on certain days, like Sundays or Prime days. So I’m normally going to be working on a Sunday, where of course anybody else doesn’t work on a Sunday. I guess my workday schedule just rarely depends on other people, so I’m usually the one that decides when to do the photo shoots and stuff. But normally I am all week up about 10, 10:30 in the morning. Now, that’s pretty late, but not very late for American teenagers. That’s pretty early and there’s some teenagers that wake up at 1 o’clock in the afternoon. But anyways, I’m normally up around then and then I do all my computer stuff. I check my MySpace, check the adult forums that I’m a member of, I check FTV to look at the updates, and then also check my site, too, and see what you guys have to say.

Other than that just the day is just… I do emails, I check my board, I read and it just repeats itself every day – until school starts. Then it’s going to get pretty busy for me. I’ll be going to school Monday through Thursday, so I get Friday, Saturday and Sunday off, but then Sunday I’ll most likely be shooting. And Friday and Saturday I’ll probably doing my homework.

Anyways, you’ve got to ask me that question again in about two months’ time and it will be different.

I hope that answered your question."

Anoree 12-02-2010 07:26 PM

D080, 01-04-09: To Mart
"Hey mart

I read your question on the question thread and you were asking me: What is my most embarrassing moment during a photo shoot?

I guess that would have to be the Hawaii University shoot. Neither one of us, neither Rob nor I realized that they had live cameras there. So I was flashing my boobs and doing upskirt and everything and riding the elevator up and down, up and down, up and down. And we ended up on the very bottom floor near this fence. You can see the pictures of the shoot. I don’t think we got any video of that. We were taking pictures and everything and I had my boobs out and all of a sudden there is this truck that’s just like sorts going of fast, whizzes by us and squelches to a halt, and these guys pop out of the truck. And they’re like in full security uniform. They come up to us “Sir, you know you’re not allowed shooting here, right?” I’m just sitting there, ‘cause, I mean… my boobs are like hanging out. They saw everything. And I didn’t really say anything. Rob was like “Oh, I didn’t know, I didn’t know.” And the security officer actually pointed up at the camera that started swiveling around and it’s actually a motion detected camera, so it could follow us around as we were moving around. And so they got a nice show for sure. I’m sure they enjoyed that. It’s one to tell the grandkids. Not really. But that’s one to tell their buddies. But anyways, that was one of the most embarrassing things.

Oh, and then another one of the most embarrassing things during a photo shoot was walking around in the little wood nymph outfit. There were hikers and joggers all around the area, so… I mean, I was in this really short skirt and no bra on. You could see pretty much everything. How many times do you see a girl walking around in a little costume? That’s not very often. But people were pretty nice about it. And one girl was like “Hey, it’s a pixie!” and Rob didn’t get that on camera, so I was upsetting him about that. Not really.

I hope that answered your question.


Anoree 12-03-2010 08:54 PM

D081, 01-06-09: To Marlo
"Hey Marlo

I read your question on the question thread and you were asking me if I take pleasure out of shooting in public.

I guess it kind of depends mainly on if I’m actually doing a masturbation scene out in public and it also depends on if I’m with another girl, because it’s a lot of fun shooting with another girl in public for sure. But sometimes doing a whole masturbation scene in public is a little nerve-wracking. I’ve definitely have noticed it takes a lot longer to have an orgasm if I’m in public, masturbating.

I don’t know. It’s exciting for sure. I mean this is like ever since doing FTV, it’s like the first time ever doing anything in public. Sometimes I’ll get off on it but other times it’s like “It’s ok.”

I hope that answered your question. I know you enjoy public nudity and stuff, so hopefully you’re enjoying my public nudity shoots and public masturbations and stuff like that.


Anoree 12-03-2010 08:57 PM

D082, 01-07-09: To Longhornbill
"Hey Longhornbill

I got your care package AK Christmas gift. It’s awesome. You got me, let’s see, Morning Start bath and shower gel. I can’t read very well right now. I need my glasses. I’m not sure how that smells, though. [smells on it] Good! It smells good. And then (you got me) Lavender bath and shower gel and Lavender hand and body lotion and foaming hand soap, smells like lemon and Lavender foaming hand soap. I like Lavender, too, so: Good stuff.

And then there’s also waterless hand purifier, smells like peppermint, and a purple loofa, because a girl can never have enough loofas. And then, I thought this is actually pretty cute: It’s a travel fan diffusor. I always seem to get the hotel rooms that are stinky.

And then there is also a little bag for like your clothes and stuff. It’s small. It can fit in your pocket.

And then you got me a bunch of like oil things. I’m not sure if it’s massage oil or for a diffusor or whatever. So, there’s Lavender and there’s Joy - I’m not sure what joy smells like - Peppermint and Christmas Times Spirit and then also Orange. Orange is supposed to be an energetic oil.

Thank you so much, I like this stuff. I’m sure I’m going to smell all pretty and girly.

Thanks, sweetie.


Anoree 12-03-2010 08:59 PM

D083, 01-08-09: To golferdude1969
"Hey golferdude1969

Today is your birthday. I’m assuming that you’re 40 years old since you put 1969 at the end of your name. Obviously you like golfing, too. You are actually a little bit older than my mom. 40 is a good age. I hope you have a great birthday and I hope you’re here for many more years to come. And I hope you golf for your birthday. Get some nice golf clubs for a birthday present. Ok, I’m going to quit being a dork now.


Anoree 12-03-2010 09:00 PM

D084, 01-10-09: To Missy
"Hey Misty

I just wanted to say Happy Birthday! You are my first female member that I’m saying happy birthday to. Yay! It’s pretty exciting. It’s like, I guess, a milestone for me. Kind of silly, but whatever.

Anyways, I hope it’s a great one and you and your husband do something nice and romantic for your birthday today. And give a hug to tigger, too, when you get a chance.

So, anyways, I hope it’s a good one.


Anoree 12-03-2010 09:08 PM

D085, 01-11-09: To GeminiGemini
"Hey GeminiGemini

I read your question on the … question thread – kind of tongue tied right there – and you were asking me what comes first, love or sex.

I think … I don’t know, I think sex comes first, honestly. Well, I guess that depends on if you’re very religious and don’t believe in having sex before marriage, then its love that comes before sex. But for a lot of the world I think its sex that comes before love.

I think with me it’s maybe the opposite, because I tend to fall in love very easily and very, very quick. I don’t know, that’s maybe a little false of mine. I think a lot of people mistake love for being lust. I think you definitely have to be with someone and know them very well to actually be in love with. You can’t just meet somebody in a week and say “Oh, I’m in love with you.” I think in very, very, very, very rare instances that’s the case that you can actually fall in love with somebody at first sight, but that’s very rare.

So, I wonder what you guys believe in. But I hope that answered your question.


Oh yeah, and look, I’m wearing the unbent shirt for you, too, to make you a peek."

Anoree 12-03-2010 09:10 PM

D086, 01-12-09: To Anoree
"Hey Anoree

Today is your birthday. I was actually trying to learn how to say happy birthday in German, but I couldn’t find a website that said it for me, so unfortunately I can only say the English happy birthday.

So, Happy Birthday! Kind of a dork. So, I hope it’s a great one and I hope you stick around because you are by far one of my biggest fans from Germany. So, anyways, I will let you go, you can go and have fun, party it up and drink some pale ale. I think that’s a German thing.

Anyways, bye"

Anoree 12-03-2010 09:17 PM

D087, 01-14-09: To Grande351
"Hey Grande351

I read your question on the question thread and you were asking me about doing shoots with other photographers and what happens to the photos and stuff.

Actually you had quite a few questions for me, so I’ll try to answer every one.

Generally I do what’s called a TFCD, it’s Trade for CD or they have TFP, which is Trade for Prints. So pretty much I model for the photographer and then in return I get the images or prints of the images. I’m trying to get more to a Trade for Images for my site. If you haven’t noticed already, I have a contributed photo section where photographers that I shot with, that they give me permission I can use the photos on my site, and they also put watermarks on them, too. So, it’s good exposure for them and it’s good for me, too, because it’s extra content and you guys can see me in a different light, different style from FTV style. I actually have probably about 8 or 9 contributed photosets that are waiting to be put up on the site. And then, this month alone I have about 4 or 5 photo shoots that I need to do. Sometimes I'll actually get paid for the shoots, but that’s not very often. I mean I do modeling mostly for fun, so if I don’t get paid, then whatever. It doesn’t really bother me.

What happens when you get paid is the photographer actually has the rights to these photos. I mean every time that a photographer shoots you the photographer has rights to those images. And they can do whatever they want with them. I’m sure that some of my images are out there on different web sites and I just don’t know about it. Sometimes they’ll be kind of scandalous like when they say, it’s going to be used just for my portfolio and then they actually sell it to softcore sites or the nude sites like MET Art and stuff like that. But as of yet I haven’t come across any of my photo shoots or photos from other photographers’ shoots. Thank god for that. Like I said, there’s nothing that you can do about it if they do that.

Anyways, I hope that answered all of your questions. You had a lot of them for sure.

All right, bye"

Anoree 12-03-2010 09:22 PM

D088, 01-15-09: To Max
"Hey Max

I read your question on the question thread and you were asking me what my dream car is.

I’d have to say right now my dream car is the Saleen S7 in, I think it’s called, listic red. It’s just the most amazing shade of red in the world. Actually, if you look at the Lamborghini Las Vegas candid photo shoot you can see me posing right next to this Saleen S7. It’s definitely my dream car but it’s super, super expensive, I think like half a million dollars, and Rob says it’s incredibly hard to drive. But I think I can manage it.

Another one of my dream cars would be a Lamborghini Murciélago LP640, like the one that Rob crashed.

I used to, let’s see, about two years ago I used to really, really want a Dodge Viper. I thought those were really cool, but Rob says they kick out rocks and stuff. I wouldn’t want to drive something that damages somebody else’s car. That wouldn’t be very nice.

I remember when I was younger, like 11 or 12, I used to think the Dodge Intrepid was the coolest car in the world. Kind of silly, but that was one of my dream cars for a while, there, the Dodge Intrepid.

Anyways, I hope that answered your question."

Anoree 12-03-2010 09:44 PM

D089, 01-16-09: To Everyone
Speaker Index:




"I’m about to meet my first member [the doorbell sounds] - he’s actually here right now - his name is Longhornbill. I’m so excited. The first time! Yes! [opens the door]

My gosh, you’re gorgeous!


Your rose of Texas [gives Danielle a rose]

Oh, it’s so pretty. He gave me a flower.
Look how nice he looks, too. That’s cute.

Thank you.

Dressed sharp.

We’re about to go to dinner, at Fleming’s I think.

Hmm, hmm

That will be good. They have a choose party there that’s really nice.
First time, I don’t know what to do. I feel like I just like started…

I’m putting Longhornbill on the spot, too, here, right?

Yeah, for sure.

So, that is the price he pays for meeting Danielle. He has got himself on YouTube, right?

It’s going to go on YouTube?

I’m just saying it. It’s going on your site, but you never know where these things end.

It’s great.

So, I guess, I don’t want to say anything, but you two guys are going to be going and … yeah.

We’ll see you by 9:30.

Ok. Yeah, there’s a curfew!

I’ll get my purse.


So, he brought me a, what did you call it, a care package or a gift package?

A bag of goodies

A bag of goodies, ok. He recommended this book for me. It’s told by a dog, in a dog’s perspective, some very interesting reading. I’m almost through with my books, so I need more. And then he got me this, the Element Encyclopedia of Magical Creatures, I think that is awesome.

I might even read that, too.

Yeah, Rob’s loving that. And then he also got me more oils, and then a hundred and one uses for the oils. I didn’t know that Lavender actually stops little cuts if you put the oil on it. That’s quite interesting, something I didn’t know before. And then he also brought me Cinnamon Chap Stick, and then hand purifier. And then this, I think I need to put in the diffusor...

In a diffusor, right

… and it will get rid of all the nasty mold and stuff that my friends decided to leave at my house.

I see, interesting.

I hope I won’t get sick.


[Danielle and Longhornbill leave the house]

All other members are going to get jealous. You know that, right?

Well, ok. Bad luck.

You were in purple??


Oh, that’s awesome, my favorite color!"

Anoree 12-03-2010 09:49 PM

D090, 01-18-09: To Lovley
"Hey Lovley

I read your question on the question thread and you were asking me about my World of Warcraft character.

And, hey, you can actually see her right now. Can you see that? Yeah, I think you can. So, that’s [Name withheld], that’s my… She’s a human Warlock and she’s a Level 28. And there’s her little Minion. I try to keep my Minions alive. I like my Minion.

And then I also have another character, [Name withheld], and she’s a Level 8 Rouge. I don’t really play with her a lot. I actually prefer humans more than any other characters. She’s a blood elf, by the way, if you haven’t figured that out yet. I think the blood elf city is really pretty.

Anyways, yeah, I’m a WoW playing nerd.

I hope that answered your question. Obviously it should have.

You were actually asking about a booby dance. Here we go… All the stuff I do for my fans.


Anoree 12-03-2010 10:04 PM

D091, 01-19-09: To feiner_1
"Hey feiner_1

I read your question on the question thread and you were asking if I am as sexual in my private life as I am in my public life.

I’d actually have to say that I’m more sexual in my private life than I am in my public life, only because in your private life you’re generally don’t have cameras watching your every move and don’t have people sitting there, staring at you when you’re masturbating and stuff. I generally masturbate at least once a day, and that’s no lie. I don’t get as much sex as I would like to, but that’s mainly because I don’t have a boyfriend or a girlfriend. It’s kind of difficult to go out and pick somebody up to have sex with. I also generally don’t kiss and tell, so maybe later on I’ll tell you guys about my sexcapades, but right now I think you guys are just going to have to be happy with me masturbating on camera.

So, I hope that answered your question.


Anoree 12-03-2010 10:08 PM

D092, 01-21-09: To Jeffery99
"Hey Jeffery99

I read your question on the question thread, and it’s actually a very interesting question. You were asking me what my opinion is on someone hiring someone from a brothel, or hiring a prostitute in other words.

Actually, I think it’s perfectly acceptable, but that’s also because I’ve done it before. I actually hired a prostitute in a Gentleman’s club in Geneva, Switzerland. That was incredibly expensive. I think it ended up costing me around 2,000 American Dollars. But it was worth it, I think.

I think that if you do decide to go that route and you end up meeting someone someday, that you should kind of get her opinion on that before you actually tell her, because sometimes it’s better not to tell someone that. I mean, it’s really… It happened in the past, so I don’t think it really makes all that big of a difference. As long as you’re being safe about it, that’s all that matters.

I hope that answered your question, and I hope you do find an awesome prostitute that you can hire and have some fun with.

I’ll talk to you later.


Anoree 12-03-2010 10:20 PM

D093, 01-22-09: To Everyone
"Hey guys

Today was my last day of my first week of class, if that makes any sense. It was pretty exciting. I’m very excited to be back in school and to be hanging out with people my age. Hopefully I can make some friends. I already kind of have been making some friends. I have some very cool class mates.

My teachers are all pretty nice. My Geology teacher is a woman and she’s a little crazy, kind of cookie. But in a good way, so it definitely brings some fun energy to the class. My Geology lab teacher is also kind of crazy, too. I think it must be a Woman-Geologist thing. They’re probably all crazy. But also, yet again, she’s just… It brings fun energy to the class and makes things exciting. And my Math teacher is actually fairly young. It was very surprising when I saw him, because he is in his 20s, I think. He looks like he should go to college with me. He’s kind of cute, I’ll admit that, but he’s kind of a hard-***, it seems like. I told him that I was going to have to miss two of his classes next week and I think he wasn’t too thrilled about that. And then, let’s see, actually I have a self-defense class today, so I’m excited to see who my teacher will be for that. I think my hardest class is definitely going to be Italian, because the instructor doesn’t seem to realize that some of us are slower than others. You know, I can’t learn to speak the numbers 1 to 50 in Italian on first day of class. That’s a little difficult for me. And he was trying to have us do that, when I was “Oh, my god! There’s no way I’m going to pass this class.” But I’m sure it will get easier. I just need a little help. And they have a lot of cool tutors and programs at the school, and I will definitely be taking advantage of that. Because I’m hoping to get straight As this semester. Well, actually I’m hoping to get straight As like all through college, ‘cause that would be awesome.

But next week, I will be in Maui, hopefully getting some awesome updates for the site. I need those updates, have to make it worth missing a week of school.

But I just wanted to tell you guys about my first week of school. I’d like if you guys have enjoyed that.

Anyhoo, I’ll talk to you guys later.


Anoree 12-03-2010 10:30 PM

D094, 01-23-09: To Everyone
"Hey everybody

I got some gifts from some members and I just wanted to share them with you guys.

Actually this is a late, late, late, late Christmas present from Ugo. He got me, let’s see, a very nice, very large Christmas card that also sings. Oh, it’s beautiful. And then he also got me chocolate covered cherries, yummy. More stuff to fatten me up. And then a nice pretty rose. It’s pretty. And then he also got me a cute little stuffed animal thing. I think you hang it in your car. It’s cute. And then he got me a little house that also lights up. Can you see it? Yeah. Pretty lights. And then he got me this. I’m not really sure what it is. But I’m thinking I can stuff myself with it. That would be kind of cool for next Christmas. And then he got me a cute little stuffed animal bear thing. It says “Love.” It plays music, too, but it lasts really long time, so I won’t play it for you guys.

And then captnjack sent a card with some money in it. It’s cute, very pretty, love the colors on that.

And then Longhornbill actually sent me – uh, if I can find it, it was someplace around here. Ah, there it is, – Longhornbill sent me a Scorpion hunter. See? It is a black light and you shine it on walls or whatever and “see the scorpions before they see you.” I think that’s what it said.

Anyways, I just wanted to share that with you guys. Thank you so much, Longhornbill, captnjack and Ugo. I really like the gifts.

I also wanted to tell you about my self-defense class that I took last night, my first self-defense class. It’s actually, I think, a mix of a bunch of different martial arts, but it’s mainly Iki-Jiujitsu, Ikido Jiujitsu. I think that’s how you pronounce that. My teacher is fairly young. He is pretty cute, too, so I have cute teachers. But I thought that that class wouldn’t embark any Cardio. What a joke that was. He had us doing like push-ups and crunches and all that type of stuff. So I will pretty much be working out like six days a week. I should be getting in shape, in perfect shape pretty soon here. I’d be very happy about that. But yeah, it was definitely a very tough class and actually I think I hurt my left elbow where I broke it last night. So I have to try to be careful when I’m doing the different exercises and stuff. He had us doing frontal falls and back falls and weird joints manipulations. He had us covering fingers and going backwards and almost fall all over the place. It was awesome, though. It was a lot of fun. And I’m already making friends in school, so I’m really excited about that.

Anyways, I just wanted to share that with you guys.


Anoree 12-03-2010 10:33 PM

D095, 01-25-09: To Everyone
"Hey guys

I just wanted to bring up something that was kind of bothering me. It seems that lately we’ve had quite a few posts that are kind of disrespectful. I guess I don’t appreciate that. I have treated all of you guys with respect, I’ve been answering the video logs, did all that stuff and tried to make you guys as happy as possible. I have been incredibly accommodating. Just with the updates, trying to fit in everybody’s preferences. And to have people post stuff like I’ve been reading on the forum, it’s upsetting. It really is. You know I don’t want my forum, my website to turn into some of those other single girl websites like I’ve seen out there. I’m not a piece of meat. Please understand that also human I have feelings. So like, it’s just… Please be respectful, I mean, of me and then everybody else on the board, because I don’t want anybody’s feelings to get hurt and I don’t want anybody to leave because they feel they’ve been disrespected.

Anyways, so, I hope you guys are all doing well. I’ll talk to you guys later, ok?


Anoree 12-03-2010 10:42 PM

D096, 01-26-09: To Birdie
"Hey Birdie

I read your question on the question thread and you were asking me: What is the craziest thing I’ve ever done?

I’ve actually done three fairly crazy things in my life. Well, more than that, but I guess actually doing a dance contest in front of a bunch of people in Jamaica at a bar, it was I think the Margarita Bill, that was pretty crazy. I actually placed 2nd. The only reason I placed 2nd was that the girl could shake her *** faster than I could.

The second most crazy thing I’ve done is ride a mechanical bull in a really short black cocktail dress, and the mechanical bull operator kept on trying to shake the bull so that my top would come down. It almost did, but I reached up and pulled it up before anything happened. Everybody was cheering for it to go down, though.

And then the third craziest thing I’ve ever done was getting body painted at the club. I think you guys actually remember that. I did a little video log of it, the spider web with the big spider on my boob.

The funny thing is that’s all happened within in the past year and a half, two years, so I seem to be getting crazier with my old age.

But you know, I definitely would have to say that one of the craziest things I’ve ever done was starting to shoot for FTV. So, that’s definitely worth it. I have no regrets whatsoever.

I hope that answered your question.


Anoree 12-03-2010 10:45 PM

D097, 01-27-09: To Max
"Hey Max

I read your question on the question thread and you were asking me if I have any fetishes and if so what are they.

I do kind of have some fetishes. I’m into lesbian porn. I’m also into cartoon porn. A little weird, but I like seeing Disney characters getting it on.

I don’t really know if you can call this a fetish, but I like getting my hair pulled, and I like being bit. I’m not really sure if that’s a fetish, but I guess it’s my fetish.

But other than that… I think that’s pretty much it. I’m not really a foot fetish type girl, anything like that, pretty much vanilla, other than the cartoon stuff.

Anyways, I hope that answered your question.


Anoree 12-03-2010 10:49 PM

D098, 01-29-09: To Marcus
"Hey Marcus

I read your question on the question thread and you were asking me: What are my memories of living in Germany? I think that’s right. I probably butchered that question, but it was something along those lines.

You know what the funny thing is, I actually don’t remember. I don’t really remember living in Germany. I mean I have some very vague memories. I do remember that down the street from our housing unit was these blackberry bushes. There I’d go and pick blackberries and stuff. I think I found that by chance someday. I remember running away from home when I was 6 or 7 years old and going out playing with my friends who were a few blocks down from my house. I remember my mom actually calling the cops, and the cops coming and picking me up. I was just so embarrassed. I was right in front of my friends when the cops were picking me up. 6 years old, come on! They gave me a candy bar, so that was kind of cool.

What else do I… I remember playing soccer when I was 6ish, 7ish. I remember never really being able to hit the ball. I think I was a defender. I played around the goal area.

I just remember things like that, nothing really too big. I remember going to this castle that was fairly close to Ramstein Air Force Base. We’d go there during the weekends and stuff and picnic there and just kind of explored, do what little kids do. Just fun little memories like that.

I’m sure I have other memories, but I can’t remember them right now.

I hope that answered your question.


Anoree 12-03-2010 10:52 PM

D099, 02-01-09: To Eduardos_Warrior
"Hey Eduardos_Warrior

I read your question on the question thread and you were asking me: Where do I see myself in five years?

Let’s see. I hope to have graduated and hopefully in five years I will be accepted by some medical school. I’m hoping that in five years I will be either married or have found somebody that I can see myself marrying. No children within five years, I’m thinking that’s more like within 15 years.

But other than that, just get through school and hopefully I can maybe win an AVN Award or an Internext Award or something awesome and amazing like that.

Let’s see. I’m hoping that in five years I can be in either a cover of Playboy, I don’t know how likely that is, or maybe be a Penthouse Pet. So, I have some dreams and goals.

I definitely hope in five years I can… well, I know in five years I will have paid off my car, hopefully way, way, way sooner than that. Not really looking to own a home. Just at this point I don’t really want that responsibility and I don’t think I’m going to want that responsibility until I’m in my 30s maybe.

Those are my goals and dreams, the ones that I can think of right off the top of my head.

I hope that answered your question.


Anoree 12-03-2010 10:55 PM

D100, 02-03-09: To Eastbill
"Hey Eastbill

I read your question on the question thread and you were asking me: What do I like to do if I decide not to go out on a weekend and also don’t have any photo shoots that weekend?

I mainly read. When I don’t really have anything to do I probably just end up reading most of the weekend. I also spend a lot of my time on the website, just finishing off random stuff, editing, uploading videos, doing the video logs, stuff like that. Other than that it’s pretty much just reading. Every once in a while I’ll go over to my mom’s house and watch a movie. Or go over to a friend’s house and watch a movie over there, but they rarely do much, kind of a boring weekend for me.

I hope that answered your question.


Anoree 12-05-2010 04:35 PM

D101, 02-05-09: To LongHornBill
"Hey Longhornbill

I got your package of goodies. You sent me Lavender shampoo and conditioner. You also sent me mouthwash, I think it’s organic mouthwash, dental floss and toothpaste, too. I wonder if you want to tell me something. Maybe my breath smells bad? I don’t think it smells bad, though, ‘cause I brush my teeth. Just kidding.

You also sent me V-6 vegetable oil, which is used for massages. And then you sent me a bunch of little oils, too: Envision, I’m not really sure what that’s used for, M-Grein, which is used to treat migraines, which is really good, because I get the worst migraines ever, the Thieves’ oil, which is said is good for getting rid of bacteria, so I’ll put that into my diffusor and let it air out my apartment, because of my evil friends that stayed there, and then Spearmint oil. I love the smell of Spearmint, so it’s the best. You also got me ... I think these are vitamins, “Inner Defense.” That’s cool. And then Deep Relief roll on oil.

It’s all very great stuff. I appreciate that, thank you so much. Thanks!


Anoree 12-05-2010 04:56 PM

D102, 02-08-09: To CK1
"Hey CK1

I read your questions on the question thread. You actually had quite a few for me, so I’ll think I’m going to try to answer them in two parts.

Your first question was: Out of any of the girls that I assisted, which one would I like to have more time with a girl/girl – does that make any sense?

I guess Miyu, definitely. Otherwise, I don’t think she’s truly bisexual. I think she’s more bi-curious than anything else. But if she were bisexual, I would love to have her come and do a girl/girl video with me. I think that would be absolutely amazing. Also Zeba. You know I assisted kind of a girl/girl with her. I would love to do a lot more with her. You guys are going to love that shoot. It’s going to be great.

Your second question was: What is my go-to CD or song?

Honestly, I don’t really have a go-to song that I go to when I feel like dancing. It’s more like what I’m in the mood for. If I’m in a sexual mood, I go for something like within Temptation, or if I’m more in a feisty mood and just kind of want to let go and dance like crazy, I go for something like Benassi Brothers. Right now I’m kind of obsessed with the song Satisfaction by Benassi Bros. But it varies a lot. My issue is that I actually listen to a song over and over and over and over again, like 50 times. People get very annoyed by that.

Let’s see what was the other question? What is my weakness when it comes to ...

men? Hmm, a great personality and a really, really good sense of humor.

When it comes to women, my weakness is colored eyes. Like the Angelina Jolie lookalike that I got to shoot with the other day. Her name is Shana and she’s – oh my god! She’s gorgeous! She’s beautiful and she’s just like, grr, crazy sexy.

When it comes to books, my weakness would have to be anything fantasy. So, I’m not big into non-fiction.

And when it comes to TV, I don’t really have a weakness, because I don’t watch that much TV.

And when it comes to stores, I also don’t really have a weakness to that – except when I get to Target. I go kind of crazy there, spend way too much money.

Anyways, so, that’s the first part of your questions. I hope I answered them to your satisfaction. [silently singing “Satisfaction”] I’m a dork, god.

Anyways, so, later!"

Anoree 12-05-2010 05:07 PM

D103, 02-12-09: To CK1
"Hey CK1

This is the second part to your long list of questions on the question thread.

Let’s see what was your next question? What is my favorite type of pet?

That would be a Papillion, like my little Ferrero, that I used to have. But I had to give him away, poor Ferrero. I generally don’t like larger breeds of dogs, only because every single large breed that I’ve come across, they just drool too much, and personally, that’s really nasty to me. Cleaning it off the walls and stuff – blch. That’s just one pet that I wouldn’t want to have is a large dog. One pet that I would want to have is actually a kinkajou – I think that’s how you pronounce it. They’re really, really cute, but I think that you actually have to get a large home with a large backyard. They’re not too big, but you do have to get permits from the wildlife office or something like that and I’m sure if they came into my apartment and saw how small that was, and I have no backyard, they would tell me no, I can’t have one.

Also you asked if I could, would I have a zoo?

Only if I could afford to hire enough people to take care of them, because personally, I think you shouldn’t get a pet if you don’t have enough time for them and unfortunately that’s what I did quite a few times. I’d rather at this point not have a pet than have a pet and just not be able to give them the attention and love that they deserve and need.

Let’s see, the second question that you’re asking me is: Where have I lived that I missed or miss?

Germany. I spent most of my time in life there, so I was lucky enough to get to go back for my 19th birthday, thanks to an ex-boyfriend. And it was absolutely beautiful and it was just so nice to visit all this places that I went to during when I was a child. It’s different; you realize stuff that you didn’t and couldn’t figure out when you were younger. You appreciate the culture more, I was trying to say.

And then you were asking: If I could direct a shoot, what would I want to shoot?

I guess just a fantasy type shoot, like I’ve always wanted to do an amazon’s type of shoot where I wore a beautiful long flowing dress and ride on a horse along a stream or a forest or something. I think that would be lovely. But that’s not really directing a shoot. That is more me being in the shoot.

And your last question you’re asking me: Am I jeans and t-shirt kind of girl or a girlie girl that needs to be always wearing a dress?

Actually I’m more of a jeans and t-shirt type… Actually, no, I’m more of a PJ type of girl. I’m rather be wearing my PJs than anything else. But I guess if I’m going out to a party, I’ll get myself all dolled up and wear a dress, or when I’m shooting, too. But generally I’m wearing my little culprit pants and a t-shirt. I’m happy wearing that.

I hope that answered all of your questions. I will talk to you later.


Anoree 12-05-2010 05:22 PM

D104, 02-16-09: To Carabell
"Hey Carabell

I read your question on the question thread and you were asking me: Has my adult modeling experiences changed my perception about sex, nudity and masturbation?

With the nudity, definitely. Definitely on the public nudity side. I was never really into public nudity, I still am not, but I’m more ok with it now. I was really, really shy when I first shot for FTV and doing the public nudity was something completely foreign to me. I definitely have gotten used to it and I think it’s fun, but normally when you’re with another girl.
About the sex and the masturbation side, I think not so much. I’ve always been pretty open about my sexuality. I’ve always been very sexual. So nothing really changed about that, except I get to watch girls masturbate all the time and that’s quite hot.
I guess one of the things that has changed is when I look at other single girl sites I see how their members treat them. They treat the girls like sluts, just because they take off their clothes and they masturbate on camera, or they have sex on camera. I think sexuality or sex is just a normal human thing. I think nudity is a normal human thing. I don’t think that’s something we should be ashamed of. But then at the same time I don’t think that you should be belittled because you’re ok with your sexuality. I don’t like being belittled because I masturbate on camera. I don’t like people tell me that I should tell them about my sexual experiences just because I masturbate on camera. Such high morals, right? No, that’s not the case. I do have high morals, but then I also have my own private life, and there are some things that I share with you guys and there are some things that I won’t share with you guys. And my sex life is one of the things that I will not share. I don’t think that’s appropriate, and I think that’s one of those things that I’m allowed to keep private. I guess I don’t appreciate having people sit there and tell me that I should tell you guys about it because I’m getting naked on camera. Who cares, really?

Anyways, I just went off on my little tension rampage, whatever. I apologize. And if I offended or upset anybody, I apologize.

I just wanted to let that be known, let my feelings and thoughts on that be known.

I’ll hopefully talk to you later.


Anoree 12-05-2010 05:25 PM

D105, 02-22-09: To Raven_azrael
"Hey Raven_azrael

I read your question on the question thread and you were asking me: When is my spring break and what am I planning on doing during spring break?

I actually don’t really have any plans for the spring break, kind of boring. I’m hoping next year, when I’m 21, for my spring break I can go maybe to Vegas or something like that. That will be my first spring break being legal, yeah! That’s very exciting for me. Of course I could always go down to Mexico and I’d be legal there. I think the age to legally drink there is 18.

Actually, my spring break is March 16th through the 20th. I am actually going to be shooting that whole time, all for my site.

Anyways, I hope that answered your question. I hope you do something fun for spring break. I’m sure you will.


Anoree 12-05-2010 05:45 PM

D106, 02-26-09: To Everyone
"Hey everyone

I just wanted to say hi. I’ve been sick for the past week now. That’s for the first time in a year, a year and a half, so that’s actually really odd for me. I’m still actually kind of sick, so I was actually neglecting my website and stuff. I was not feeling up to doing anything. I worked out once this week and realized that working out while you’re sick is not the best decision in the world.

I also went bowling with my friends on Wednesday. That was fun, other than the fact that they all smoke and I was sitting there like choking to death. I can deal with it when I’m not sick, but when I am sick I’m just like “Oh my god, the oxygen is being depleted.” I actually bowled. For my first game I got at a really low score, I think it was 45 or something like that. But you can’t blame me, ‘cause I haven’t bowled like a year and a half or something like that. But I did pretty well my second and third game. I got a 103 both times. Funny. I got to play DanceEvolution there, too. It was awesome. I love that game, except it kind of sucks when you’re sick, because you start wheezing, coughing and stuff. But it was still fun.

I also got Valentine’s Day cards, just at the beginning of the week. I’ve been neglecting my video logs. I’ve finally decided to do a video log for you and update you on my week and also show you guys my Valentine’s Day cards. It’s been two weeks since Valentine’s Day.

I got a card from Grande351. It’s really cute. It has Cupid’s butt on it, see… Here: Butt. And he also got me a gift card to Target. That’s very nice of him. I’m going to replace some of the stuff that my friend broke when she was staying at my apartment. Very nice of her. She should replace that, but no, she’s not going to.

And then I also got a card from – I’m not sure who it is. You told me who you are, but I honestly, I can’t remember. It says your real name in here and I don’t want to say your real name, so I apologize. I feel so bad right now, and also stupid. Just send me a PM to tell me who you are and I will send you a personal video log thanking you for this. Sorry. And then you also sent me – I’ve got to cover up your name, won’t let your name be known – you sent me a Victoria Secrets gift card, too. That’s very nice. I need to go get new bras because my boobs are getting a little too small for these bras, because I’m losing weight, looking good, losing weight, getting toned… Actually that looks pretty hot right now.

Anyways, I quit checking myself out and let you guys go. I hope you guys all have a great day, and hopefully I get better really soon here, because I have a webcam show tomorrow and the last thing I want is to be coughing the whole time.

All right, bye guys"

Anoree 12-05-2010 05:50 PM

D107, 03-02-09: To Bockwurstwasser
"Hey Bockwurstwasser

I read your questions on the question thread and you were asking me: In my private life, do I prefer wearing thongs or regular panties, when did I start wearing thongs? And: Have I ever dyed my hair and what colors have I dyed them? … dyed it? I should say.

Let’s see. In normal life I actually prefer to wear thongs if I wear underwear at all, but I just don’t wear underwear that often, which is a funny thing, because I have tons and tons and tons of underwear. I actually didn’t start wearing thongs until I was much older. Actually I think I was probably like 18 when I bought my first thong. I don’t know why. That was always kind of an embarrassing thing to wear.

I have dyed my hair. Actually my first time dying it was when I was 13 and I dyed it black. My mom freaked out on me big time about that one, came home, there was die all over the counter and my hair was kind of splashy ‘cause I didn’t get it perfect. It was black up until I was about I think 14 or 15. Then I tried bleaching it myself. That was a disaster, because my hair turned out like… just like this weird skunk look, like half of it was orange, the rest of it was actually like bleach blond, like right on the roots. That was horrible, a horrible time. I ended up cutting it really short like spike in the back and leaving it long in the front and actually dyed it magenta, magenta-pink. That was fantastic. I’ve dyed it red, that’s like the worst color to have, because I went swimming the next day and the color just came right out of my hair. And of course I dyed it brunette. I’m actually a natural blonde and my mom says that she has the only two daughters in the world that are natural blondes that dye their hair brunette. But I’m actually trying to get more towards my natural hair color. It’s taking a while, but it’s getting there.

I hope that answered your questions.


Anoree 12-05-2010 05:56 PM

D108, 03-06-09: To Mart
"Hey Mart

I read your question on the question thread and you were asking me if I have gotten into any car crashes and whether I consider myself a good or a bad driver.

I actually would consider myself a fairly good driver. I am aggressive on the road, I do road rage. I road rage for other people. It’s funny, because my friends always comment on that, how, you know… Most of my friends are very calm drivers and when somebody will cut them off I’m like “Dude, get your hell over by!” and just freak out on them, and I always get made fun off for that. But I can’t stand people that have to go 10 miles under the speed limit. I don’t really understand the point of that. I hate people that text while they’re driving. That’s incredibly dangerous and just stupid in my opinion. And I hate tailgaters and personally, I think Arizona would be less the Valley of the Sun, more the Valley of Tailgaters.

I’ve never gotten into a car crash before. Well, I can’t really say that. I’ve been in a hit and run accident. I was actually driving home from a photo shoot in my ex-boyfriend’s Mercedes and some driver just hit me. And it was my first accident ever, and so I’m pulling over to the side of the road, expecting him to pull over with me and he just takes off. So, that was… I was quite shocked and I didn’t really know what was going on, and I thought I should follow him, but decided to be responsible. Anyways, that sucked. And I actually got listed as a primary, too. But I think the police officer just had something against a young female driving such an expensive vehicle. He probably thought that it was daddy’s car or something.

Anyways, I hope that answered your question. I hope I never get into an accident, honestly.

All right, bye"

Anoree 12-05-2010 05:59 PM

D109, 03-10-09: To Geolarson
[Start is cut off]

"... package in the mail, actually I got it like a week ago. I’m finally now doing the video log; it’s really bad of me, but anyways …

This beautiful card from you, it took me like an hour just to read your hand writing. You have a very cursive writing. You also sent me Fireside Chai Tea and Grand Green Tea. I was actually reading the back and it says that it’s, what did they call it, fair trade tea, so it supports fair trade. Good stuff. And then you also sent me big blocks of chocolate. And if you can see the difference between the sizes, I’ve already eaten quite a bit of this one. It’s really bad of you to send me that, by the way. I’m tempted to eat the whole block. But anyways, I just wanted to say thank you. I really appreciate the package and the chocolate. It’s yummy.

Have a great day!


Anoree 12-05-2010 06:02 PM

D110, 03-14-09: To Bockwurstwasser
"Hey Bockwurstwasser

I read your question on the question thread and you’re asking me if I prefer to have sex with a guy with or without a condom.

I guess it really depends on the situation. If I have been in an exclusive relationship with a guy and I know that he doesn’t sleep around with other people and I know that he’s clean, then I prefer to have sex without a condom. I just like the closeness and stuff. And ‘cause it’s a total hassle to put a condom on. It’s not very romantic.

But if I’m just doing a one night stand or if I’m sleeping with a guy that I know sleeps with other women, then I will definitely use a condom. You have to be safe; don’t want to catch any disease.

But since I don’t get laid it’s kind of a moot point.

I hope that answered your question.


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