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mart 03-20-2010 11:17 AM

Just thought i'd bump this thread for any newbies who might fancy filling a few in. Their just fun questionaires to give a little idea what kind of person you are.

Immortal 03-22-2010 11:57 PM


Originally Posted by mart (Post 11816)
I only wanted the oil changed lol. That's the last time i go to your garage.:D

Sorry i won't stray off topic again admin!.;)

That's funny right there Mart! But to stay on topic:

1. What colour is your car?
Kind of brown/purple color shift custom paint.

2. What make is your car?

3. Do you wear a seatbelt, always, sometimes, never?

4. Do you drive a manual or automatic?

5. Have you ever jumped a red light?

6. Have you ever got a speeding ticket?
7. Have you ever had a blow-out?
8. Have you ever parked in a disabled bay

9. Have you ever parked on a no parking spot?

10. Have you ever reversed into a tree, wall, another car, or any stationary object behind you?
Yes -Fire hydrant.

11. Can you change a tire?

12. Can you change the oil?
Yes, I can change anything on a car, truck or motorcycle.

mart 04-14-2010 06:23 AM

1. Do you browse through railway timetables, directories, or dictionaries just for pleasure?
2. Would you prefer to be in a position where you did not have the responsibilities of making decisions?
3. Would the idea of inflicting pain on game, small animals or fish prevent you from hunting or fishing?
4. Are you often impulsive in your behavior?
5. Do you have a small circle of close friends, rather than a large number of friends?
A small circle of close friends
6. Do you often sing or whistle just for fun?
7. Do you make efforts to get others to laugh and smile?
8. Do these efforts ever pay off?
Mostly yes
9. Do you find it easy to express your emotions?
10. Does "external noise" often interfere with your concentration?
11. Does emotional music have quite an effect on you?
12. Do you bite your fingernails or chew the end of your pencil?
Chew the end of a pencil
13. Is it easy for you to relax?
14. Could you take the necessary actions to kill an animal in order to put it out of pain?
15. Do you think it is possible to learn anything from questionaires?

TheDoctor 04-15-2010 03:20 AM

1. Do you browse through railway timetables, directories, or dictionaries just for pleasure?
2. Would you prefer to be in a position where you did not have the responsibilities of making decisions?
3. Would the idea of inflicting pain on game, small animals or fish prevent you from hunting or fishing?
Not exactly. I find hunting too primitive ans I liken fishing to piracy.
4. Are you often impulsive in your behavior?
5. Do you have a small circle of close friends, rather than a large number of friends?
Few, very close.
6. Do you often sing or whistle just for fun?
7. Do you make efforts to get others to laugh and smile?
Actually, I try to make myself laugh.
8. Do these efforts ever pay off?
Mostly yes.
10. Does "external noise" often interfere with your concentration?
11. Does emotional music have quite an effect on you?
What is "emotional music"?
12. Do you bite your fingernails or chew the end of your pencil?
13. Is it easy for you to relax?
14. Could you take the necessary actions to kill an animal in order to put it out of pain?
Yes... Even people.
15. Do you think it is possible to learn anything from questionaires?
Ya kiddin', right?

mart 06-24-2010 04:59 AM

1. Have you ever kissed someone you don't like?
2. Have you ever been fired from a job?
3. Have you ever been pushed in a pool fully clothed?
Not yet lol
4. Have you ever been arrested?
5. Have you ever shaved your head completely?
6. Have you ever made your girlfriend/boyfriend cry?
7. Have you ever kicked a vending machine?
8. What do you do when you are sad?
Listen to some music
9. Who or what sleeps with you right now?
I sleep alone right now
10. What jewelry do you wear?
11. What noise do you hear right now?
Birds chirping
12. What's the last sporting event you last watched?
World cup football
13. Who was the last person you hugged?
My Niece
14. Have you ever accidently caught something on fire?
Yes frying pan usually
15. Have you ever been kicked out of a club?
16. Have you ever been so drunk you've had to be carried home?
17. Have you ever been to a strip club?
18. Have you ever been to an adult shop?
19. Have you ever kissed a stranger?
Can't remember
20. Have you ever licked someones cheek?
Can't remember, maybe if i was drunk lol

TheDoctor 06-24-2010 05:56 AM

1. Have you ever kissed someone you don't like?
2. Have you ever been fired from a job?
3. Have you ever been pushed in a pool fully clothed?
Not yet lol
4. Have you ever been arrested?
5. Have you ever shaved your head completely?
Not yet
6. Have you ever made your girlfriend/boyfriend cry?
Yes, like a bazillion times...
7. Have you ever kicked a vending machine?
Yes. Also kneed, punched and even thrown to the floor.
8. What do you do when you are sad?
Answer silly questionnaries
9. Who or what sleeps with you right now?
I sleep alone right now
10. What jewelry do you wear?
Wedding ring
11. What noise do you hear right now?
PC fan
12. What's the last sporting event you last watched?
World cup football
13. Who was the last person you hugged?
My "Niece"
14. Have you ever accidently caught something on fire?
Yes, a PJ t-shirt some 14 years ago. While wearing it.
15. Have you ever been kicked out of a club?
16. Have you ever been so drunk you've had to be carried home?
17. Have you ever been to a strip club?
18. Have you ever been to an adult shop?
Not yet.
19. Have you ever kissed a stranger?
20. Have you ever licked someones cheek?
My wife, far too many times to count(on either "cheek").

Immortal 06-24-2010 02:37 PM

1. Have you ever kissed someone you don't like?
2. Have you ever been fired from a job?
3. Have you ever been pushed in a pool fully clothed?
4. Have you ever been arrested?
5. Have you ever shaved your head completely?
6. Have you ever made your girlfriend/boyfriend cry?
7. Have you ever kicked a vending machine?
8. What do you do when you are sad?
Answer silly questionnaries
9. Who or what sleeps with you right now?
I sleep with my wife.
10. What jewelry do you wear?
11. What noise do you hear right now?
Stupid rooster that can't tell time.
12. What's the last sporting event you last watched?
Monster jam
13. Who was the last person you hugged?
My Wife.
14. Have you ever accidently caught something on fire?
Yea, my basement years ago. .
15. Have you ever been kicked out of a club?
16. Have you ever been so drunk you've had to be carried home?
No, but got home not knowing how.
17. Have you ever been to a strip club?
18. Have you ever been to an adult shop?
19. Have you ever kissed a stranger?
Not that i remember.
20. Have you ever licked someones cheek?
My wife, but as for "Cheek" which one?.

captnjack 06-24-2010 11:02 PM

1. Have you ever kissed someone you don't like?
2. Have you ever been fired from a job?
3. Have you ever been pushed in a pool fully clothed?
4. Have you ever been arrested?
Yes nothing like waking up in the morning in a jail cell
5. Have you ever shaved your head completely?
6. Have you ever made your girlfriend/boyfriend cry?
I don’t think so
7. Have you ever kicked a vending machine?
8. What do you do when you are sad?
Listen to some music
9. Who or what sleeps with you right now?
All by myself
10. What jewelry do you wear?
None/unless a watch counts
11. What noise do you hear right now?
Fans it is hot here today
12. What's the last sporting event you last watched?
World cup soccer
13. Who was the last person you hugged?
A friend from work
14. Have you ever accidently caught something on fire?
Yes while burning a brush pile
15. Have you ever been kicked out of a club?
No but I was kicked off of a golf course once
16. Have you ever been so drunk you've had to be carried home?
No but I did get thrown in jail
17. Have you ever been to a strip club?
Yes worked in one for a short time but not as a model lol
18. Have you ever been to an adult shop?
19. Have you ever kissed a stranger?
20. Have you ever licked someones cheek?

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