FTV Girls Danielle Forum

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MrSnook 11-30-2008 04:48 AM


Originally Posted by danielle_ftv
To be on the cover of Playboy magazine
To be in Playboy Special Editions magazines
To be a Penthouse Pet and eventually Penthouse Pet of the Year
To be in Maxim magazine
To be in Stuff magazine
To be in FHM magazine
To win an AVN award
To win an XBIZ award
To be in music videos
To have Playboy tv do a segment on me and my website

Can you really do Playboy and Penthouse? I guess you can go Playboy then Penthouse but not vice versa. Thought I remember reading Hef doesn't like Playmates who do stuff outside of Playboy. Been a few Penthouse Pets from FTV-have you talked to them?

FHM is cancelled in America :( So is Stuff magazine.

Does your dream involve dancing in a music video? Cute dancer but not a chance to back up Beyonce.

Good luck on the rest.

danielle_ftv 11-30-2008 11:51 PM


Originally Posted by MrSnook (Post 4756)
Can you really do Playboy and Penthouse? I guess you can go Playboy then Penthouse but not vice versa. Thought I remember reading Hef doesn't like Playmates who do stuff outside of Playboy. Been a few Penthouse Pets from FTV-have you talked to them?

FHM is cancelled in America :( So is Stuff magazine.

Does your dream involve dancing in a music video? Cute dancer but not a chance to back up Beyonce.

Good luck on the rest.

Most likely no...I wouldn't be able to do Penthouse and Playboy. I would have to do Playboy first then Penthouse later on. I didn't know that FHM and Stuff was cancelled here...hmmm...now I have to choose other magazines to be in. About the music videos...I would love to be one of the dancers, extras, or maybe even the main girl in a music video.

Anoree 12-01-2008 12:33 AM


Originally Posted by danielle_ftv (Post 4785)
About the music videos...I would love to be one of the dancers, extras, or maybe even the main girl in a music video.

I would love to see that.

The magazines would probably be altered for release in Europe, if not made completely new. I would like to see you in those, too.

grande351 12-01-2008 01:46 AM


Originally Posted by danielle_ftv (Post 4785)
Most likely no...I wouldn't be able to do Penthouse and Playboy. I would have to do Playboy first then Penthouse later on. I didn't know that FHM and Stuff was cancelled here...hmmm...now I have to choose other magazines to be in. About the music videos...I would love to be one of the dancers, extras, or maybe even the main girl in a music video.

Check these two sites out:

There's instructions on each site explaining how to register and submit photos. I think you should go for it! You'll never know unless you try :)

(Do not post links to competitors web sites)

iammatrix 12-01-2008 01:57 AM

Thank you for the birthday video babe! :)

grande351 12-01-2008 11:07 AM

I apologize for posting those links. I wasn't thinking for some reason.

ugo 12-02-2008 08:19 AM

It sometimes rests, Danielle.:o

To have too many appointments you undertake it loses him the freshness.
Also I don't love the doctors. But they are useful. If they are bravi and good:)

geolarson2 12-02-2008 04:00 PM

Go to the doctor. If you have insurance, go to the doctor. If you've had anything serious in your past, go to the doctor. If you've been feeling out of sorts and don't know why, but its been going on for more than a couple weeks, go to the doctor. There are some things you can walk off, and then there are some things you can't. To be perfectly honest, I am always happy when I come back from the doctor and nothing new has gone wrong; and I wish I'd listened to my body earlier, or had medical coverage to go to the doctor before things went so haywire, so go to the doctor. And when you go there, tell her/him (mine's a her), "Dammit Jim, I'm a model, not a doctor!" in your best, gruffest DeForest Kelley voice.

Have you checked other places for that nursery set? I noticed a couple years ago when in a similar situation they were out of stock right after Thanksgiving, but got my name on a list to be notified as soon as the item was available, even before it was going to be back in the store. I got that by going to the manufacturer's website, and then ordered directly from them (same price as in the store--manufacturer's suggested retail price, dig?). The item arrived literally a day or two before Christmas, so it was perfect, although I was checking my blood pressure more frequently as the time got shorter!

And wicked cool for you going for such a nice, long walk! When I was in my early teens, I sued to go on the Volksmarch (I think that's what they're called) at the USAF Academy. Those were great long walks around the grounds of the Academy, with plenty of brauts & Lowenbrau after (not that I got any of the Brau--alright, you twisted my arm, I got some "snuck" to me--but I do love a good braut with lots of Deutchlander mustard). I love going for walks, personally, especially in the country, bounding up and down hills and so on, but for now I'm basically stuck to the sidewalks and so on. I did go for a 1 1/2 mile walk yesterday, to & from the supermarket pushing a stroller filled with fruits, veggies and meats. Use 'em or lose 'em, you know--gotta keep those legs working, heart pumping ans do on ...(shrugging my shoulders here because I'm not sure how to end--anyone got a cow to drop, or can I just jump the shark? Right, both, wicked cool! :D)

mart 12-02-2008 06:44 PM

Do you not have regular checkups with your doctor Danielle?. Your doctor has to look on the net for information?. Is he/she new or just a trainee?.:eek:
I've heard of "TOYS-R-US" but "BABYS-R-US" never heard of them before. Do they sell many babies lol.:D

MISSY 12-02-2008 08:37 PM


Originally Posted by mart (Post 4863)
Do you not have regular checkups with your doctor Danielle?. Your doctor has to look on the net for information?. Is he/she new or just a trainee?.:eek:
I've heard of "TOYS-R-US" but "BABYS-R-US" never heard of them before. Do they sell many babies lol.:D

Just be glad the DR. dosent grab your thing and stick a cold medal thing in it and stretch the hole open so he/she can look inside!!!!!!!:eek:

geolarson2 12-02-2008 08:44 PM


Originally Posted by MISSY (Post 4865)
Just be glad the DR. dosent grab your thing and stick a cold medal thing in it and stretch the hole open so he/she can look inside!!!!!!!:eek:

Depends ...from what I understand from one or two of my doctors (women--women make better physicians, IMO, than men), the closest a guy can get to experiencing childbirth is passing a kidney stone. Speaking for myself, I'll pass (ha ha). And the closest a guy can get to a pelvic exam is a prostate exam, and let me just say right here and now that it sucks big time! :eek: But ya gotta do what ya gotta do, and if you have some reason to believe that you might need treatment, you'd better just suck it up and go to the doctor, and even if you're feeling fine, you should still go once every year or two for a work up. I have a friend (and distant cousin) who was feeling fine and dandy, went to the doctor and found out that this bump he had was a tumor, and it was cancerous, and this was the 2nd time he'd had it, and he wasn't even 30 yet! A year and a half later, after kemo, radiation & surgery, he's cancer-free because he went to the doctor, so there. So, Ms D, just go, have the doc tell you you're fine (we hope--don't want to jinx anything), you just need some iron or something, and then come back here or go on a shoot with one less thing stressing you out, alright? Oh, almost forgot, but they do make smaller speculum to look inside the backside--just one more thing guys might get to experience! Oh, joy ... (to quote Stimpy)

MISSY 12-02-2008 08:51 PM


Originally Posted by geolarson2 (Post 4867)
Depends ...from what I understand from one or two of my doctors (women--women make better physicians, IMO, than men), the closest a guy can get to experiencing childbirth is passing a kidney stone. Speaking for myself, I'll pass (ha ha). And the closest a guy can get to a pelvic exam is a prostate exam, and let me just say right here and now that it sucks big time! :eek:

Jeromy had to have a prostate exam at his last check up, he came out of the DR. office muddering things under his breath I won't repeat on here. I have a man DR. witch I am quite happy with. I know Tigger has a woman DR. I have not heard him complain about it. I gess it depends on who you are comfortabe with.

danielle_ftv 12-03-2008 05:03 AM

I have great insurance fortunately. And I will be going to the doctor, mostly just to keep my mom from harassing me...though I know she does it with the best intentions.

grande351 12-03-2008 10:36 AM


Originally Posted by danielle_ftv (Post 4882)
I have great insurance fortunately. And I will be going to the doctor, mostly just to keep my mom from harassing me...though I know she does it with the best intentions.

Even at your young age, yearly check-ups are a good idea, so i'm glad you're going to go. Your mom is just being a mom. You realize that she only bugs you because she loves you, and that's great. It may be a pain sometimes, but you know she'll be there when you need her! I'm also happy to hear that you have insurance, that's really important these days with medical costs being what they are! I hope something is done to help the folks that don't have coverage, especially with more and more people getting laid-off from their jobs.

ugo 12-03-2008 11:23 AM

I hope that Danielle doesn't have anything. At times I understand the embarrassment with the doctors, and to feel to his ease. I believe that it is opportune to make controls, and to have doctors able to diagnose well and to make their proper work.
I don't often have trust in the doctors. They have told me to always make the controls. I still have problems of kidney and stomach that it keeps on making some vomits. The colleagues of my job have me almost ruined. And I am waiting for the accursed reimbursement. But they don't want to know about these things. Because there is the risk of a great tension.

mart 12-04-2008 05:39 AM


Originally Posted by MISSY (Post 4865)
Just be glad the DR. dosent grab your thing and stick a cold medal thing in it and stretch the hole open so he/she can look inside!!!!!!!:eek:

Doesn't bare thinking about Missy.:eek:

tigger 12-05-2008 12:49 AM


Originally Posted by missy (Post 4865)
just be glad the dr. Dosent grab your thing and stick a cold medal thing in it and stretch the hole open so he/she can look inside!!!!!!!:eek:

ok could have done without that tidbit of info.

tigger 12-05-2008 12:52 AM


Originally Posted by MISSY (Post 4869)
Jeromy had to have a prostate exam at his last check up, he came out of the DR. office muddering things under his breath I won't repeat on here. I have a man DR. witch I am quite happy with. I know Tigger has a woman DR. I have not heard him complain about it. I gess it depends on who you are comfortabe with.


geolarson2 12-07-2008 03:01 PM

Wow, I'm sorry the tattoo removals are, it seems, getting more painful. They say that the more you endure pain, the easier it gets, but I've sometimes found the opposite to be true, that you go into a situation you know will cause some pain, start anticipating it, and then you're so focused on the pain that it really does hurt more. Is there something you can do, besides holding the cold-air tube, during the procedure that will distract you and give your brain something else to think about--long division in the head? Can you listen to music, read, anything?

That's really cool about your bro & soon-to-be step-bro. I see my brother a couple times a week and my mom & nieces almost every day (as you know). I actually see my sis-in-law more than my brother, but she doesn't work the vampire shift, and I am, after all, a reverse-vampire (I walk the sunlit street drinking the blood of tomatoes--dag nabbit!, I coulda had a V8!!!!). I've never been overseas myself, but think its pretty cool that he's getting to come over here. BTW, where is your mom going to live? Is her hubby-to-be coming here, or will she eventually move with him back to Jolly Olde? Either way I sincerely hope she'll get the happiness she deserves.

Anoree 12-09-2008 06:46 AM


Originally Posted by danielle_ftv (Post 5097)
Dec. 08, 2008
Yes, yes, yes...we finally got the members area completed enough to send off to CCBill (the billing company that will be handling my website). How exciting...in about two weeks or so (hopefully by Christmas) the premium are will be launched. You guys are going to love it...it looks amazing and there are quite a few changes we put on the site.

What a great christmas present that will be.


So anyways, yep another complainer...but you want to hear the funniest part??? The guy actually had the audacity to accuse me of taking advantage of the girls and only being in the shoots to get "sexual gratification".....okay, I'm not denying it, but no that is not the only reason that I am in those shoot. Anyways I am sick of trying to explain it to people...let them think what they want to think.
That complainers just don't know whats good.
I love the true feelings that show in every shoot you do and look forward to every update you're assisting.

Yes, let them think what they want. That's a good view. You can't please everyone anyways. (But you do please the most. ;))

captnjack 12-09-2008 10:19 AM

I love it when you assist with the FTV shoots. You always add to the shoot and in some make the shoot worthwhile!

grande351 12-09-2008 10:46 AM

I can't wait for the members area. I hope that CCBill accepts Visa right from the start. A few new sites I know of had an almost two week delay before they would take Visa :mad:

Don't let the negativity get to you, Danielle. You definitely add something special to every shoot you appear in. :) I'm sure the "haters" are way outnumbered and besides, once your members area opens, you'll probably make fewer appearances on FTV, so they'll have less to complain about.

As far as you "only being in the shoots for sexual gratification". What a bunch of BS! One of the best things about your appearances is that you really are into the girls and not faking it like you see on other sites. Is there a rule somewhere that you can't enjoy yourself? I must have missed it. :D

CK1 12-09-2008 10:49 AM

I think people should notice that if you are assisting in shoots there is either a demand for it or it helps in the shoot itself (puts the girls at ease that there is another girl, etc.) so they need to just accept it. plus from what what i seen from the previews for the next two girls, you are not mentioned so it looks like you did not even participate in those. which personally i am a little disappointed since we still have to wait for your site to be up (by the way, congrats and i can't wait) but i guess i will have to survive for another two weeks. :)

geolarson2 12-09-2008 02:12 PM

Neat about your premium site. I'm sure you're really excited, and the front page Rob created was gorgeous. And about the haters, well, what can you do? Some folks complain way too much and don't just sit down, relax and enjoy what's in front of them. And the way I see it, if they think they can do better, they should put their money where their mouths' are and go out there and actually try to do what Rob, you and everyone else whose either worked with Rob behind the camera, or worked in front of the camera, do. One of those things where if you don't have constructive criticism to offer, then put up or stop your whining. But, of course, that's just my opinion, so maybe I should just shut up now ;)

Anoree 12-09-2008 04:25 PM


Originally Posted by geolarson2 (Post 5113)
But, of course, that's just my opinion, so maybe I should just shut up now ;)

I'ts not just your opinion, it's mine, too.:)

tigger 12-09-2008 06:01 PM

Give them a brick of gold amd they will ***** it is not shiny enough!

eastbill 12-09-2008 11:17 PM

hey danielle.. i am excited about your premium site... cant wait till its up and running.

You in too much.... that is funny. i wonder what is in some peoples minds. i know i cant see too much of you.

CanadianDude 12-11-2008 02:09 AM

yes it`s definately hilarious that someone would complain abut seeing Danielle in to many videos! She`s practically the only reason I`m here!! :p

No need to explain yourself to people Danielle keep up the good work!

tigger 12-11-2008 08:50 AM

Some of us just love you more than others.:d

mart 12-11-2008 06:21 PM

I guess a lot of people just have second thoughts after joining up. It's problably quite common for most forums. I think it was similar on Alison's forum. But don't quote me on that lol. For those non-posters reading this. Come on join in and have a bit fun with Danielle, Lia and us. You know you want to.;):D

eastbill 12-12-2008 01:48 AM

danielle... i cant imagine not posting here.. it is a wonderful place.

geolarson2 12-12-2008 02:16 AM

I've had some fun here, and then there have been times when I've pulled (more of) my hair out (a la Homer Jay Simpson). Sometimes I read the posts while playing with my ... beard (perverts! JK & LOL). There have been times when I pop in a couple times a day, even if for just a minute or two to read new posts, and then there have been times when I've been away for more than a week. Its only been 2 months since WhyYou, Ugo, LeoRex, Ryan, yours truly and a few others first joined and began posting, and the board has really changed a lot. Tigger's accident actually, I think, drew us all together even more and made the board more of a community than just some naughty bulletin board thingy (that's me, always trying to find the silver lining--its usually polyester). And then we have the whole European and Down Under communities to consider, plus India, the Middle East and Peru. I do, like Ms D, sometimes puzzle over the discrepancy between members and active members, and will even go so far as to wonder if there are so many active members out there, why don't I see more (any) posts from them. I guess the active members are the one who have posted at least once, while the rest just filled out the form to create an identity. I'd never bothered to join a forum before, and to be honest when I joined and saw how many were from Alison Angel's old forum, I was a bit intimidated--after all, these folks all knew each other already, but I found them welcoming, so I've stayed. So all you looky-loos out there hanging around the fringes, if someone as standoffish as I can come in and post, so can you--at least say hi to Danielle, maybe give her a thumbs up or leave her a smiley face or something to show her the love, dig? :)

ugo 12-12-2008 08:03 AM

I knew that the members of Alison's Chat are good and simple of healthy ironic joy as a great example to the new members. And also I am united with them. To also show our love and support for Danielle. I believe that we have very helped the ethic and the job of Danielle for us active fans and not. But also for the strength of the good job of Rob.

alecarustar 12-12-2008 08:22 AM

Hi Danielle, about 11 Dec. i'm agree with you.
It's better, people that post more and more, will'have a little present (video-log). I'm one of these and i'm waiting for my first video-log!!
i'm very happy to be here and write to you....
thank you for your professional work! i love you

newonehere 12-12-2008 08:52 PM

Thank you danielle
Hi Danielle:

I'm new here but been a huge fan of your work on ftv. I want you to know that I love your work on ftv and I personally would like to thank you for your dedication to your work. I also love how you always represent yourself in a classy and respectful way and don't disrespect yourself in the way that other adult "hardcore" models do. I genuinely always look forward to seeing if your going to be in future updates on ftv . I look forward to the day when your premium area launches and thank you to rob and yourself for all the hard work that you have put into your site and ftv. Take care my friend.

Dilbert49 12-13-2008 03:12 AM

As you can see, I'm not a frequent poster. I do keep up with the forums but generally don't have anything much to add or say that someone else hadn't already brought up. I guess I'm just the "quiet" type. I'm also a math teacher, so let me know if you need any help with that math!

eastbill 12-13-2008 06:30 PM

danielle... great you got to sign up for school. sounds like a busy load. you will be able to handle math. there are people here that can help.

Robertoverde 12-13-2008 11:42 PM

Huh. I've always been great at Math and still hated it, but its a useful skill to meet girls...who need a little tutoring. :) I am in Phoneix, so if you need me to tutor you, I'd be more than happy to...even though I'm sure that might never happen, but a guy can dream. :)

MrSnook 12-16-2008 08:39 PM

Be glad you are doing Geology and not Intro to Chemistry. I've never had a problem with any class but that Intro to Chem killed me. The balancing equations were brutal. I just walked out on the second test and dropped it.

Geology was alot more fun and counted as my science so I was relieved. Unless you are going to be in a major that requires alot of science be greatful.

tigger 12-16-2008 10:53 PM


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