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Anoree 02-06-2011 11:54 AM

D231, 01-22-11: To e83
"Hey e83

I read your questions on the question thread and your first question was: What’s the longest I’ve let my hair grow?

I’m thinking it was to… much to the middle of my back, right there or so. [shows with her hand on a side view] But I think that was when I was much younger. I used to have it really, really short. Actually, at one point I had my hair really short on the back, so it was spiking up, and long in the front. It was kind of cute, a kind of punk rock or kind of Goth looking.

Your other question was: Have I ever ha… uh, I cannot talk right now. My voice is cracking like a boy going through puberty. [laughs] Have I ever had any thoughts about trying to let it grow to my waist?

Actually I have. I think it would be so cool to have long hair like that, but it would probably be really hard to take care of, and I can just imagine getting out of the shower and it being all tangled and stuff, because my hair gets really tangled after I get out of the shower and I’d washed it already, and if it’s longer I think it would be super, super hard to deal with. Plus, I’ve actually heard that most guys don’t like super, super long hair, that they usually prefer the length that my hair is at. I think I’m good.

Your next question was: When I’ve been caught nude unexpectedly, what area do you instinctively try and cover first, breast, down there or both simultaneously?

You know what’s weird? I don’t actually think that I have been caught completely nude before, so I wouldn’t really be able to sit there and say that I would cover both of them. I’m sure that I would try to cover both simultaneously, but normally if somebody catches me that I normally have my top down and I do this, [crosses her arms before her chest] cover my boobs or whatever. Yah, luckily nobody saw me completely naked. That would be really, really bad. Well, I’m sorry, nobody has seen me completely naked in public. Yeah.

Your last question was: Have I ever taught anyone to masturbate?

No, I haven’t. To be perfectly honest, I haven’t really even been able to … I haven’t really been comfortable enough to talk about that until I started shooting. I don’t know. I’ve talked to my best friend Dallas about it, but I never instructed her or anything. I definitely was way too much of a prude back when I was younger to teach somebody how to masturbate. Plus, I masturbate … well, I’m sorry, I used to masturbate way different than anybody else I ever – uh, can’t talk – The style that I used to use when I was masturbating was very different from other girls’ styles. It’s actually a little rougher, a little harder and I don’t think that most girls like it. The only girl that likes it is Dallas. Apparently we masturbate the same way, as we found out. I was “Oh my god, you’re my soul sister! It’s awesome!”

I hope that answers your questions, ok?


Anoree 02-06-2011 11:56 AM

D232, 01-27-11: To um...
"Hey um…

I read your questions on the question thread. Your first question was: Have I ever seen the movie 2012?

Yes, I have. I think I’ve seen it two times, actually, which is kind of unusual for me, since I don’t usually watch movies more than once, except for my favorite movies like Queen of the Damned. Oh my god, I could watch that a million times, because I love that movie. But yes, I have seen it and, I’m not going to lie, it’s kind of creepy. I hate … well, not hate, but in a way end-of-the-world movies and alien-takeover-movies really creep me out.

Your other question was: Do I think it will happen?

No, I don’t think it will. At least I hope it doesn’t, because that would suck, that’d really suck. I’d probably be one of the first ones to go, knowing my luck. I think honestly, though, that if anything that we’ll be the ones to ruin this world and make it uninhabitable. So it’s all going to be on us.

I hope that answered your questions, ok?


Anoree 02-06-2011 11:58 AM

D233, 02-01-11: To sexy_john
"Hey sexy_john

I read your questions on the question thread. Your first question was: Do I believe in love at first sight?

Not really. I believe in lust at first sight. Me myself, I experienced lust at first sight many, many, many times, but I’ve never really experienced love at first sight. Probably maybe one day I will. My soul mate, that’d be so awesome.

Your next question was: If I were in love with someone and they asked me to stop porn, what would I do?

I don’t know. It depends. If I had been in the industry for about five years and had my life already started, school almost finished and stuff like that, then maybe I would think about it. But honestly, I love doing this, and I would definitely have to be with somebody for a really, really long time before they can even make a demand of me like that. But I think if somebody were to love me, that they would love every part of me, including the website part of me. I mean, if I have a boyfriend, then I won’t do hardcore. I think that’s kind of offensive to them if I’m sleeping around with another man, even if it’s for a job. But hopefully I’ll never have to quit porn because of a guy. It probably won’t happen, to be perfectly honest. I’d be “Yah, whatever. I’m the money maker here.”

Your next question was: If I had two guys, one has a 10 inch penis and one has a 6 inch penis, which one would I prefer?

It depends on how thick they are. If it’s too thick, then I would choose … well, if one was too thick, I’d choose the one that was thinner, because I don’t really care for a penis that’s too, too thick. Maybe this big [shows a circle with her fingers] or that big, something like that. I’m not sure. And it wouldn’t all stretch out down there and sometimes it hurts when they’re too thick. But ten inches, I’m like 95 % positive that I’ve been with a couple of people that were ten inches or more. I mean they’re huge. I remember this one guy, it was the “Italian Stallion,” he had a huge penis. It was humongous, and I remember looking at it and I was like “Ok, that’s going to be a challenge. That’s a first for me, trying to stick it inside of me.” It didn’t hurt or anything, surprisingly. It was fun, good sex. But, yah, it just mainly depends on the thickness, I guess.

Your next question is: How would I feel if a friend of mine stares at my boobs?

Honestly, I probably just laughed it off. I mean I’ve been naked in front of most of my friends and all of my friends have been naked in front of me, too. We’re really comfortable about nudity and stuff. I don’t know. But if they were really staring at my boobs all night I’d be like “Hey, snap out of it! Are you ok there?” or “What’s going on? Haven’t been laid in a while?” Thankfully I’ve never really had to deal with that, though. My friends are nice. They wouldn’t try to make me feel uncomfortable by staring at my boobs for a long time.

Let’s see, your next question was: Has a friend of mine asked to touch my boobs?

Yeah. It’s mostly the girls, though. I don’t think I’ve ever had a guy friend come up to me “Huh, can I touch your boobs?” All of my girlfriends would sit there and be like “Haha, Boobies!” [makes a grabbing gesture] and they’re “Nobody else permissioned it. Come up, we’ll just start playing with them.” Most of the time I’m just like “Ha, ok, this is fun.” That’s me and my friends for real, though. We’re all outgoing, non-judgmental, kind of free spirited and everything. We don’t really care about that, you know, being prim and proper. It’s fun. I love them, they’re great. They’re good to me.
And your last question was: Can I see the area under your boobs?
Sure you can, in my member’s area. I have a lot of videos and photos there that show you under my boobs. I’m sure you can see them … Actually, there’s tons of places that you can see the area under my boobs.

I hope that answered your questions, ok?


Anoree 02-14-2011 06:44 PM

D234, 02-06-11: To ILuvDani
"Hey ILuvDani

I read your questions on the question thread. Your first question for me was: Do I like to talk dirty?

No, not really. I don’t feel I’m good at it. That’s the thing: I never know what to say. I feel like such a cheese ball when I talk dirty during sex. What’s even worse is when you’re trying to talk dirty and something just comes out of your mouth that makes absolutely no sense. Or, my big thing is I’ve … I remember the last time when I tried to talk dirty – maybe it was the time before, I can’t remember exactly when – and I can’t remember what I said, but it came out completely wrong: Wrong grammar, the wrong words, and I’m just sitting there and was myself thinking “Oh my god, I’m such an idiot. I’m never doing this again.” That was being all hot and sexy and stuff, I was like “Oh, I’m such a dork!” I’m not a big dirty talker at all, just makes me giggle.

Your other question was: What do I think of people calling girls sluts?

I hate that word. I don’t like that word at all, because usually, when people are calling a girl a slut, it’s in a bad way. I don’t know if you can be called a slut in a good way at all. I don’t know. I don’t like dormitory terms like that, especially since I used to be called a slut. I was 13. I hadn’t even have sex yet. I kissed one or two guys. I was “Are you freaking kidding me? Are you really going to call me a slut? How does that make any sense at all?”

Your other question was: If I could get away with breaking the law, what law would I break?

Probably robbing a bank or something ... No! I would get away with – what do they call it? – setting up the lottery so that I would win, and I would win a huge lottery. It would be amazing. And then travel around everywhere and do photo shoots everywhere and meet all my members and stuff. That would be great. Yeah, that would probably what I would do. I wouldn’t want to get away with murder or anything like that. I think killing people is like the worst thing ever.

Your other question was: What are my favorite sex positions?

I’m pretty sure that this has been answered already, but I’m going to answer it anyways, because I’m nice like that. Let’s see … Missionary of course. Generally I like my hips to be lifted up at an angle when doing Missionary; hits my G-Spot better, quite nice. And then I love spooning sex, where I lay on my side and the guy lies against me and does it like that. But generally after a couple of thrusts I end up bending down at an angle, so that my head is right there, yeah, like that [shows the position with her hands] and then… You guys know what I’m talking about. And like lazy doggy, when I’m just lying completely flat on my stomach. Yeah. I’m lazy. All these positions are incredibly lazy. That’s really bad. I’m really lazy when it comes to sex. I’m not going to lie. But then, at the same time I really don’t get off when I’m on top. Girl on top is the worst position for me, because a) I can’t do it fast enough, I can’t do it hard enough and I never think I’m good enough. So, that’s like my worst position. I don’t like it.

Your next question was: On set for my shoots, do I prefer to be naked, or wearing a bathrobe or clothes?

I don’t really prefer anything. I mean a lot of the time if I’m shooting outside, obviously I’m going to have clothes on, but it’s not like we have really time in between the sets for me to be lazing about or not doing anything. I mean we shoot one set and go directly to the next set and directly to the next set after that. The only time we really take a break is when we’re eating, and obviously I’m going to be wearing clothes when we go and eat. So I guess I have to say clothes.

And if you can, one more question: Are there any poses that you like to use to flash people?

I guess all the poses that you see on my website, my member’s area? I don’t know. I don’t go around flashing people in real life. If I’m not shooting … I’ve already gotten into trouble for flashing a person before, when I was – god, how old was I? – I was 12 or 13. I remember it was right before cheer leading practice, and I actually got kicked out of cheerleading for this. One of my friends dared me to flash one of the cars on the road, and I did, and I don’t know how the coach found out, but she did, and I got kicked out of the squad for that. So, the only time I’m flashing people is when I’m doing a shoot, and even then it’s not really flashing people per se, it’s more flashing you guys.

I hope that answered your questions, ok?


Anoree 02-14-2011 06:46 PM

D235, 02-11-11: To alessandro_b
"Hey alessandro_b

I read your questions on the question thread. Your first question was: When was the last time you had sex and how was it?

I don’t kiss and tell, but I can tell you it was really good, really, really, really, really good. I can tell you the last time I masturbated. That was last night, and that was awesome.

Your next question is: If someone offered you something but they wanted to have sex with you in exchange for that thing, what would you do?

I don’t know how to answer that. I think you can get into trouble for doing stuff like that, having sex in exchange for something. I guess it would depend on what it is. If I were getting all my school paid for, or my car paid for, completely paid for, I should say then maybe I would. Who knows?

Your next question is: Have I ever been to Italy and if I haven’t, would I like to go?

No, I haven’t been to Italy, but it is one of the places that I would love to visit. That and Greece, and Venice … I don’t know. I have a lot more traveling to do. I love traveling, it’s the best. And I love Europe. Europe is one of the best places ever to travel to. It’s just amazing with all of the history and stuff. It’s beautiful to me.

Your last question is: How big of a penis can I take?

I actually don’t know. I haven’t come across a penis that is too large for me to take. Except for … I’ve come across dildos that were too big for me to take, but dildos are rock hard, so you can’t … With a penis, it will … it will get … not smaller, but it will kind of shrink to you … no, I don’t know what I’m saying. I think you guys kind of get the idea. With a dildo it’s just too hard. It doesn’t … only you can stretch. It’s not kind of like … get smaller or anything, but with a penis … yah. I cannot remember how big the Italian Stallion’s penis was. It’s got to be like … It had to be 10 inches at least, and then it was that thick around, and that’s really thick, very thick. I liked it, it was fun. I couldn’t deal with that on a regular basis, though. That would be a little bit too much … that would be a lot too much for me.

I hope that answered your questions, ok?


Anoree 02-18-2011 10:16 PM

D236, 02-16-11: To e83
"Hey e83

I read your questions on the question thread. Your first question was: Have I ever found myself to be completely aroused by someone or in circumstances that were totally inappropriate?

Fortunately, no, I haven’t. Honestly, I can’t … The only people that I could think that it would be inappropriate to be aroused by would be obviously family or my girlfriends’ husbands or my sister’s boyfriend or something like that, but there’s not many people that I think that it would be inappropriate to be aroused by. As far as … circumstances – sorry, I’m kind of retarded right now – the only time that I think would be bad to be aroused is if you’re in church, or a funeral, or watching a child being born, or in surgery or something like that. Uh, in autopsy, that would be the worst time to be aroused. That would be messed up. But, yah, I’ve never had to experience any of that, fortunately.

Your next question was: Have I ever had a pregnancy scare?

I have. Actually, when I was 16 or 17 I got pregnant. I was too young. I was way too young, so I had an abortion. I am very, very, very pro-choice. If I had had a kid it would have ruined my life, and even now, if I had a kid it would completely mess up my life. I don’t regret it. I don’t regret doing that at all. I definitely think that kids under the age of 18 shouldn’t have children, but that’s just my opinion. There’s me, being honest with you guys. It’s the most honest I can get.

I hope that answered your questions, ok?


Anoree 02-26-2011 03:05 PM

D237, 02-21-11: To ahmed_alhadad
"Hi ahmed_alhadad, I think that’s how you pronounce your name.
I read your question on the question thread, and it was: What are the characteristics that every woman wants in a man? I think that’s what you’re asking me, I’m not quite sure.

Oh, no, my toe nail is broken! Oh, that’s no good. That sucks.

What does every woman want in a man? I don’t know. I can tell you what I want in a man, but I can’t speak for every woman. Obviously he’s got to be faithful, and I can’t stand kissing-cheating. So, if you kiss another girl, you’re not being faithful. A guy that’s supportive, super supportive, like in everything that you do, and a guy that is willing to take risks and someone that’s loyal, financially stable, actually just stable in general. Unstable guys are no fun to be with. Somebody who’s hygienically clean, I don’t know. I just kind of point stuff out off the top of my head right now, so those are the things I can think of right now. And somebody that’s nice, obviously. Who wants somebody that’s mean? I don’t know.

I hope that answered your question. If I think of other stuff, I’m sure that I will end up answering your question exactly like this question at some other point in time.

Ok, bye"

Anoree 07-16-2011 08:07 AM

D238, 02-26-11: To TheDoctor
"Hey TheDoctor

I read your question on the question thread and it was: Where did I film my hardcore stuff?

Two of them were shot in a hotel room, hotel in Scottsdale. That was the Past in Present update, which I think is – I don’t know if it’s one or two updates on the website. I can’t remember right now. And then there’s also the Big Busty Amateurs No 12 or whatever it’s called, it was that video that was shot in the same location as the Past in Present update. And then one of the updates on the hardcore scenes was shot in the FTV Girls house, and then the other scene I’ve done was with Amateur Allure and that was shot at the Amateur Allure studio. I’m pretty sure that’s the only videos I have out there – hopefully.

I hope that answers your question, ok?


Anoree 07-16-2011 08:13 AM

D239, 03-03-11: To Robert
"Hey Robert

I read your questions on the question thread. Your first question was: Do I feel more nude not wearing makeup than if I’m wearing makeup and nothing else?

No, not really. I rarely wear makeup, so even if I’m nude and wearing makeup, I’m still going to be nude, so I’ll still going to feel completely naked. I’m definitely not one to … The pretty much only time I put on makeup is occasionally when I’m going out. I don’t know. No, I’m not lazy, I just don’t care about getting all dolled up and I like my natural beauty. I think that’s good. I’m sure you guys like it, too, otherwise you wouldn’t be on my website.

Your next question was: Renna said that you guys should ask if I can suck both of my nipples at the same time.

I don’t think I can, I’m not sure. I haven’t tried … Oh, my, my phone is going off. That’s no good. Hang on a second. – And of course it goes off right in the middle of when I’m doing a video log. Fantastic! It always happens, it’s kind of annoying. OK, so back to the nipple sucking. [pulls out her breasts] Stretch out the shirt, it’s not good. I’m not sure if this is going to work. I can lick them both, I guess. [tries to lick both nipples at the same time] I can’t suck them. I can’t even suck them right now. It’s all I can do if I can suck one. [tries it] No, it doesn’t work, unfortunately. I think I’d have to be bigger for that to work.

So, anyways, I hope that answered your question, OK? – Or questions.


Anoree 07-16-2011 08:18 AM

D240, 03-08-11: To invictus
"Hey invictus

I read your question in the question thread, and it was: What is my studying style?

Well, I generally like to be home when I’m studying. I can’t be around friends. Actually I really can’t be around people in general. It has to be completely quiet. I can’t do with music. White noise like a fan is perfectly fine, but music … talking or music … doesn’t work. And I generally sit here, at the desk. I can’t lie down and study, because I would fall asleep, unfortunately. Or maybe sitting down on the floor, but that’s uncomfortable after a while. But, yah, I like to be at home.

I hope that answered your question, ok?


Anoree 07-16-2011 08:21 AM

D241, 03-08-11: To Everyone
Puerto Vallarta 2011 Spring Break holiday video – no transcription

Anoree 07-16-2011 08:23 AM

D242, 03-13-11: To sexy_john
"Hey sexy_john

I read your question on the question thread, and it was … actually there’s two questions. Says: My name, DanielleFTV, was the most searched about in Pakistan and Egypt according to Google Trends. – I need to look at that. – What do I think of that result?

I don’t know. I don’t know what to think. It’s interesting to know. Obviously Middle Easterners love me. I think it’s because of the blond hair and light skin. You always love something that’s different from what you’re used to. Or, you’re usually attracted to something that is … yah. You guys know what I mean, I hope. But, yah, that’s interesting.

Your next question was: What does that mean to me?

More Middle Eastern members, I guess? I don’t know. Is that supposed to mean something? I’m not sure. It means Middle Easterners love me. I like it, yeah. Pakistan and Egypt, that’s the Middle East. That’s cool. I like it. I don’t discriminate, it’s all good, all you guys can be my fans. [laughs]

Anyways, I hope that answered your questions, ok?


Anoree 07-16-2011 08:25 AM

D243, 03-18-11: To Everyone
"Hey guys
I just wanted to show you the gifts, the presents that I’ve gotten recently. I’ll start with the first one.

JimG got me this. It’s a beautiful Tiffany’s necklace. I love it, it’s really pretty. It’s dainty. – Love Bug! The dog is running into my camera, what the hell! – Ah, I keep on dropping stuff!

e83 – I showed this to you guys already, but I didn’t know who got it for me, or couldn’t remember who got it for me, but now I know – So he got me this old-school bra. It’s a bullet bra. And then he got the inserts that go with it, makes them all pointy. Pointy racket boobs. And then – Oh, shoot, I’m stuck! – And then he got me these panties that go with it. I tried them on, they’re super cute. They’re old-school panties. They do look a lot cuter on me. They’re very silky, I like it. And then this garter belt, it’s really pretty. Unfortunately I have to lose a little bit more weight before I can fit into it right. It’s kind of small, but it will work, it will fit and look good. I’ll do a retro shoot with that, it’s super cute.

And then shortyboi sent me these cute undies, these cute panties. I’ll probably wear these for my next shoot. I don’t know when that actually is, but it will work for my next shoot. I’ve already worn them, actually, for my webcam show, which was yesterday or the day before, I can’t remember when. But I like them, they’re super cute.

So, yah, I wanted to show that to you guys and thank you, shortyboi, e83 and JimG for my gifts. I loved them, and you guys shall see them in shoots.


Anoree 07-16-2011 08:27 AM

D244, 03-23-11: To Palanhaar
"Hey Palanhaar

I read your questions on the question thread. There’s quite a few, like eight different questions. Your first question was: Have you ever cheated on an exam?

Honestly, if I have I can’t remember. I’m not really one to cheat. I don’t really like cheating, to be perfectly honest, cheating in all different ways. Normally if I don’t know what’s on the exam, I just won’t go to the exam. I wouldn’t cheat on it, though.

Your second question was: Do I use curse words? – or something like that. Sorry, I think that’s what you’re asking me.

Yes, I do. I do use curse words. That’s something that I do want to change, though. I don’t like the fact that I use curse words. I try not to use curse words when I’m doing a video or anything, because I think it’s kind of tacky. But that’s something I have to work on. Sometimes I can get really bad, like guy, I have a dirty mouth.

Your next question was: – I don’t really understand – Do you praise yourself sometimes in a joking way?

Not really. I don’t have the best self-esteem ever, to be perfectly honest. I guess sometimes I do, but right now I can’t remember any time that I’ve done that. Who knows? I’ll have to think about that, point it out to myself when I actually do.

Your next question was: – Oh, my – Do I laugh when somebody farts?

No, not so much. Depending on the person I either will ignore it or I would be grossed out. Interesting question, I think I’m blushing right now.
Your next question was: Have I ever peed in bed when asleep unknowingly?
Maybe when I was three years old, two years old, but not when I was an adult. I’m not the kind of person that gets so drunk that they end up peeing themselves when they’ve been sleeping. Definitely not that type of person at all.

Your next question was: Have I ever talked to myself in the mirror?

I’ve done affirmations in the mirror, like looking at myself and saying “You are beautiful” or “You are patient” or different things like that. I think that’s mostly a therapy thing, supposed to keep on repeating it you’ll believe it, I guess. Honestly, I don’t really talk to myself at all. I don’t remember the last time when I did it. I do remember there was one time when I was driving in the car with my then boyfriend and I don’t know what I was doing. I was talking to myself and I think was commenting on something. But what’s kind of scary is that I asked myself a question and then answered that question, right off the bat. That kind of creeped me out, like I had two personalities. That’s a Gemini treat right there, though.

Your next question is: Have I ever made a funny prank with my friends?

I haven’t ever pulled a prank before, but I always wanted to. That’s something I always wanted to do. Actually, I love watching pranks on YouTube, and there’ve been quite a few pranks that I’ve watched with my friend Dallas and we were like “We should do that!” Some really funny ones, like there’s one where you open up a coke bottle and you put a thread string through Mentos and then you tie it on the coke bottle, so when the coke bottle opens, when they open up the bottle, the Mentos drops in and apparently it just explodes. It’s hilarious, it’s so funny. You guys have to look that up at YouTube, put in like “Coke Mentos prank”. It’s hilarious, it’s so funny. I don’t think the people know what’s going on. There’s like “What the heck! The coke is spraying everywhere!” It’s really funny.

And your last question: You said every brother/sister or sister/sister fights. Have you ever physically fought?

I have. I have, actually. I never really fought with my brother, because he lived with my former step dad pretty much from 11 onwards, but my sister, yeah. Sisters can get really into it bad. I guess that’s a pretty typical thing. Sisters can get really catty with each other. I remember, and this is going to sound so awful, but I don’t know what was going on. I must have been super hormonal and really like grrr. But my sister made me a smoothie, and I made some sort of comment on it and I don’t think it was being nice at all. It was like “This is disgusting” or whatever. And she slapped me and she just ran out of the room, because she knew I was like “Hell, no, you’re not going to do that!” And I threw the glass, the smoothie glass at her, and I remember it hitting her back and it made this huge bruise on her back. I felt bad. You know, sisters fight, that’s pretty typical. We don’t do that stuff anymore. That would be pretty bad. Although, to be honest, me and my sister almost came to a blows last – I think it was in December, when we were in Flagstaff, we were fighting with each other. I was about ready to slap her. I love her to death, but, I don’t know, sometimes we don’t get along with each other that well.

Anyways, I hope that answered your questions, ok?


Anoree 07-16-2011 08:31 AM

D245, 03-28-11: To e83
"Hey e83

I read your questions on the question thread. Your first question was – I’ve got to peer over here, because I can’t read, can’t see the questions: Have I ever made or am I planning to make a plaster casting of my breasts?

No, I’ve never made a plaster casting and I don’t really plan on making a plaster casting of my boobs. I’ve seen it before, I thought it was cool, but I don’t really have any plans to do it. I think that’s kind of interesting, though. Maybe, one day, I don’t know, something to do. I could do that for candid video. I’m sure you guys would dig that.

Your next question is: Do I have a favorite position when I am masturbating?

I do, actually. I don’t use it when … I don’t do it on video, because you can’t see anything, but I normally just lie completely straight with my legs, just completely straight, completely flat, and generally my legs are flexed out. Like I said, you can’t really see anything, because obviously my legs aren’t spread, but that’s the position that is easiest for me to get off in … or during. It’s always weird masturbating like that in front of other people, so I think that there’s only a couple of people that have actually seen me masturbate that way. Yeah, I definitely flex my legs, and my toes, too, like that. [shows the foot]

Your next question was: Do I have any plans for doing more boy/girl hardcore shoots for my website?

Yes, I do. Actually, I am shooting it Saturday – wait – Sunday the 27th. Yeah! It’s going to be exiting. It’s going to be a candid video, most likely. I’m nervous, nervous about it. It’s the first time that I’m shooting with this male talent. He has no experience, so it’s going to be like, what do they say? Touch and go? Literally touch and go. [laughs] No pun intended. It should be good, though. I think it will be good. I’m sure you guys will like it – hopefully.

Your next question is: I recently ran across a “hands free” video. The guy went from flaccid to erect to ejaculation totally hands free. The video was shot from the front, so you couldn’t see if there was something in his anus, stimulating his prostate. Have I ever run across anything like that?

I haven’t, actually. I have one friend, actually, that said that he can … He told me that he can get off in five different ways, and one of them is hands free. I don’t know. I’m going to have him go over it with me again, because I thought that was kind of interesting. But no, I’ve never seen that before. I think that’s definitely kind of cool. What’s interesting is that I had kind of experiences like that. It only happened a couple of times, but it’s when I’ve been masturbating for so long that I was so excited that I don’t even have to be rubbing my clit or anything like that to get off. It’s pretty freaking crazy. It wasn’t as strong as an orgasm with toys, but still, I got off without hands. That’s pretty freaking awesome.

Anyways, I hope that answered your questions, right?


Anoree 07-17-2011 03:19 PM

D246, 04-03-11: To Everyone
"Hey guys

I just wanted to show you the dress that TexasDrake got me. It’s absolutely beautiful. I’ve got to move the chair out of the way so you can see it. [poses the dress] Lovely! Isn’t that lovely? I think it’s pretty. I love it. It’s purple, my favorite color. It fits me perfectly. It’s great. Thank you, TexasDrake. I do really love it. And when I come to Texas in July, we will have to shoot in it, maybe, if you’re still interested in doing that.

Then I wanted to tell you guys about my shoot today. It was awesome. Actually, this video log is late. It was supposed to go on the 3rd, but it’s going up on the 9th. Oops, sorry guys. (I feel) really bad about that. (I’m) trying to be better. I got better and then I got worse or got bad again. But today I had a fantastic shoot. We got quite a few shoots done. We got three full photo sets and three full video sets and one of them was my Easter update. This is going to be my third Easter update. Let’s see, what else did I do? I want to surprise you about the other shoots, so I won’t really tell you about them. But they were good. I loved how they turned out and I think you guys will really like it, too. And I also got to assist a FTV shoot. She’s super cute and I had a great time with her and I think you guys will really like her. She’s actually in the industry, but she said she’s ben only in the industry for two months now. She’s 18 years old and I think her name is Madelin, but I’m not quite sure. I really liked her. She’s spunky. I got to assist that shoot and it was fun and I got a little behind the scenes video that I will be putting up on my candid video section at some point. I’m sure you guys will love that, too. Everything went really well today. I’m very happy about that.

Bye you guys"

Anoree 07-17-2011 03:20 PM

D247, 04-08-11: To augforce
"Hey augforce

I read your questions on the question thread. Your first question was: Being that you are an adult entertainer, do you have a hard time getting involved in serious relationships?

Surprisingly enough, I don’t have hard times getting in relationships. I had plenty of serious relationships. And no, it’s interesting because I am not the kind of person that will wait before I tell people what I do. I usually tell them right of the bat about what I do. I mean, I figure if they judge me and not want to be around me because of what I do, then I want to get that out of the way as soon as possible. But no, I haven’t had really any problems at all. Thank god for that.

Your second question was: When you go out, do you find that some guys hit on you strictly because they know what you do and expect to get laid?

No. No, I very rarely see that. I think mainly because when I go out I don’t really meet new people or go up to random people. I’m usually hanging out with my friends when I go out. And most of the people that I meet are really open-minded and non-judgmental. So far I haven’t had to deal with that, thankfully.

Anyways, I hope that answered your questions, ok?


Anoree 07-17-2011 03:22 PM

D248, 04-13-11: To Dickere
"Hey Dickere

I read your question on the question thread. It was: Would it bother you or your mom if your step-dad was masturbating over you? You said: Not literally.

Yah, that would creep me out and I think that would really upset my mom. I don’t know. I can’t imagine any girl that would be ok with their dad or step-dad masturbating or any family member for that matter masturbating to videos or photos of them. I don’t know. I don’t even want to think about that. That’s seriously creepy. I don’t think he’s actually … well … I don’t know if he’s seen my work or not, hopefully he hasn’t. I will never know, because I’m never going to ask. I don’t even really talk about my job to my parents. I mean, sometimes we’ll joke about it, but we don’t have serious in-depth conversations about it.

So, I hope that answered your question, ok?


Anoree 07-17-2011 03:24 PM

D249, 04-18-11: To shortyboi
"Hey shortyboi

I read your questions on the question thread. Your first question was: What is the sort of relationship you’re looking for and why?

Well, right now I’m not looking for a relationship, because I gave up relationships for Lent, so until the 23rd, I think it is, I can’t get into relationships or even talk about it. So, psst!
Honestly, the thing is that I don’t do bed buddies, I don’t do booty-calls, so I guess the type of relationship that I would look for is something serious. I don’t date just to date, like I don’t date just to waste time or whatever. When I date people, it’s to find somebody that I could potentially marry. It’s a trial for marriage for me. Dating and relationships are pretty serious, that’s for sure.

Your next question was: What scares you the most about opening your heart to your partner?

That’s a pretty deep question. I think what scares me the most about opening my heart up to my partner would be having them leave me, I guess, because they … I don’t know, just having them leave me. Or just having them judge me, I guess, but mostly having them leave me because of whatever I said or whatever I did or something of my heart.

Your next question was: If you could have a conversation with one person, dead or living, who would it be?

Anne Boleyn, that’s who I’d have my conversation with.

Your next question is: If you could wake up tomorrow with any ability, what would it be?

I’d have the ability to either watch things and be able to do them or to be able to touch things, like touch a book, and know everything about it. So it’s seriously going to the Library of Congress and just go up and down the aisles just touching every single book and then be the smartest person ever in one day! How cool would that be! Ah, actually it would probably take a couple of days, since I think that place is supposed to be huge, and there’s thousands and thousands of books. But I think that would be a pretty cool power to have.

Your last question was: If we could meet anywhere, where would be the most comfortable place to be?

Ehmm… out in public, obviously, and probably with somebody that I know and trust with me.

Anyways, I hope that answered your questions, ok?


Anoree 07-17-2011 03:27 PM

D250, 04-23-11: To mart
"Hey mart

I read your question on the question thread. This lighting is driving me crazy right now, because it’s getting light and dark, light and dark and it’s screwing with the video. Yeah. So, your question was: Have you ever been banned from a night club or any other kind of drinking establishment, or been kicked out?

I haven’t. I haven’t been banned or kicked out of any club or bar or whatever. I did have a fake ID. I think I got that six to eight months before my 21st birthday, but I very, very, very rarely used it. I went to this one bar in Old Town Scottsdale and I tried to get in and they wouldn’t let me. That’s pretty much the closest thing possible that I can really think of that, you know, that … Uh, I can’t talk! I can’t form a coherent sentence right now. You know, it is scary, using a fake ID. I did not like using that. It’s probably why I just didn’t go out until I was 21. I remember that every time that I would go out, we would always go to the same places, so the people kind of knew me. And they knew my friends. I think that’s one reason why I had such an easy time getting in, but I don’t think the ID looked anything like me at all. And I remember right before I would go to whatever club or bar we’d be going to that night, I would go over all the information on the ID, just to kind of refresh my memory. I mean, I remember at one point, when I first got it, when I first was going to … the first time I was ever going to a club, I – kind of weird – I went online and I researched everything. I found my horoscope, my astrological symbol, I found where my last name originated from, I found, looked up on Google maps the area that I “lived” around and what was around that area. I got pretty hardcore with that. I was set: If anybody asked me any questions, I’d be like “this symbol, this is the ethnicity that I am” and all that kind of stuff. It’s pretty crazy. Good times. I don’t think I have that ID anymore, actually. I don’t know what I did with it. I probably threw it away when I actually turned 21.

Anyways, I hope that answered your question, ok?


Anoree 08-23-2011 07:23 AM

D251, 05-03-11: To gizmoo69
"Hey gizmoo69

I read your questions on the question thread. Your first question was: What are your thoughts on the feminist argument that women in the porn industry may be treated like nothing more than sex objects by their viewers?

Honestly, I haven’t really put any thought into that. I haven’t really had to deal with people judging me. Well, not too much. I haven’t really had to deal too much with people judging me about this job. I guess I think it’s kind of silly, because I ... I don’t know. Anybody could be viewed as a sex object. It’s not just porn stars. What about regular celebrities like Angelina Jolie or whatever? If you’re going to go after just porn stars, you can’t do that. You’ve got to go after everybody, anybody who takes photos, anybody that is on video. I just think it’s silly. But I think that people always have to complain about something. I haven’t really put much thought into that, obviously, because it’s not a really great answer to your question. But that’s pretty much the only answer I have right now.

Your next question is: Have you ever felt objectified?

No, not really. I mean, like I said, I don’t really think about it. I don’t even really think about guys jacking off to my photos and videos. I mean, obviously that’s what it’s there for, but I really don’t think about that at all. That’s what’s really weird. But in real life – in real life, ha, ha, this is real life! – In my personal life I haven’t really been objectified, I don’t think. Or if I have, I can’t remember. If I do I shall tell you guys, I’m sure. I’ll complain about it on twitter or my forum or whatever. But thankfully I haven’t had to deal with that.

Anyways, I hope that answered your questions, ok?


Anoree 08-23-2011 07:27 AM

D252, 05-08-11: To shortyboi
"Hey shortyboi

I read your questions on the question thread. There’s quite a few of them. Your first question is: Name one thing you love about being an adult.

Being able to have sex? [laughs] Well, I mean being able to have sex with people past the age of 18. Eh, doesn’t make any sense. It does make sense to me. Obviously, it’s very much frowned … well, I don’t know.
Ok, let’s change that; being able to go to a sex shop, that’s one of the best things about being an adult, and being able to rent my own apartment, or rent my own home. That’s pretty awesome. Right now, that’s the two things that … oh, hello! Being able to do this website! Duh! I didn’t think about that. That’s got to be one of the best. That’s got to be in my top two. [laughs]

Your next question is: What do you value most in life?

What do I value most … Family. Family and lovers, I guess I would say, lovers, boyfriends, girlfriends, whatever.

Next question: What do I think is the secret to my good life?

Lots of sleep. [laughs] I have a great life and I get plenty of sleep, so it’s got to be the secret to it. Lots of sleep and regular orgasms for sure.

Your next question: What is usually your first thought when you wake up?

I guess, I think it’s kind of bad, but worrying if Love Bug peed in my bed. [laughs] No, I guess usually when I wake up I … I don’t remember if I really have … obviously I have first thoughts when I wake up, but I can’t think of anything. It’s probably just like “I’ve got to get Love Bug outside to potty.” That’s my first thought.

And then your last question is: What has been the good and bad sides to your success in this career?

Good sides: Money, that’s really good, freedom to do … I’ve got a lot of free time, creative freedom with my website, being able do whatever I want with it, so I can have it the way I want it – what else? There’s a lot different stuff – making new friends with you guys. Yeah.
And the bad things: So far I haven’t really come across any bad things, but the potential bad things is: Getting caught out in public, getting caught shooting out in public and getting arrested, that would be even worse, getting caught shooting out in public, getting arrested and being branded as a sex offender, that would be the worst. What else? When I get a normal job, loosing that job because they find out about my website, not being able to get into medical school because they find out about this website – I thought about whether they can do that, I hope not – that’s about it. Oh, wait, my family, my grandma having a heart attack or something because she finds out about the website, which hopefully will never happen. I doubt that will happen, though. My grandma is pretty healthy.

Anyways, I hope that answered your questions, ok?


Anoree 08-23-2011 07:29 AM

D253, 05-13-11: To dan4life
"Hey dan4life

I read your questions on the question thread. Your first question is: What was your pet name when you were a kid?

Oh god, actually I never really had a pet name, but my sister used to be incredibly mean, she’s not really mean any more, but she used to be really, really mean, and she had a nickname that she used, a really mean nickname: She called me Beavertooth, which I never really understood that, because my teeth didn’t really look beaverish, but it still really, really upset me. Actually, it’s kind of upsetting thinking about it. I never really had a nickname or pet name or anything like that. Boo, I need one.

Your next question is: What was the most embarrassing moment of your life?

Most embarrassing moment … Right now the only one I can think of is … walking up to the podium for my Valedictorian speech and I almost tripped. That was pretty darn embarrassing. And I was so nervous that when I was saying the speech I was kind of mumbling and I was speaking really low so I don’t think anybody could really hear me. I don’t do well in front of crowds, well, crowds of live people. I’m trying to think if there was anything else. I can’t think of anything right now, but that’s probably definitely one of the most embarrassing moments.

Your next question is: Don’t you think the term “free gift” consists of a redundant usage of words?

Not necessarily. I never really thought about that. I don’t know. If it requires shipping and handling or something, that obviously it’s not a free gift, but I don’t know.

Next question: What treatment would you seek if you were addicted to therapy?

I don’t quite … wait, are you trying to ask me what therapy treatment I would seek if I was addicted to something? I think that’s what you’re trying to ask me, but I’m not quite sure. If I was addicted to anything, it would be to sex. That’s a good one. Or sleeping, or reading. Sleep, sex and – sexing [laughs] – Sleep, sex or reading. Although, reading is not a bad thing, and sex isn’t necessarily a bad thing, I guess if you having unsafe sex with a bunch of people, then it could be bad, but … maybe I should say orgasms instead.

Next question, last question, actually: What’s one gift you wish you had but haven’t received yet?

I don’t really have anything that I haven’t received yet. What would be really cool is if somebody paid to get my teeth fixed. That’s so expensive. I think it’s going to cost – I think of dental implants and two of them – and I want to get some other cosmetic dentistry stuff done, like teeth filed to look a little nicer and my teeth whitened – that’s going to be super expensive. I think it’s going to be around 10 to 12 grand. So, hey, if anybody wants to get me that wonderful gift that will last a lifetime, be mucho appreciated. [laughs]

Anyways, I hope that answered your questions, ok?


Anoree 08-23-2011 07:31 AM

D254, 05-18-11: To e83
"Hey e83

I read your questions on the question thread. Your first question was: What is the longest you’ve gone without having an orgasm?

I have no idea. That’s something I try not to think about. [laughs] I can’t imagine that it was very long. Maybe … I don’t know. I really don’t know. Sorry, I can’t answer that.

Your next question is: Have you ever been embarrassed by leaving a wet spot after becoming aroused?

No, I’ve never been embarrassed, but one of my ex-boyfriends, he … One time after we had sex I left a huge wet spot on the bed and he took pictures of it and posted them up on Facebook or something like that, and I was quite embarrassed then. [laughs] I was like “What the heck, really?” He’d show it off to his friends on his phone. I thought this is odd.

Next question: What do I do when I am unhappy?

Read, take a bath, call my mom. But it’s usually reading or taking a bath. Yeah, pretty simple. Oh, wait, no. It’s usually reading or calling my mom. Hmm, I confused myself there.

And your last question is: Just wondering if you’ve ever gone to a naturist resort or had any interest in going. That’s like a nude resort, right?

I have never been to one and it’s not something that I really plan on doing. I’m kind of ok, well, I think I’m ok being naked in front of a bunch of other naked people, but it’s not something I really want to do right now. Maybe later on in life I can cross that off of a huge list of things that I should do at some point in this life.

Anyways, I hope that answered your questions, ok?


Anoree 08-23-2011 07:33 AM

D255, 05-23-11: To enigma2
"Hey enigma2

I read your question on the question thread. It was: What’s your go-to fantasy when you’re horny and want to get off quick?

If I’m watching porn, because I don’t really have … I don’t think of stuff when I’m masturbating, I just let my mind wander by itself, but if I’m going to find something, some porn to watch, it’s usually gay sex. It’s awesome, it’s perfect. I love it, love it, love it, love it. And that’s usually … I don’t really have fantasies that I think about when I’m masturbating or whatever. I think that’s mainly a guy thing.

Anyways, I hope that answered your question, ok?


Anoree 08-23-2011 07:35 AM

D256, 05-28-11: To dan4life
"Hey dan4life

I read your questions on the question thread. I actually can’t really understand most of them, so I’m going to try to answer them as best as I possibly can. Your first question was: Can you be happy without sex?

Yeah, I can be perfectly happy without sex. I mean, sex doesn’t necessarily make me happy or unhappy, but it’s definitely something that I … It’s a definite need for me, but … I always have my toys, too, or a hand if toys aren’t readily available.

Your next question is: What’s the real story on midlife sex?

I didn’t know that there is a real story on midlife sex, so I don’t know. I try not to think about sex, older people’s sex. I just hope that I’m sexually active when I’m about 60 years old, 70 years old, because you always hear about women that stop having sex in their 50s and 60s and stuff. I think that’s lame. I mean I really do hope that I’m still horny and stuff like that, but who knows? I don’t know. I’m sure I will be, though.

Your next question is – I don’t understand this one either: Is there anything women still don’t get masturbation? You mean is there anything women still don’t get about masturbation?

I don’t know, because I get everything about masturbation, because that is pretty much what I do for my job, so … I don’t really know how to answer that.

Your last question is: What would you do if I took you on a dream vacation?

It depends on if it’s your dream vacation or my dream vacation, because they mean two different things. I don’t know. I would say thank you, write you a little thank you note. I don’t really know. I would be ecstatic, be thrilled, that would be fantastic. Yeah.

So, I hope that answered your questions, ok?


Anoree 08-23-2011 07:38 AM

D257, 06-02-11: To everyone
"Hey everybody

I (wanted to) show you all the wonderful gifts that I got for my birthday. Not all of them are here yet, because two of the gifts that my mom got me still have not yet arrived.

[To Love Bug:] Chip, no, go play with your toys. No, no, go play with your toys. Mommy has to do to her birthday video log. Go away from me! Love Bug, stop!

My gosh, she’s being such a brat right now.

Ok, so my friends Andrew and Katie got me a card, so cute, and they also got me a gift certificate to Barnes & Noble.

My Grandma and Grandpa sent me this funny card. It’s cute.

And this one is from my little nephew Carter. It’s super cute.

And this one is from my mom and dad. – Oh my god, my dad wrote something really funny on this one. Because I had them watch Love Bug while I was – Stop! – I had them watch Love Bug during my birthday weekend, and my dad wrote “Happy Birthday! I am glad I was able to give you your living dog back for a present.” [laughs] I thought that was hilarious. It’s really a pretty card. I love it. That was pretty funny. I laughed. My mom wasn’t too happy, though.

Let’s see … I have a bunch of stuff over here.

Another card that somebody sent me, I think it’s somebody in England, I’m really not sure. It says “Royal Mail, Cornwall,” but it has no name in it. So, thank you, whoever sent me the card, I really appreciate it. It’s cute, and, yeah, not sure who you are. You should send me a little message, saying “Hey, I sent you that card.”

And then Anoree sent me a ton of stuff, which I really appreciate. I love all of it, it’s awesome. He sent me a amazon kindle gift card, always good, I love it, especially since I just fly through books nowadays. Yeah. And then he sent me Fukuoku gloves. Yeah. I shall put them to use. That will be fun. Then – I have this all scattered around, so … – He sent me this really pretty blanket that I wanted. You can’t really see, it has Fleur-de-lis … Fleurs-de-lis – I don’t know if that’s the plural of Fleur-de-lis. Anyway, that’s my favorite sign, symbol, whatever. He sent me a sound machine which I’m really excited to use. It’s going to be nice to use, especially when the lesbians upstairs are having really loud sex, or when they’re fighting, like they were this morning, which woke me up. So I shall put that to good use, too! Then he also sent me this. [shows her necklace close up] I love, love, love it. Yet again, a Fleur-de-lis, made of Amethyst, has diamonds on it, it’s gorgeous. Like I said, my favorite sign.

Anyways, thank you guys. Thank you everybody for your birthday wishes and for the birthday gifts. And thank you so much, Anoree, for the gifts. They are wonderful, absolutely beautiful.


Anoree 08-23-2011 07:41 AM

D258, 06-07-11: To shortyboi
"Hey shortyboi

I read your questions on the question thread. Your first question was: How does it make you feel to have huge boobs?

I don’t know. Happy, I guess. I mean it would suck to have small boobs, especially with my body type, because my body structure, because I’m kind of a bigger girl, so that wouldn’t look right, I don’t think, and I’d probably have to get fake boobs. But luckily I don’t have to, because I have big boobs already.

Your next question was: Is it true that massaging your breasts makes you and your breasts healthy?

I don’t know, I’ve never heard of that before. I’m not exactly sure were you heard that either. It’s kind of … I don’t know. Yeah, I have no idea.

Next question – sorry, I’m sick right now and my voice is gone, but still doing the video logs, because they’ve been due for a while now. Let’s see: Have you ever planned on making an adult film?

I have made adult films. I have one DVD out and I guess all of my … If you mean like DVDs, no, I haven’t planned on making any DVDs, but I guess when I start shooting in the Industry, then I’m sure some of that content will go on DVDs.

You said: If so, will it go on sale on your site for us to see it?

Will the DVD go? I don’t know. I probably won’t sell it through my website, because I don’t think you can do that, but I’m sure you can find it on other websites.

And your last question is: Would you date a guy not exceeding 21 years of age but older than 18?

I don’t know. It depends, I guess. I’ve never dated anybody younger than me, so I guess they would have to be super immature, and I have yet to find younger guys that are as mature as I want them to be, hence why I go for older guys. So I don’t know. It depends.

So, I hope that answered your questions, ok?


Anoree 08-23-2011 07:44 AM

D259, 06-12-11: To dan4life
"Hey dan4life

I read your questions on the question thread. Your first question is: How does it feel being a model?

It’s awesome. I love being a model. It’s fun and it’s … [gap] … not having to work every single day. That is a bonus, and being able to sleep in. Yah, it’s great, I love it. I cannot imagine doing anything else right now.

Your next question is: What are the positive outcomes of being a model?

Positive outcomes … not sure, having awesome fans, making money from it, getting amazing pictures of me that I know I will very much enjoy looking at when I’m older and not getting what I do now.

Your next question is: How does it feel being someone special in this world?

I don’t know. I think everybody is special, so I can’t exactly say that I’m one of the only special people in this world. But I guess you mean someone special to you guys. It’s amazingly flattering, I love it. Yah, it’s great. I love that you guys make me feel special. I love the compliments, too. Compliments always make me happy.

All right, your next question is: What would you do if you could do anything in this world?

I don’t know. That’s such a broad question that I’m not exactly sure how to answer it. What would I do right now if I could do anything? I would win the lottery, because that would be sweet, would be so cool. I would take a trip to England and Scotland, a month long trip. That would be sweet, would be awesome. I would stay in castles the whole time. It’d be absolutely beautiful. I’m trying to think what else. Right now that’s all I can think of. Those are some pretty exciting things.

Ok, your next question is: What does Valentine’s Day mean to you?

I guess that depends on if I’m with somebody or not, because if I’m not with somebody, then it’s just another day, makes me a little sad when I’m not with somebody on Valentine’s Day. But if I am with somebody then it’s a day to do something fun and romantic and to exchange gifts. I don’t know. Valentine’s Day seems pretty much like any other day to me, except there’s a title on it. That made any sense?

Your next question is … your last question: What is the true meaning of love and sex to you?

I don’t know “the true meaning of love.” I don’t know how to answer that question. Sorry, I can’t give you an answer to that. I’m not exactly sure how to answer what that means or … I just don’t have any answer right now.

Anyways, sorry that I couldn’t answer your questions completely, but I hope you’re happy with the answers I did give you.


Anoree 08-23-2011 07:47 AM

D260, 06-17-11: To e83
"Hey e83

I read your questions on the question thread. You had some pretty freaking awesome questions for me which I’m really excited about answering. And your first question is: Is there anything sexual that you haven’t done that you would like to?

Yes, there is. There’s two things, actually. The first thing is – and I know that it’s going to sound weird to some of you guys, but it’s a fantasy of mine – I would love to have sex with a tranny. It’s different, but it’s my fantasy, so whatever. And then I would also love to do double penetration, too, like two guys. That would be pretty sweet, pretty sweet.

And then your next question is: – Sorry, I can barely speak right now and have to talk really soft – With all of your various toys, do you go through a lot of batteries?

Surprisingly enough I don’t. I – ah, Love Bug is chewing on something over there, making weird smacking sounds, kind of gross – I don’t really go through a lot of batteries, but right now my favorite toy is the Fairy Wand and the Fairy Wand is not powered by batteries. None of my toys go through batteries too quick, although I have a ton of batteries for whatever reason.

Your next question is: Who would you really, really like to see nude?

You know what? I actually made a collage of models or actresses and stuff that I think are really hot, so I’m going to show that to you guys right now. And these are girls that I would want to see naked.
[grabs the camera and shows her computer monitor]
Sorry, this is a little bumpy. So, all these girls I’d like to see naked. Although, some of them I have seen naked, like there’s Belladonna right there. I’ve seen her naked. Not in real life, but on video. And then Karen Cross I’ve seen naked and Antonia Plug I’ve seen naked and Emma May I’ve seen naked. I’m trying to look if there’s any other girls on there that I’ve seen naked. I don’t think so.
But, yah, I want to see all of those chicks naked. That would be awesome. What would be even better is when I could see them naked all at the same time. That would be pretty sweet.

Then your next question is: Going to a gynecologist is fun, so-so or worse than a root canal?

It’s so-so. I mean I’m not going to say it’s fun and I’m not going to say that it’s worse than a root canal. I don’t think that I ever actually had a root canal, so it’s not that I can really make that comparison, but it’s not awful. I think my biggest issue is just that if I’m getting tested, having them draw my blood. I can’t stand getting my blood drawn. It’s awful.

Your next question is: When did you get your first thong panties and did you buy them yourself?

I’m pretty sure I did buy them for myself, because I can’t imagine my mom or anybody buying me a pair of thong panties. That would be kind of weird. But I know that I didn’t start wearing thongs until I was older, probably like 17 or 18. I don’t know why, but I was never into that.

And then your last question is: Do you keep your sense of humor during sex?

Yeah, I do. Sometimes sex is like a whole laughing type of thing for me … Not much laughing but giggling. Sex is normally pretty fun for me. It’s not super serious or anything. Occasionally it is, but it’s mostly just fun and carefree.

Anyways, I hope that answered your questions, ok?


Names have to be reviewed by Danielle

Anoree 08-27-2011 04:52 PM

D261, 06-22-11: To beerdotcom182
"Hey beerdotcom182

I read your questions on the question thread. Your first question is: What do you think about ball busting and have you ever thought about doing a video on it?

I don’t know. I think it looks like super painful, but I can understand the whole driving pleasure from pain thing, since I like pain. But since I’m not a guy, I can’t really say anything about it, just that it looks kind of painful. But whatever floats your boat.
Have I ever thought about doing a video on it? No, I’ve never thought about doing a video on that. I’m not a Dom at all, so that would be a really weird roll for me to take, and I don’t think I could do it, to be perfectly honest. I’m not one to … I myself don’t drive pleasure from giving pain to other people, so that’s probably something I wouldn’t do.

And your last question is: What is the first thing you notice when a man is naked in front of you?

Honesty, normally how much hair they have on their body. That’s usually the first thing that I notice. And then I usually notice if they’re hard or not and how big their penis is. So, amount of hair, hard or not and **** size, yeah.

So anyways, I hope that answered your questions, ok?


Anoree 08-27-2011 04:54 PM

D262, 06-27-11: To bockwurstwasser
"Hey bockwurstwasser

A tongue twister name, I can never quite get that right.

I read your questions on the question thread. Your first question was: Have you ever thought of having an intimate piercing?

I have, I have thought about that. I think of intimate piercings, I also think of nipples, too. So I have thought about getting my nipples pierced, but decided against it, mostly because I heard that it hurts really, really bad. But I always thought that it would be really cool to get those done and apparently your nipples are hard all the time. I thought that would be freaking sweet; that would be so cool. And I have thought about getting my clit pierced or whatever, but that wasn’t me really seriously thinking about it. It was like a passing thought “Oh, what would it be like if I got that pierced.” Probably not something I would do. Actually, no, I know it’s not something that I would do. It would be cool if I could get a fake piercing and put it down there. That would be kind of interesting. I’m sure you guys would love that, to shoot with that.

Your next question is: Have you ever had sex with a guy that had an intimate piercing down there, and how was the feeling?

No, I’ve never … That’s one thing that I’ve never done. I’ve never had sex with a guy that has a piercing down there. So I can’t tell you how it feels, but I’m sure that it would feel pretty cool. I guess that would be something that I would like to do. Hmm, giving me ideas here.

And your last question is, last questions: What do you prefer … ok, this is kind of weird. Well, this is the way you wrote it: “What do you prefer at you, other girls and other girls?” Then the next question is: “Totally shaved pubic area or not shaved?” So I think you mean “What do you prefer for yourself and for other girls, fully shaved pubic area or not shaved?”

For me right now I prefer to be unshaved. Well, no, not unshaved but to have hair down there. I like it now, it’s a little more womanly, and I keep it very clean looking and trimmed and everything. So I don’t think it looks bad or anything, it’s not a big bush. I definitely prefer a little bit of hair.
And for other girls I don’t have a preference. A vagina is a vagina, I like them all. As long as they’re clean. I think I’ve never been … wait, I was going to say that I’ve never been with somebody that had a full on bush, but the first girl that I was ever with, she did have a bush. It didn’t bother me or anything. But I think that I would prefer hair, but not a full bush.

So, I hope that answered your questions, ok?


Anoree 08-27-2011 04:56 PM

D263, 07-02-11: To Padawan
"Hey Padawan

I read your questions on the question thread. Your first question was: I’ve seen some of your pics, might’ve been your earlier work, but you do seem to play with unconventional objects in example bottles and such. Is it your idea, do you have a fetish on masturbating with those objects or is it the camera man’s idea?

Actually 95% of the time it is my idea. So I guess I do have a fetish playing around with those objects, sticking those objects inside of me. It’s actually really funny, because just two days ago I stuck my X-Box remote controller inside of me. Not the whole thing, but just playing around with it. I don’t know why, I’m just randomly doing that. But, yah, I love sticking random stuff inside of me, mostly for the shoots. Especially for the themed shoots, because there’s only so many – I guess – “holiday toys” that you can use, so doing different stuff like sticking a beer bottle inside of me for the St Patrick’s Day shoot is fun. And I get a kick out of it and I’m sure you guys do, too.

Your next question is: Have you read any of Douglas Adams’ books?

Nope, I have not. I’m pretty sure that I have not.

And your next question is: Have you met your fans and if so, what kind of experience … what kind of experience these meetings were? – Hm?

Yes, I have met some of my fans before and they’ve mostly been really, really good experiences – yah, mostly. I love meeting my fans and I’m sure they love meeting me, too. And I’m sure they love assisting my shoots. You know they realize or see how unsexy it is. Not so much unsexy but it’s definitely not as erotic as the finished product.

And your last question is: As you seem to answer a lot of questions, does the answering make you feel good in a way?

Yah, actually it does. I love … It’s not only a way for you guys to find out more about me, but it’s a way for me to find out more about myself, because a lot of the times the questions you guys ask me aren’t really questions that I’ve really thought about before. So [by answering them] I find out more about myself. I always get a kick out of doing the video logs, because I never know what’s going to come out of my mouth, because I don’t really practice the video logs before I shoot them or anything like that. I just kind of wing it.

Anyways, so I hope that answered your questions, ok?


Anoree 08-27-2011 05:00 PM

D264, 07-07-11: To Everyone
Video of Danielle’s first Sky Dive on Wednesday, June 29th, 2011

Danielle wrote a little bit about that experience in her Journal.

Anoree 08-27-2011 05:03 PM

D265, 07-12-11: To sultys
"Hey sultys

I’m not sure if I pronounced that right or not. I apologize if I didn’t.

Anyways, I read your question on the question thread and it was: What do you like in terms of oral, techniques, tips, what have you learned about and prefer about the climax etc. for both a guy and a girl?

Let’s see. For a guy I don’t tend to use a lot of hands, I’ve noticed, and they tend to be pretty wet, lots of saliva, and I tend to suck a lot, and I do this tongue twirling thing around the top, and I go pretty fast. So I don’t really give slow, romantic blow jobs, if a blow job can even be romantic. They’re generally pretty fast. And when a guy is about to get off, I usually jack him off. I don’t really like cum in my mouth. Do it on the face, I don’t have a problem with that, as long as it doesn’t get in my eyeball or up my nose. Anywhere else is fine, too. I don’t really have a preference on where it goes. And then … I’m trying to think of anything else that I do, a signature move or something. I don’t really think I do.

And for girls, I don’t really use any fingers and I tend to stay directly on the clit. I usually spread it out, expose the clit and, yeah, generally stay directly on the clit.

I’m sorry I can’t give you a better answer. That’s all that I can think of right now. It’s been a while since I’ve been with a girl. I guess you might have to check out my website, check out the members’ pages of the website and see how I do on there, my techniques and stuff.

Anyways, so I hope that answered your question, ok?


Anoree 08-27-2011 05:05 PM

D266, 07-17-11: To Dan4Life
"Hey Dan4life

I read your question on the question thread. Well, questions, multiple questions, quite a few actually. Your first question is: What is the craziest thing or show you have done in public?

Craziest thing … You know, to be perfectly honest, pretty much every shoot that I do in public is crazy because I don’t really … I don’t know, it’s masturbating in public. Getting naked in public, that’s pretty darn crazy. Most people would definitely not do that. I’m trying to think of specifics. Right now what’s coming to mind is actually one of my latest shoots, the 4th of July shoot. I got completely naked, which is very rare for me – well, completely naked in public – and played around in a fountain. It was quite fun, very refreshing, because it was like 113° outside or something crazy like that. And then I have had sex in public in the middle of an office complex, and then on the hood of a car on the same office complex. That was pretty crazy. Yeah.

Your next question is: Have guys ever told you that you were cute?

Yep, they have actually. It’s just nice. I like getting compliments. What person doesn’t like to get compliments? So bring them on, more compliments, I want them! [laughs]

Your next question is: Have guys ever tried to have sex with you in public?

Yes, they have. I think that’s a pretty typical fantasy for guys. I’m trying to think … Oh, I’ve had sex on the first floor of a hotel patio that was right next to a golf course. That was pretty public. And then … I can’t really remember right now, but I know that I had multiple cases of sex in public.
Your next question is: Have you ever been to community college before?
Yes, I have. I have been to a few different community colleges.

Then your next question is: Have you ever thought your boobs aren’t the perfect size?

No, not really. I mean … Well, my answer relates to the next question, which is:

Do you wish you could reduce them or enlarge them?

You know, I’m perfectly happy with my boobs the way they are right now. I love them. But if I could, I would get … well, I wouldn’t get a boob job, but if I could just magically enlarge them, I totally would. Right now I’m a 38C, which there is so many different numbers on the web right now, but it is 38C, trust me on this, guys. I am a 38C, I would know this, they’re my boobs, so … But if I could enlarge them, I would probably make them a 38DD. That would be sweet. They’d be huge, that would be so good. And then I think I would be pretty happy with them – as long as they don’t get saggy or anything. You know what’s funny? I actually have a … I have this bra that adds like 3 cup sizes to boobs, which is awesome. I kind of bought it for a holiday, because I thought it was hilarious. It’s freaking huge, it is so big and I actually love wearing it – yah, what’s fun – other where on video. I think you guys would get a kick out of it, because it’s awesome. Awesome, awesome, awesome.

And then your last question is: How naughty do you get with them? (My boobs)

I’m not sure what that means. I don’t really get naughty with my boobs, if you can really get naughty with your boobs. I mean, they’re … just there. I can’t have sex with them or anything. Guys can have sex with them. I don’t know how to answer that.

So anyways, I hope that answered your questions, ok?


Anoree 08-27-2011 08:27 PM

D267, 07-22-11: To e83
"Hey e83

I read your questions on the question thread. Your first question is: At the end of “Glimpse of the Past”, shot in 2008, just using your eyes you look over your left shoulder. I know this is asking you to stretch your memory, but do you remember what got your attention at the “critical” moment?

I don’t. I actually really don’t remember. I’m trying to think of who all was there. I know there was obviusly, uh, ob-vi-ous-ly the videographer, and then I’m pretty sure that there was a photographer there, too, and there might have been … there might have been one other person there, the girlfriend of the videographer, but I think she might have left before we started shooting. But I really don’t remember. And I’m sure watching the video I probably wouldn’t remember. I’m guessing that it was probably the photographer doing something glimpsing … hi, hi, glimpsing … in the corner of my eye and catching my attention or something. I have no Idea. It’s way too long ago. Actually it was only two years ago, wait, three years ago. That’s not too long ago. Hmm.

Anyways, your next question is: Besides the preference for a certain look, which is bare – although, for me it’s not bare. I enjoy having my little … landing strip, I guess, although I’ve shortened it, so it’s not much of a landing … I guess it’s still considered a landing strip. I don’t know, but I like it. That’s my preference right now. Hair is coming back in. It’s gaining popularity. So I enjoy it. I love it. Yah, I just got way off track here. Let’s see, let me repeat the question: Besides the preference for a certain look, are there drawbacks to a full bush?

Drawbacks … I don’t know. Shaving it off is kind of a pain in the butt, but when you have more hair down there and shave it off, you get the smoothest, cleanest shave ever. It’s perfect. There’s no razor rush, there’s no in grown hair, just perfect. Let’s see, I’m trying to think of … Oh, here’s a big one: You can’t really wear certain underwear. I love wearing these tiny “stripper” G-Strings and thongs. You can’t really wear those if you have a full bush, because it all kind of puffs out of the underwear. Actually that’s one of the reasons why I shortened my little landing strip, because I couldn’t wear my favorite underwear. They were too short that my landing strip was too long.

Your next question is: After sex with a guy, do you like to stay connected as long as possible, cuddle and got to sleep in a tangle or do you prefer your own side of the bed?

What’s really funny is when I was younger I was not affectionate at all. Cuddling after sex? Eww! Not even. And now I actually really enjoy it. I like cuddling and … I’ll fall asleep cuddling with somebody, but I won’t stay asleep cuddling with somebody. It’s not common at all for me. I usually disentangle myself from the person and then scooch over to my side of the bed. I love cuddling, but I can’t sleep that way normally.

But anyways, I hope that answered your questions, ok?


Anoree 08-27-2011 09:33 PM

D268, 07-27-11: To alecarustar
"Hey alecarustar

I haven’t heard from you in a long time. It has been a while!

I read your question on the question thread, and it was: In this past two years, what is the best thing that has happened to you?

Best thing that happened to me … I don’t really know. I don’t think that there’s really a best thing that has happened to me. I guess the only thing that really comes to mind right now is this past year in March I’ve kind of started my “spiritual journing.” I started going out less, going partying less and started focusing more on bettering myself and just trying to grow as a person. That was pretty awesome. I went to Sedona to a spiritual retreat, so that’s probably one of the best things that happened to me in the past two years. I definitely would rank that up there with the top three best things. Just having members still, and fans still, that’s a pretty awesome, great, amazing thing. I think that’s about it. I can’t think of anything else. Sorry.

Anyways, I hope that answered your question, ok?


Anoree 08-27-2011 09:45 PM

D269, 08-01-11: To alen
"Hey alen

I read your question on the question thread. Actually it’s two questions. Your first question is: Which country do you want to tour in Asia if it’s possible?

Japan? I don’t know. I haven’t really thought about that, to be perfectly honest. I think it’d be fun to visit Asia, but it’s never been the top of my priorities or my travel priorities. If I had the chance to, I’d definitely go. But I don’t really know. I can’t give you an answer, sorry.

And your last question was: Would you like to make friends and love with an Asian?

I have made love to Asians before and I do have Asian friends, actually. I’m trying to think about that and I actually have a few Asian friends.

Anyways, I hope that answered your questions, ok?


Anoree 09-03-2011 04:34 PM

D270, 08-11-11: To ugo
"Hey ugo

I read your question on the question thread. It was: Do I prefer sex to take a long time or a short time?

Probably … well, I don’t know … 15, 20 minutes. To be perfectly honest, I don’t like super long sex like past 30 minutes. I’m like “Uh, I’m done, I’m over it.” I’m not sure why, but actually a lot of women are like that. And obviously I don’t like short sex. 5 minutes is way too short as a time, unless you do it as a quickie. You know, if you have to get to work or school or something and you only have 5 minutes, then it’s fun. Mix the stings up a little bit.

Anyways, I hope that answered your question, ok?


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