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tigger 07-07-2010 01:43 AM

Laranger in hospital
I spoke with Laranger the other day and he was sick, I just got a e-mail from his son today saying he had to be taken to the hospital short of breath. that is all I know for now I will update as soon as i know more.

captnjack 07-07-2010 08:17 AM

Get well soon Laranger!!!

Anoree 07-07-2010 12:25 PM

I hope Laranger is up and out of the hospital soon.

e83sOHpFYv 07-07-2010 04:25 PM

Get well soon!!!!

All The Best, e83 :eek:

T-bone Thomas 07-07-2010 07:24 PM

Get well soon Laranger.

YetAnotherDave 07-07-2010 07:28 PM

Get well soon laranger.

DWM222 07-07-2010 07:37 PM

From one old Colorado guy to another..Hope you get well soon laranger:)

danielle_ftv 07-07-2010 07:46 PM

Aww...I hope it's nothing serious. Sending out good thoughts and wishes to Laranger. I hope he gets well soon.

tigger 07-07-2010 07:57 PM

I just checked my e-mail and no news yet. all i know is he got up in the morning and couldn't breath so he called 911 and they admitted him after 5 hours in the ER. When i spoke to him on the phone a few days ago he sounded relay bad like he hada bad cold. If i hear any thing i will let ya all know. His son did say he was sitting up eating cold hospital food the night he had to go in so hopefully he will be good as new in no time.

mart 07-07-2010 08:44 PM

So sorry hear about Laranger Tigger, hoping you get well soon Laranger!,thinking of yer mate!;)

TheDoctor 07-07-2010 09:57 PM

Get well soon, laranger. This forum is already missing its resident ban-happy-deadpan-snarky-no-BS administrator...

tigger 07-07-2010 11:21 PM

Missy used her pull and got me Larangers room phone number so i gave him a call, he sounds bad, he has got in his words crud in his lungs. they have him on breathing treatments, its helping but it is a slow prosess. My phone went dead when i was talking to him so ill try to give him a call later.

Immortal 07-07-2010 11:33 PM

So sorry to hear Laranger is in the hospital,:( Hope you get well soon. We need you here.

Raymond 07-08-2010 12:09 AM

Damn, I hope he gets better soon.


grande351 07-08-2010 12:47 AM

My best wishes to Laranger for a speedy recovery!

Thank you for keeping us up to date on his condition Tigger.

ugo 07-08-2010 06:26 AM

Get well soon Laranger

captnjack 07-08-2010 08:27 AM

thanks for the update tigger

tigger 07-08-2010 11:03 PM

Spoke with Laranger a while ago he is doing better he will be comming home in the morning. He sounded a lot better when i spoke with him.

eastbill 07-09-2010 01:30 AM

Laranger.. hope you are up to speed soon.

Enigma 07-09-2010 01:50 AM

Get well soon pal so you can come back an ban me ;) lol

grande351 07-09-2010 03:08 AM


Originally Posted by tigger (Post 25651)
Spoke with Laranger a while ago he is doing better he will be comming home in the morning. He sounded a lot better when i spoke with him.

Thanks for the update, Tigger. Glad to hear he's going home!

geolarson2 07-09-2010 05:08 PM

Glad to hear Laranger's on the mend & on the way home (sweet home!).

mart 07-09-2010 06:13 PM

Sounds good Tigger, i knew Laranger was a tough ol boot!. He'll be back on his feet in no time.;)

TheDoctor 07-09-2010 11:23 PM

YEESSSAH! I KNEW it! The Grim Reaper FLEES "LA Ranger" in fear!

laranger 07-09-2010 11:53 PM

Man it's good to be back home and get on here to visit with ol' friends, thanks everyone.

Max 07-10-2010 05:36 AM


Originally Posted by laranger (Post 25713)
Man it's good to be back home and get on here to visit with ol' friends, thanks everyone.

The hospital is not a fun place to be. I passed a kidney stone there and it was a rip off. People will have to do flips to pay medical bills before you know it.

mart 07-10-2010 06:43 PM

Good to have you back my friend!.;)


Originally Posted by laranger (Post 25713)
Man it's good to be back home and get on here to visit with ol' friends, thanks everyone.

Max can you please explain what you mean by a rip-off to pay medical bills please?.
In the UK we have the NHS "National Health Service" which means our taxes we pay through our wages pay for our medical bills.


Originally Posted by Max (Post 25723)
The hospital is not a fun place to be. I passed a kidney stone there and it was a rip off. People will have to do flips to pay medical bills before you know it.

Max 07-10-2010 08:18 PM


Originally Posted by mart (Post 25738)
Good to have you back my friend!.;)

Max can you please explain what you mean by a rip-off to pay medical bills please?.
In the UK we have the NHS "National Health Service" which means our taxes we pay through our wages pay for our medical bills.

in other words you basically can't come out of the hospital for less than $3,000. An average ambulance ride costs over $800, so most people have to drive themselves to the hospital. The reason that they can make them so expensive is because if you don't pay them, you die. That is one reason that health care reform is such a big topic in America today.

tigger 07-10-2010 08:27 PM


Originally Posted by Max (Post 25743)
in other words you basically can't come out of the hospital for less than $3,000. An average ambulance ride costs over $800, so most people have to drive themselves to the hospital. The reason that they can make them so expensive is because if you don't pay them, you die. That is one reason that health care reform is such a big topic in America today.

If you go to the hospital they have to treat you money or no money they cant refuse to treat you.

captnjack 07-10-2010 10:11 PM


Originally Posted by tigger (Post 25745)
If you go to the hospital they have to treat you money or no money they cant refuse to treat you.

I wish that were true tigger but I am afraid that you are in for a rude awaking on day. Also the insurance you have determines to a large degree the level of care you get. We are not talking about the VA.

tigger 07-10-2010 10:22 PM


Originally Posted by captnjack (Post 25749)
I wish that were true tigger but I am afraid that you are in for a rude awaking on day. Also the insurance you have determines to a large degree the level of care you get. We are not talking about the VA.

I'm not wrong if you go into the hospital they have to treat you that is the law!!!! It's the right to care law. it is posted in every ER in every hospital in the US. they can not refuse to treat you.
It is the EMTALA Law if you care to look it up. When I became a Paramedic i had to read and sign this law to get my license, if I refuse to treat some one or give them transport to the hospital I lose my license and pay a fine and could spend 25 yrs in jail. If the hospital has the means to treat you they must treat you , if they do not have the means they must transport you to a hospital that can.

mart 07-11-2010 07:38 PM

Are there such things as free hospitals in American for the not so well off?. I'm sure as there is here, as the poorer groups of people, who just wouldn't be able to afford medical bills.

tigger 07-11-2010 08:14 PM


Originally Posted by mart (Post 25780)
Are there such things as free hospitals in American for the not so well off?. I'm sure as there is here, as the poorer groups of people, who just wouldn't be able to afford medical bills.

Large citys have some free clinic that people can go to but going to a hospital your going to be charged a bill.

geolarson2 07-12-2010 12:04 AM


Originally Posted by tigger (Post 25750)
I'm not wrong if you go into the hospital they have to treat you that is the law!!!! It's the right to care law. it is posted in every ER in every hospital in the US. they can not refuse to treat you.
It is the EMTALA Law if you care to look it up. When I became a Paramedic i had to read and sign this law to get my license, if I refuse to treat some one or give them transport to the hospital I lose my license and pay a fine and could spend 25 yrs in jail. If the hospital has the means to treat you they must treat you , if they do not have the means they must transport you to a hospital that can.

You're right, of course. The problem then becomes an issue of whether you can/cannot pay afterward (sometimes you can haggle with the billing department, sometimes, sometimes they'll work on a sliding scale & sometimes you can't work things out and they send you to collections). EMTALA was passed in 1986 (signed into law by Reagan as part of COBRA) and applies to any hospital that accepts HHS, MediCare & MedicAid (exemptions for the VA, Shriners & Indian Health). It only applied to emergency services, of course, and if a hospital doesn't take MediCare, MedicAid, or HHS payments, they're exempted too. Before EMTALA it was, from what I understand, permissible for a hospital's administration or an ambulance company to deny even emergency treatment, so in a way Captnjack had a point, too. And because EMTALA was buried in the COBRA legislation it isn't well known. When & where a physician says a patient is stable though, EMTALA ends, even if the patient isn't released from the hospital.

The US has nothing like NHS or HealthCanada, Mart, let alone systems like they have in Germany, France, the Nederlands or Scandinavia. The closest we have is MedicAid which is really only for the poorest and that is hard to get, usually requiring a couple years pursuing coverage before winding up before an administrative law judge (same with Social Security disability insurance). Through our health care debacle last year, I was regularly corresponding with friends & family in London & Ottawa about their systems. My cousin in London, a Tory, is more inclined to see NHS expanded than reduced, and my friend in Ottawa (Labour) would prefer kinks worked out with the way HealthCanada operates, but she's happy to have it, especially since she gave birth just a few weeks ago to her second child.

As for the clinics, I know San Francisco has had free clinics since at least the 60s, I think LA likewise. I'm not sure about most of the rest of the country, but imagine Tigger's right, that they are out there. But I live in Reno and am unaware of any free clinics hereabouts. We do have a VA hospital though which I've heard good things about.

But back to the original point, Tigger's right they can't refuse to treat you, but even if you're poor, they're going to try and collect by hook or by crook afterward. Its funny, but I knew this person who treated veterans who went to Kazakhstan for a conference to discuss treating PTSD and her experience w/ Vietnam Vets and psych counselors in the USSR treating Afghani vets broke her ankle and was treated immediately, no charge.

Its a side note, but folks outside the US might find it interesting to note that maternity leave has only been guaranteed in the US since 1993, and that for 12 weeks unpaid, while in Canada women receive approx. 55% pay for up to 50 weeks; Mexico requires 100% pay for 12 weeks; the UK has a complicated system that lasts up to 52 weeks at 90% pay; Russia has a sliding scale system that lasts up to 18 months & 50% & up to 100% pay; Germany offers up to 14 weeks at something like 67-84% pay; Italy offers up to 22 weeks at 34% pay, if I understand things right (part of this came from a National Geographic table that simplified things a bit, so there may be some flux there I'm unaware of)

My own opinion on the whole thing I'll keep to myself rather turn this into a political, economic or moral debate. I'm just happy your ok, Laranger. Reast easy & welcome home!

captnjack 07-12-2010 05:10 AM

Sorry tigger I did misunderstand your post. You are correct. What I should have said is...if the condition is non life threatening and you are uninsured the hospital will require you to make arrangements for payment of services before you are treated.

mart 07-12-2010 07:38 PM

Thanks Geo, found your post interesting.

Raymond 07-12-2010 10:38 PM


Originally Posted by laranger (Post 25713)
Man it's good to be back home and get on here to visit with ol' friends, thanks everyone.

Hey Buddy,

Glad to hear you are okay and feeling better.

To cheer you up I'm going to send you a free Signed Print of Lena.

Just click HERE and let me know which one you want. Then PM me your address and I'll get it out to you. :D

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