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CK1 12-31-2008 11:34 PM

New Year's Resolutions...
Figure i would post this for fun. Most people at some point or another have had or made a new years resolution. and i was wonderig if anyone here has any or have you given up on making them at all. the common ones are usually

Giving up smoking
Loosing weight/getting in better shape
Making long term goals (car, house, a wife/husband.)

So if you have one feel free to post it.

Mine is to be healthier. make more of my own food and eat less junkfood. :)


captnjack 01-01-2009 01:52 AM

Giving up smoking is easy I have done that at least 3 times in my life, it's not starting back that is hard to do. And I am smoking a Marlboro now! I have lost weight only to slowly gain it back but I am getting better at keeping it off. And while it wasn't really a new year's resolution I have made an effort this year to eat better and cut out a lot of junk food.

tigger 01-01-2009 02:56 AM


ugo 01-01-2009 09:10 AM

Do I have to try to improve something in the job (to change? It's really difficult). And that desire to have a sweet girl companion of my life. I don't know if my mother will still live (I hope well for her). It's the only thing that I have.
The rest: I walk walking afoot (the car I use her few). Going to the various parts of my city that I don't like. I love Rome (there I'm born). But one day I would like to live in America (but it is only a dream).
And my health is still strong (or almost).

Geezer 01-01-2009 07:13 PM

My Resolutions
I probably should lose 10-15 pounds since my doctor diagnosed me with diabetes. Other than that, I hope to do more traveling in 2009 starting with a long anticipated tour of Germany, Austria, and Switzerland in the spring. I also think I hear Hawaii and Las Vegas calling my name.:D

After being "single," following a divorce 14 years ago, I would love to find a steady girlfriend and see where that might lead.:cool:

Cheers to everyone on this forum and here's hope that all of our resolutions bear fruit.

laranger 01-01-2009 08:46 PM


Originally Posted by Geezer (Post 6360)
After being "single," following a divorce 14 years ago, I would love to find a steady girlfriend and see where that might lead.:cool:

Geezer, go here; http://danielleftv.com/forum/showthread.php?t=354

danielle_ftv 01-01-2009 09:04 PM

My New Years Resolutions:

A) Get down to my goal weight (125 pounds) and tone up
B) Pay off my vehicle ($21,000 left)
C) Make all straight A's in school
D) Become semi-proficient in a few languages

keithm 01-01-2009 09:38 PM


Originally Posted by danielle_ftv (Post 6367)
My New Years Resolutions:

D) Become semi-proficient in a few languages

Wow - and I'm still trying to get there with English :D

grande351 01-01-2009 10:16 PM

Here's mine for 2009:

1) Continue with my weight loss bringing me one step closer to my goal of becoming irresistible to women (LOL!)
2) Move into a new place.
3) Organize all my stuff, and unload all that crap I don't need.
4) Take a few college courses (and pass them!)
5) Finally meet that nice lady who's willing to take a chance on me. (I know she's out there somewhere :) ).

CK1 01-01-2009 10:41 PM

Now that you mentioned it, I really should learn another language... i already speak Spanish to learning Portuguese, French or Italian would be relatively easy to learn. Spanish it too common in Florida and doesn't impress anyone.

Geezer 01-01-2009 10:47 PM

Ha! Ha!

Originally Posted by laranger (Post 6363)

Hey, Thanks, Laranger! I think there are enough guys interested in Danielle. I prefer a real life woman I can travel with, snuggle with, sleep with, you know, everything. This fantasy world surrounding Danielle, Alison, and Lia is better left to the "young bucks" than to "geezers.":D

Geezer 01-01-2009 10:53 PM


Originally Posted by danielle_ftv (Post 6367)
My New Years Resolutions:

D) Become semi-proficient in a few languages

Man, I lived in Japan for three years, attended Japanese classes, lived with a gal who didn't speak English, and I NEVER WAS able to understand what others said in my presence.

My 1st wife was Chinese (met in Taiwan), her parents lived with us most our 14 years of marriage, and I never understood more than ten words of Chinese.

I've traveled around Italy during three trips there and can't learn five words of Italian. Some people can pick up a language soooo easily and others can't do it to save their souls. I think it all depends on how the brain is wired.:(

geolarson2 01-02-2009 02:53 AM

Take more walks in the hills, stop and smell the roses, leave pebbles and prayers for those with me (I'm Taoist-Buddhist), set aside my wants and smile more. Go back to who I was a couple years ago when I felt more contented and at peace. And say thanks to someone who helped me ease my mind of some things that had been bothering me for a long time. I think this year I'm going to be leaving a lot of things behind me, carrying less baggage physically and spiritually. Today is the first day of the rest of my life, this step is the first step in that journey. Namaskar to all

danielle_ftv 01-02-2009 03:51 AM


Originally Posted by Geezer (Post 6376)
Hey, Thanks, Laranger! I think there are enough guys interested in Danielle. I prefer a real life woman I can travel with, snuggle with, sleep with, you know, everything. This fantasy world surrounding Danielle, Alison, and Lia is better left to the "young bucks" than to "geezers.":D

You're not a "geezer". Plus I like older men ;)

eastbill 01-02-2009 04:49 AM

i am looking to continue to lose weight, and keep it off. walk more. get to hawaii at least once this year, get rid of junk, make my life less complicated, getting organized.
compile some writings and submit them for publication.

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