FTV Girls Danielle Forum

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rennaryann 07-10-2010 06:45 PM

Questions for You (the members/fans/friends/etc)
I am always coming up with questions in regards to things I would like to do and how you guys would respond to them so I am going to start posting them here. Please feel free to let me know your honest opinion... polite but honest :) And yes this will probably be a very vain thread, sorry but most are the question are about decisions I want to make but need a little help with.

1. I was reading in the FTVGirls portion of the forum about implants. That is something I have really struggled with and wanted your opinion. I have always wanted implants but figured that would be something I would do after porn because I don't want to have that "porn star" look. But if you look are my FTV photos compared to photos of me now you will definately see a difference (yes I was pregnant and everything when back to normal except my boobs) so now I really want to have them done one day. I found a wonderful doctor about a year ago, the best of the best. He said he would only put a large enough implant in so that my breast would be more perky so they would go from their current B cup size to a middle C. For a year now I have been debating and because of my merging with FTV and wanting to get in the best shape ever and look as natural as possible... now I am really struggling with the decision. Not because I don't want them because I really do but because I want you guys to still enjoy me and not look at me as fake. Let me know your thoughts on that :)

2. This is a silly rather self absorbed topic but I miss looking like me.. if this makes sense. Years of modeling and life in general has made me really busy. I do things that I think make me look better on video, like the fake nails and highlights in my hair, etc. Truth be told when I am not shooting my nails are natural, I never wear make up, and sweat pants are my best friend. But when I look in the mirror, I don't see what I feel like is me. I don't tan anymore because people said I looked too orange (I love being tan!) and I put so many highlights in my hair that I now almost look blonde (I miss my brown hair). I am spending the next couple months being a little selfish and working out, yoga classes, tanning, etc and was wondering what you think about me returning to my natural hair color. I know guys love blondes but its not me, I look kinda bland in photos as a brunette but that is me being natural. How do you guys prefer to see me? I ask this because I love Danielle as a blonde but when she put up her recent update from a while ago with her natural hair color, it was breathtaking. She looks so.. well graceful (even though she was having sex time lol) but it made me start thinking. Thanks for your opinons!


ugo 07-10-2010 07:05 PM

I thinks you're really normal how i see u nice me. And i thinks it porno in general damage real nice naturalness girls of FTV ( my opinion).
Your beauty it not need best then u are already normal and perfect ( apart your nice hair).
I understand really the girls that loving change them for best themselves.

CK1 07-10-2010 08:00 PM

I know you will get those that say you should, then some that will say you shouldn't. and they will say that they will no loger be fans, etc if you do and other that wont if you don't. all i have to say is this...

You need to do what will make YOU happy. now I like the idea that you will get them in a size that will compliment your frame and not go crazy and get some triple G boobs that will look ridiculus on anyone... well, except for maybe Jabba the Hutt (Geek Joke).
but seriously, you need to be happy. doing stuff to make fans happy, etc. at the cost of your own happiness is just not right. there are other model/stars in both main stream and adult entertainment that have fake boobs. some you can't tell, some are just rediculus but either way they still have fans. why, because some people don't care. and if fake boobs were such a detrement to this field, then why do so many girls do it?

Personaly, i think you are beautiful the way you are. i would not change a thing. but that is my opinion.

tigger 07-10-2010 08:31 PM

If it ant broke dont try and fix it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Dilbert49 07-11-2010 12:02 AM

I prefer a woman to look natural. I don't see the need in most cases for heavy makeup, hair-color changes, plastic surgery, etc. (unless in the case of medical issues, injuries, etc.) I'll almost always vote for natural.

Having said that, you should ignore what I say. As mentioned earlier, you should make the decisions based on what it right for you, not the preferences of someone who pays to join your site and to watch you do things that we wouldn't normally be able to see! And I do enjoy watching! But you have no way of knowing whether I'll maintain membership next month or drop my membership and move on, so my preferences should not matter in your decision.

I think you're great the way you are, but that doesn't mean I won't think you're great however you choose to look.

captnjack 07-11-2010 12:42 AM

1 Attachment(s)
I wouldn't change a thing your breast are big enough and I notice the lenght of a girls' hair way before the color. Beside I like blondes, brunettes, redheads just the same as any. There are times and places for the natural look and times and place for some glam. Just please yourself and your husband papa bear because my preference will always be different from the next guy. The proof is in the pudding and if the pudding is anywhere near this picture it is thumbs up!

frederickus 07-11-2010 03:16 PM


Originally Posted by rennaryann (Post 25739)

1. I was reading in the FTVGirls portion of the forum about implants. That is something I have really struggled with and wanted your opinion. I have always wanted implants but figured that would be something I would do after porn because I don't want to have that "porn star" look. But if you look are my FTV photos compared to photos of me now you will definately see a difference (yes I was pregnant and everything when back to normal except my boobs) so now I really want to have them done one day. I found a wonderful doctor about a year ago, the best of the best. He said he would only put a large enough implant in so that my breast would be more perky so they would go from their current B cup size to a middle C. For a year now I have been debating and because of my merging with FTV and wanting to get in the best shape ever and look as natural as possible... now I am really struggling with the decision. Not because I don't want them because I really do but because I want you guys to still enjoy me and not look at me as fake. Let me know your thoughts on that :)R

Beautiful Renna: Even though you look lovely the way you are, I would have NO PROBLEM with a slight...errr...adjustment...because I bet that some additional FIRMNESS and HIGHNESS would make you feel GREAT!!!:D

Geezer 07-11-2010 06:10 PM

I think most people look their best when they are happiest with themselves. Too many people try to be something they aren't it it shows in photos. I say "stay natural" and got back to your own hair color.

IF you get implants, be sure they are the right size for your body - not huge ones that look like small mountains when you lay on your back. And, I'm no expert, but I THINK implants under the muscle looks better than just "bags" hanging off of your chest. I am not a fan of scars around the nipple nor under the breast. I'd suggest getting them put in through the armpit or up from the belly button. But, ONLY, if you must get implants at all.

mancocapac 07-12-2010 02:36 PM

I like the natural look. You say you may do more of the no make-up and just sweats look, and I saw go for it! I am sure you will remain über sexy with that look.

I'd say "no" to implants since you are asking for feedback. I feel your boobs look good just as they are.

rennaryann 07-14-2010 03:45 PM

Wow you guys thank you so much for all your opinions I really appreciate you taking the time to let me know your thoughts. So I am going to go back to my roots.. literally :) And hold off on the implants until I feel I am at the point where I feel my healthiest and most in shape... so that won't be happening for a loooooong while lol

I will certainly be posting more questions in here when they are floating around in my head. It's really get to finally have a place to post them and get some feedback so thank you again!

rennaryann 07-29-2010 06:54 PM

OMG you guys! I have to share this with you... I was talking to a girlfriend of mine (not in the industry) who has her boobs done and she hates them. I personally think they look great but she is tiny and looks really young in the face. She made the point that she used the feel young and her boobs makes her body look older. I thought she was crazy and she told me to try out the program that pics boobs the size you want them and with my nipples and what not. This is definately not what I want to look like lol! I now get what she is talking about because that just doesnt look right :)

Oh well back to the drawing board... what else can I pick at myself about?!?! (Just kidding)


rennaryann 07-29-2010 07:06 PM

And sorry but I am loving this silly program and needed another model so sorry Danielle :) ... Could you only image if Danielle's boobs didn't stop growing? lol ok Ill stop now


mancocapac 07-29-2010 07:06 PM

Natural FTW!

DWM222 07-30-2010 08:38 PM

Funny!...those pics show the strange things that can happen with plastic surgery (& photo shop)...I offer another example below..:D

There was this woman who had bags under her eyes and wanted to get them removed so she could look younger so she went to a plastic surgeon. She tells the doctor I cant get rid of these bags please help me. The doctor says he is gonna try and new experimental technique on her. He will put a crank in the back of her head and when she sees bags under her eyes she's supposed to crank it and the bags will go away. So she gets this crank put in her head and leaves. It works and works for a while until one day she cant get rid of these bags under her eyes. She cranks and cranks as hard as she can but they just wont go away. So she goes to the doctor. She says to the doctor: "Doctor, this was working for a while, but I cant seem to get rid of these bags under my eyes." The doctor replies: "Lady those aren't bags... those are your ****!" All she had to say was, "Now that would explain why I have this goatee."


e83sOHpFYv 08-02-2010 05:42 PM


I vote for you to keep your breasts and hair natural. You magnificent, don't change.

e83 :eek:

rennaryann 08-02-2010 09:22 PM

Since this has turned into a big boob thread Ill post one more picture. It's one at the height of my lactation... my boobs were so full! I liked them a lot... a lot a lot! Oh and my natural hair color too :)


mancocapac 08-03-2010 01:19 AM

They were large, perhaps, but natural.

But it's your happiness that matters.

Is there another actress whose boobs you admire? Maybe you can show us what you were thinking of doing? Gravity-defying and big? Or just bigger but with enough droop to look natural?

rennaryann 08-03-2010 01:57 AM


Originally Posted by mancocapac (Post 26546)
They were large, perhaps, but natural.

But it's your happiness that matters.

Is there another actress whose boobs you admire? Maybe you can show us what you were thinking of doing? Gravity-defying and big? Or just bigger but with enough droop to look natural?

The boobs that I admire would look ridiculous on me. I love Sandee Westgate and Molly Cavalli's boobs but on me I would look stupid. Honestly this is what I want below, just with my nipples pointed straight and not down like they are in the image. Nothing big, I am just scared the Dr. could screw up. It's a chance that I am not sure if I'd be willing to take while in the porn industry. I'm not going to make a big deal about it and by the end of this year if I am still not settled with a decision then I will probably meet with some girls that have gone to my Dr I have chosen and see if they like the results.


rennaryann 08-12-2010 04:46 PM

Ok So I have a new question! And it's a very simple one too!

What do you want Danielle and I to do next week when we shoot? Any fetishes, themes, locations, etc. I am hoping to get tons of candid stuff too :)


johnlong 08-25-2010 10:27 PM

Renna, you have been gifted with one of the most beautiful bodies I've ever seen. Your nipples are just gorgeous. If having implants done would alter them that would be sad. Most women I've seen with implants have stretched nipples. Your nipples are perfect the way they are.

rennaryann 08-26-2010 07:48 PM


Originally Posted by johnlong (Post 27019)
Renna, you have been gifted with one of the most beautiful bodies I've ever seen. Your nipples are just gorgeous. If having implants done would alter them that would be sad. Most women I've seen with implants have stretched nipples. Your nipples are perfect the way they are.

Thank you for the compliment... I get a lof of nipple compliments. I don't understand why nipples are so unique but thank you I will keep that in mind :)

danielle_ftv 09-13-2010 02:30 AM


Originally Posted by rennaryann (Post 26391)
And sorry but I am loving this silly program and needed another model so sorry Danielle :) ... Could you only image if Danielle's boobs didn't stop growing? lol ok Ill stop now


LMAO...that's awesome.

rennaryann 09-22-2010 01:53 PM


Originally Posted by danielle_ftv (Post 27350)
LMAO...that's awesome.

Yup I have no life lol

Robert 09-22-2010 03:09 PM

I think you have a great natural look, you don't need to get implants. You should be happy with what you've got.

rennaryann 10-07-2010 03:36 PM


Originally Posted by Robert (Post 27664)
I think you have a great natural look, you don't need to get implants. You should be happy with what you've got.

thank you... oddly enough I am happy with myself just not satisfied if that makes sense.. its like being happy that you just had sex but not quite satisfied yet lol

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