FTV Girls Danielle Forum

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rennaryann 07-01-2010 06:35 PM

Replies to my Journal
Here you can post that ever you want in regards to my journal. It could be opinons, advice, or anything really. I love to hear from you guys!

Immortal 07-01-2010 10:27 PM


Originally Posted by rennaryann (Post 25321)
So here I will post regularly about what is going on in my life. Honestly my life is boring but somehow I can tell some great stories about it so hopefully I won't bore you too much :)

Honestly there is nothing boring on this forum and i would love to read some of your stories. Also can't wait to see that shoot with you and Danielle.;)

mancocapac 07-02-2010 03:46 PM


Originally Posted by rennaryann (Post 25324)
Here you can post that ever you want in regards to my journal. It could be opinons, advice, or anything really. I love to hear from you guys!

Just daily goings on can be interesting. Stuff that you are up to. Things you want to do. Like, in another thread, you mentioned something about sky diving. What is your interest in that? Have you done it before? Would you do naked sky diving?

mancocapac 07-02-2010 03:52 PM

Will you be doing any video journals, webcam shows or anything? Maybe I am asking too much, as some people are uncomfortable about this, but I like when girls show their natural state, without all the make up and everything. If you wear glasses, don't be shy to show them off. I am sure you are gorgeous without any make up on.

rennaryann 07-02-2010 04:57 PM


Originally Posted by mancocapac (Post 25379)
Just daily goings on can be interesting. Stuff that you are up to. Things you want to do. Like, in another thread, you mentioned something about sky diving. What is your interest in that? Have you done it before? Would you do naked sky diving?

Yes actually I love sky diving, I have only had the opportunity to go once (it's not the cheapest sport in the world) but I would love to go again especially nude or topless. My goal is by the end of the year to find a company that would let me masturbate before jumping. My orgasms are so much stronger when I am outdoors so I would only imagine what it would be like at 10,000 feet in the air :)

mancocapac 07-02-2010 05:00 PM


Originally Posted by rennaryann (Post 25383)
Yes actually I love sky diving, I have only had the opportunity to go once (it's not the cheapest sport in the world) but I would love to go again especially nude or topless. My goal is by the end of the year to find a company that would let me masturbate before jumping. My orgasms are so much stronger when I am outdoors so I would only imagine what it would be like at 10,000 feet in the air :)

I've gone sky diving once, but I am pretty sure my friends, family, and the company I went up with would have frowned if I had gotten naked. But I think there is a big difference between a guy doing it versus a hot woman doing it.


rennaryann 07-02-2010 05:08 PM


Originally Posted by mancocapac (Post 25380)
Will you be doing any video journals, webcam shows or anything? Maybe I am asking too much, as some people are uncomfortable about this, but I like when girls show their natural state, without all the make up and everything. If you wear glasses, don't be shy to show them off. I am sure you are gorgeous without any make up on.

Trust me you can't ask too much from me :) I am super sick right now and in the process of moving but next week I'll be better and will be starting my video blogs and journals as well as my return to webcam shows. I am not sure how Danielle does her's I have to ask... but I have a program built-in to my site for live cam shows. As for being in my natural state, I am working on doing that more often. It's funny because I never wear make up besides on shoots, but after I go thru the content I currently have shot you'll see a much higher quality and more ftv feel to my updates.

rennaryann 07-02-2010 05:10 PM


Originally Posted by mancocapac (Post 25384)
I've gone sky diving once, but I am pretty sure my friends, family, and the company I went up with would have frowned if I had gotten naked. But I think there is a big difference between a guy doing it versus a hot woman doing it.


I wouldn't mind watching but could you only imagine the pain you would be in afterwards lol

mancocapac 07-02-2010 05:16 PM


Originally Posted by rennaryann (Post 25386)
I wouldn't mind watching but could you only imagine the pain you would be in afterwards lol

Ha, yeah, I had forgotten that. I sometimes go back and watch my video of my jump and that's when I start remembering the pain I was in when the parachute released. Not that the pants helped protect me much, but going naked, at least for a guy, is not recommended.

mart 07-06-2010 06:25 PM

Nice first journal entry Renna!, i know it was ok, cos i didn't fall asleep reading it lol. Don't worry about the spiders, you just need to get a few spider eating mammals like frogs, toads, lizards, shrews, oh and a few spider eating birds.:D

Oh hope you get well soon Reanna!.:);)

mancocapac 07-06-2010 09:02 PM


Originally Posted by mart (Post 25530)
Nice first journal entry Renna!, i know it was ok, cos i didn't fall asleep reading it lol. Don't worry about the spiders, you just need to get a few spider eating mammals like frogs, toads, lizards, shrews, oh and a few spider eating birds.:D

Oh hope you get well soon Reanna!.:);)

I had a friend who trained her border collie to eat spiders when they scared her.

rennaryann 07-09-2010 09:12 PM


Originally Posted by mancocapac (Post 25540)
I had a friend who trained her border collie to eat spiders when they scared her.

I wonder if I cant train my rotty's to do that!

tigger 07-10-2010 08:34 PM

Take 2 cookies and call me in the morning!:D

geolarson2 07-13-2010 11:03 PM

I say indulge in the chocolate, and the darker the better. Found an interesting article at about.com under longevity on the health benefits of chocolate: http://longevity.about.com/od/lifelo.../chocolate.htm (Not that you need an excuse, but still, enjoy!)

rennaryann 07-14-2010 03:43 PM

I agree on that one... dark chocolate is sooooo good! Especially Godiva! Oh man I can get in trouble with that stuff :) Well yay my stress level is definately going down now that I worked out a bunch of the problems I was faced with and so has my chocolate level. My new goal... work out daily and only have one piece of chocolate... my god I am an addict! lol

geolarson2 07-14-2010 05:28 PM

I started college as a bio major, and wound up taking my MA in history instead. Sometimes when you start, you think you know what you want to pursue, but the great thing about GE is you have to test the waters in other places as well. So I found myself taking bio courses as well as psych, found I liked psych better. Then psych and anthro and found I liked both the physical anthro aspects (reminded me of bio) and the cultural ones. And then I took some classes in history, found I could bring in some cultural studies to it, toss in some social psych and sociology to try and understand what motivates people and next thing you knew I'd changed majors, again. Meh, its all good. 10 years from now you could be running that preschool, or working as a crime scene tech with a pathologist formerly known as Danielle FTV.

As for Dildo, I assume you're referring to Dildo Bugger? Frito Bugger's nephew? You know Frito, went on a quest with Spam and a couple other short fat foul-mouthed dudes, that big Stomper guy, that not-so-good magician, Goodgulf to, I think it was, something Sorehead lost. Remember? Sorehead's possy, the Nozdrul were chasing Frito, Spam, et al all around (except when they went underground and were chased by the Ballhog)? Sorry, I see the word "dildo" and two things pop into my mind: 1. that the word derives from diletto, to delight & 2. the Harvard Lampoon book, Bored of the Rings.

BTW, Godiva translates as "Gift of God" (Godgifu in Anglo-Saxon).

rennaryann 07-26-2010 04:01 PM


Originally Posted by geolarson2 (Post 25911)
I started college as a bio major, and wound up taking my MA in history instead. Sometimes when you start, you think you know what you want to pursue, but the great thing about GE is you have to test the waters in other places as well. So I found myself taking bio courses as well as psych, found I liked psych better. Then psych and anthro and found I liked both the physical anthro aspects (reminded me of bio) and the cultural ones. And then I took some classes in history, found I could bring in some cultural studies to it, toss in some social psych and sociology to try and understand what motivates people and next thing you knew I'd changed majors, again. Meh, its all good. 10 years from now you could be running that preschool, or working as a crime scene tech with a pathologist formerly known as Danielle FTV.

As for Dildo, I assume you're referring to Dildo Bugger? Frito Bugger's nephew? You know Frito, went on a quest with Spam and a couple other short fat foul-mouthed dudes, that big Stomper guy, that not-so-good magician, Goodgulf to, I think it was, something Sorehead lost. Remember? Sorehead's possy, the Nozdrul were chasing Frito, Spam, et al all around (except when they went underground and were chased by the Ballhog)? Sorry, I see the word "dildo" and two things pop into my mind: 1. that the word derives from diletto, to delight & 2. the Harvard Lampoon book, Bored of the Rings.

BTW, Godiva translates as "Gift of God" (Godgifu in Anglo-Saxon).

Thats cool I didn't know Danielle wanted to be a pathologist... my friends mom is one, it's definately an interesting and well paying career choice. And it's interesting you mentioned anthro, I took keep switching thoughts on what I want to be. When I took Biobehavioral Anthro it really threw me for a loop because I loved it and I thought great one more thing to add to the list of what I want to do when I get older lol. Well Ill figure it out eventually :)

As for the second part of your post, ya lost me :) I have no clue who Dildo Bugger is, I suppose I should google him... ok just googled and since I really am not a fan of Lord of the Rings that's probably why I never heard of it's parody. Plus it came out 20 years before I was born but that doesn't say much since I am an oldies buff when it comes to certain topics. Anyhoo I still just love that word :)

And I never knew that Godiva meant gift from god... how appropriate!

mancocapac 07-26-2010 06:00 PM

In reply to your journal entry about going to NYC, I have a friend performing in a play on September 2. I can't get away to go see her, but I would recommend it.

That's something you can do.

mancocapac 07-26-2010 06:08 PM


Originally Posted by mancocapac (Post 26295)
In reply to your journal entry about going to NYC, I have a friend performing in a play on September 2. I can't get away to go see her, but I would recommend it.

That's something you can do.

Oops! I lied! There is no show on September 2. I read her announcement incorrectly.


geolarson2 07-27-2010 03:23 AM

Yeah, Lord of the Rings isn't for everyone. I read the 3 volumes when I was in 8th grade in 1 week, but then everyone was reading it (& I'm not keen on being part of a fad) so I found Bored of the Rings as kind of my way of poking a few jabs back at my friends (I guess that's what the guys form the Harvard Lampoon thought too--to be honest, the funniest part of the book is the authors' forward).

I bounced around early on in college. Anthro was wicked fun. I focused myself on cultural anthro though (but at the same time I did really enjoy spending a few days just observing the apes at the San Francisco Zoo & still find Lucy & now Ardi, et al really fascinating; maybe I see myself in them ...ooh-ooh ee-ee ah-ah-ah! lol). And yep, Ms D is working towards med school and pathology. I'm pretty sure she can do it.

You know the story of Lady Godiva? Based on a real person actually. The real Godgifu was married to an English earl back around 1000 years ago. I'm not sure if she really rode through Coventry naked or not, but I do like her spirit! She is actually a great-great-great (however many greats it takes to go back 1000 years) grandmother of Queen Elizabeth II, among others. I guess most people of English descent, and probably a good number of Continental Europeans are her offspring by now.

I never had a saltwater aquarium, although I was around them a lot when I was younger (my 1st, 2d & 4th jobs were at pet shops where I worked almost exclusively with the fish). I did have a 100 gallon freshwater which was fantastic, but when I moved 6 1/2 years ago I had to break it down & put it in storage (I've lived in 2d floor apartments since, and 100 gallons (or so) of H2O, plus gravel, plus stand, plus filters, powerheads, rocks & fish weigh a lot!). When I had it set up though I kept an 12" oscar, 18" black pacu, 18" plecostomus, 7" hoplo cat & a couple 5" red hooks, all Amazon fish.

As for the whole Costa Rica v NYC thing, his loss, your gain! I've never been to NYC (although my grandparents live upstate where my Mom was born), but in addition to the Met might you want to take in the Museum of Modern Art? I'm sure you'll have fun regardless, especially since you're getting to catch-up with old friends along the way.

Safe journeys, Ms R

PS I know you had to curtail your shoots because of the storm that petered out, but did you get to try that Canon you mentioned? I love Canon! Cheers

rennaryann 08-02-2010 10:20 PM


Originally Posted by mancocapac (Post 26295)
In reply to your journal entry about going to NYC, I have a friend performing in a play on September 2. I can't get away to go see her, but I would recommend it.

That's something you can do.

Well thank you for the thought :) And that night will be Phantom of the Opera :) That is my favorite play in the world!

rennaryann 08-02-2010 10:22 PM


Originally Posted by geolarson2 (Post 26319)

PS I know you had to curtail your shoots because of the storm that petered out, but did you get to try that Canon you mentioned? I love Canon! Cheers

I did shoot with the 5d for photo and video last week, the preview images are still on my main page in case you want to check them out of me showering... it's better than anything I've come across and IMO better than anything out there :) It's like a magical camera

geolarson2 08-19-2010 04:20 PM


Originally Posted by rennaryann (Post 26542)
I did shoot with the 5d for photo and video last week, the preview images are still on my main page in case you want to check them out of me showering... it's better than anything I've come across and IMO better than anything out there :) It's like a magical camera

To steal a line from TheDoctor, "Fantastic!" I love Canon. The 5d is way, way, way beyond what I could afford, but an instrument like that would well be worth giving a shot (ha ha, punny) once. I will have to pop by your site to see the results soonish! Cheers, Ms R!

rennaryann 08-20-2010 10:08 PM


Originally Posted by geolarson2 (Post 26890)
To steal a line from TheDoctor, "Fantastic!" I love Canon. The 5d is way, way, way beyond what I could afford, but an instrument like that would well be worth giving a shot (ha ha, punny) once. I will have to pop by your site to see the results soonish! Cheers, Ms R!

Well is definately is fantastic... I hope you enjoy the results :)

Robert 10-08-2010 05:07 PM

Hi Renna, I just wanted to let you know I watched the whole video you made answering Geezer's questions. Very interesting, though it probably is a good idea to keep the future ones a little shorter.

Geezer 10-09-2010 06:50 AM

Renna's Vblog
I, too, watched the entire 26 (actually 27) minute vblog. Of course I am biased because it was my questions being answered. Having said that, I still thought Renna did an amazing job answering them while sitting totally naked in her office. I certainly didn't expect that bonus feature. I can't think of anyone who is as open, candid, well spoken, and beautiful as Renna. I hope others have questions for her because I, for one, can't wait to watch more of her Vblogs.:D:D

DWM222 10-10-2010 02:27 PM


Originally Posted by Geezer (Post 28051)
I, too, watched the entire 26 (actually 27) minute vblog. Of course I am biased because it was my questions being answered. Having said that, I still thought Renna did an amazing job answering them while sitting totally naked in her office. I certainly didn't expect that bonus feature. I can't think of anyone who is as open, candid, well spoken, and beautiful as Renna. I hope others have questions for her because I, for one, can't wait to watch more of her Vblogs.:D:D

Liked this on myself...interesting...didn't notice that it was that long:)

rennaryann 10-15-2010 01:47 AM

I am so glad you guys enjoyed the vblog to geezer :) There are a bunch more coming and I have been testing a new method for rendering videos so they will download about 5-7 times fast... yay!

Robert 10-17-2010 08:32 PM

Thanks for making the videos for me and Mike. And yes it is legal to go topless in New York City, I sent you a PM with more info and links on the subject.

rennaryann 10-22-2010 09:26 PM


Originally Posted by Robert (Post 28271)
Thanks for making the videos for me and Mike. And yes it is legal to go topless in New York City, I sent you a PM with more info and links on the subject.

I am glad you enjoyed them and thank you for the link... definately in the spring I will be more comfortable shooting outdoors knowing my rights there :) Oh man this is going to be fun! I need a girlfriend to shoot with in NYC though.. any thoughts on who to invite? I would say Danielle but I know she is busy and it might be expensive from AZ... I guess Ill figure that out closer to.

dxhound2003 10-26-2010 07:28 PM

Hey Renna

I logged into your Cam4 show yesterday, thanks for the heads up on your video journal. There was some lag on the cam but I really enjoyed seeing you live. I see you are scheduled again on Nov 1st so I look forward to that.

rennaryann 11-05-2010 03:01 PM


Originally Posted by dxhound2003 (Post 28511)
Hey Renna

I logged into your Cam4 show yesterday, thanks for the heads up on your video journal. There was some lag on the cam but I really enjoyed seeing you live. I see you are scheduled again on Nov 1st so I look forward to that.

So glad you joined me, I was curious when you say lag did you mean my voice didnt match up with the video? I have a really high internet speed so I would have to contact cam4 and fix whatever it was on their end. But thank you again for joining me and I hope you do in the future too!

dxhound2003 11-15-2010 07:48 PM


I wasn't sure from memory how to describe the problem so sorry for not replying earlier. I joined you again today and the problem is video keeps freezing for a few seconds on and off and sound cuts out intermittently as well. There is also an echo whenever I log in which goes away after a while. The picture quality is first class though.

I did not sign up with the site so I am only able to watch, not contribute to the chat, maybe that is the cause or maybe something else my end as I did not see anyone else complaining. Great news about your upcoming show with Britney Brooks, I will definitely try to join you for that one.

rennaryann 11-17-2010 03:42 PM


Originally Posted by dxhound2003 (Post 28974)

I wasn't sure from memory how to describe the problem so sorry for not replying earlier. I joined you again today and the problem is video keeps freezing for a few seconds on and off and sound cuts out intermittently as well. There is also an echo whenever I log in which goes away after a while. The picture quality is first class though.

I did not sign up with the site so I am only able to watch, not contribute to the chat, maybe that is the cause or maybe something else my end as I did not see anyone else complaining. Great news about your upcoming show with Britney Brooks, I will definitely try to join you for that one.

Unfortunately I looked into that issue and had a friend view this weeks cam show (Britney) she has an upgraded internet speed and she had no issues viewing the cam show also I contacted cam4 and they said there were no issues so I am sad to say it must be on your end. What kind of internet and speed to you use? And dont worry about signing up what I am going to do for my site members is give them my yahoo screen name so when I am on cam4 I can chat with them directly too :) And of course the regular recorded video goes into the members section too although I forgot to record it this week but the cam show with Britney will be midnight thursday (technically 12 am friday) and will 100% be recorded :)

themoose42 11-23-2010 09:07 PM

Hey Renna, new user and big fan from Pompano Beach!

Was going to look up your Twitter page...but it told me that your Twitter no longer exists...:(

What goes on here? lol


CJ1 12-15-2010 12:01 AM

Renna, I don't see any posts from you for almost a month. What's happening?

Also have you stopped updating your site? Was thinking of joining it soon.


Geezer 12-15-2010 01:24 AM


Originally Posted by CJ1 (Post 29663)
Renna, I don't see any posts from you for almost a month. What's happening?

Also have you stopped updating your site? Was thinking of joining it soon.


Renna seems to have dropped out of sight. She dropped her Twitter account, canceled a Dec. 11 shoot with some other girls, and isn't replying to any emails. She did write two weeks ago and said "I am A-OK" but that is the last I've heard from her. I am a bit concerned that something unsavory has happened.:(

rennaryann 12-23-2010 09:03 PM

Hi Moose,

Unfortuantely I no longer have my twitter page up. But you can always have my email at rennaryann@yahoo.com



Originally Posted by themoose42 (Post 29102)
Hey Renna, new user and big fan from Pompano Beach!

Was going to look up your Twitter page...but it told me that your Twitter no longer exists...:(

What goes on here? lol


rennaryann 12-23-2010 09:06 PM

Hi CJ1

Yes unfortunately I am no longer updating my site and as of the new year I will be taking it down. There are a ton of reasons however I don't want to give public attention to those reasons. Needless to say it makes me sad because I really loved my site but keeping it up especially on the path it was going doesn't make too much sense. But I am still shooting behind the camera and I am always on webcam in case you would like to say hi. For the time being you can do that on rennaryann.cammodels.com

Hope you have a very happy holiday!


Originally Posted by CJ1 (Post 29663)
Renna, I don't see any posts from you for almost a month. What's happening?

Also have you stopped updating your site? Was thinking of joining it soon.


rennaryann 12-23-2010 09:13 PM

Hi Geezer,

I hope all is well to you and I am not sure how to reply to your post so I will just be honest and tell you how I feel.

**Geezer requested that I remove this portion, so I am doing so**

3. Please do not speak on my behalf, I did not cancel my december 11th shoot not sure where you got your information from and I haven't dropped from sight. Those who took the time to email me about what I was doing recieved an immediate response back. I have just been really busy with the holidays to login to the forum. Since I stopped updating my site, I am only on the computer for work purposes so I needed to make some time to login here and post.

Now I wish you only the best and a very Merry Christmas


Originally Posted by Geezer (Post 29665)
Renna seems to have dropped out of sight. She dropped her Twitter account, canceled a Dec. 11 shoot with some other girls, and isn't replying to any emails. She did write two weeks ago and said "I am A-OK" but that is the last I've heard from her. I am a bit concerned that something unsavory has happened.:(

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