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Old 05-10-2009, 02:51 AM   #8
the Dutch mountains
Dreaming of Danielle
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Join Date: Jan 2009
Location: Sliedrecht, the Netherlands
Posts: 72

oily fish can be Salmon, Mackerel, Thunnus and Sardines.

Frying can be perfectly healthy, it just depends on what you use to fry the fish in... pure butter is bad, but sunflower oil is perfect.

About the scedule Enigma gave you: Just eating fruit as a snack isn't as healthy as it would seem. Fruits carry acid and sugar, so while beiing low cal, they do bring sugar and acids in your system. Try a piece of brown bread every once in a while, the fibre has more calories, but it helps your digestion more.

And one other thing that people seem to forget: Take your time. Don;t eat to fast, and chew a lot. chewing helps digesting your food, so it makes it easier for your body to pick out the nutritions, and digest the rest.

And ugo has a very important point as wel: don't worry to much about how you look, because looks don't help you get a long and happy life, good health and selfasteem do. People forget that being slim doesn't meen you're healthy, and beiing heavy doesn't meen you're not healthy. Thinking you have to be slim is just a fashion thing. So don't look at your weight, look at your bloodpressure, cholestorol, those kind of things.
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