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Old 06-11-2009, 03:43 PM   #351
Danielle's Future Ex-Husband
Join Date: Sep 2008
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Originally Posted by captnjack View Post
Bit of bad news for me today. My house was broken into while I was at work. I got a call from my security company saying they were detecting a front door intrusion and a motion sensor alert in the living room. Took me about 40 minutes to drive home and when I arrived a policemen was waiting and the front door was open. I was hoping the sound of the burglar alarm had frightened the thieves off and only the front door was damaged. But when I got out of my car the policemen came up to me and said that my house had indeed been broken into and it looked all that was stolen was my TV. He said that another house in my neighborhood was broken into yesterday and all the thieves took was the TV. Both neighbors on either side of me weren't home but my neighbor the street said he saw a red car in my driveway but just though I had company. I have insurance but with the deductible which is the lowest I could get it will still set me back several months.

Sorry my Friend Captnjack. Better that it is insured your house.
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