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Old 06-16-2009, 01:02 PM   #371
Danielle's Imaginary Girlfriend
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Join Date: Oct 2008
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Posts: 598

The weather was so bad yesterday, Jeromy chased down that guy that cut off the trooper, he didn't get far. there were 6 wrecks within 4 miles, there was a lot of standing water in the road. Im glad i was wairing my belt ,I sit sideways in my seat in the back of the van so i can see my computers and when Tigg hit his brakes Amanda hit her brakes and i was heald by my seatbelt from rolling to the front of the van. Did it once before and it hurts! They should have delayed us coming into the city till the wedather cleared and trafic was better but the city picked the time we entered the city. too top it all off we were hauling a spec. load that had to be hauled on a certian trailer that had 16 tires to handle the added weight all together he weighed 97 thousand pounds. Tigger is madd about it happening he is proud of his safty record but it is just one of thous things when you drive 130,000 miles a year somthing is going to happen sonner or later.
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