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Old 07-29-2009, 02:08 AM   #494
Danielle's Imaginary Girlfriend
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Join Date: Oct 2008
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Boy must be somthing in the air, Tigger got pissed at Amanda today. I can't say I blame him for being mad eather. He has thies old pair of shoes that he likes to wair sometimes, he calls them his comfy shoes, we all have that fav pair of shoes we like to lounge in, well Amanda thru them out and bought him a new pair, same kind. what she dosent relise is they were comfy because they were broke in. He is so mad that he is in with Jeromy and I , he is already sound asleep. and i have not been able to fix his other computer yet. Windows is fryed in it and he does not have a back up disk so he is going to have to weight till he gets home and can use Sarahs disk to reinstall windows. and the first thing im going to do is make him a backup disk incase this ever happens again. It apears im the only one still awake, Jeromy and tigger are snoring away. Amanda is pry still crying her self to sleep and pry just cant understand why he is madd!!!!!!
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