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Old 10-07-2008, 02:46 AM   #6
Danielle's Imaginary Boyfriend
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I seem to recall a school down in SoCal that has a well on its property, and I knew of a couple people back in Colorado who had a rig in their backyard. What gets me is putting a well & rig, natural gas or oil, in a park. Put up a windmill instead, like T Boone says, or stick some solar panels up on the public buildings that face south. It may not be much if its just one, but we're talking quantity, and if some guy in Maine can wind up selling excess energy back to his utility company after putting panels up, how many houses & buildings face south out here in the west where we have more sun. Then again, last I heard the folks out on Martha's Vineyard were complaining about the proposal to put some off-shore windmills in the Sound (5 miles off-shore!), and folks down in Virginia City are complaining about the proposal to put windmills along the ridges down their way because it wouldn't look like it fit in a 19th Century gold town (uh huh, and the cars and paved streets fit that ambiance, yeah? Or the working mine?). What was my point? What was your point? Who were you calling? Don't call here again!
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