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Old 11-30-2009, 09:41 PM   #21
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Join Date: Oct 2008
Location: Germany
Posts: 2,015

Driving a car from A to B is easy.
The real challenge is to do it while thinking for the one in front of you and for the one back from you, too. And for the ones on the lines beside you. You've got to be allways ready to hit the brakes.

Speaking of braking, while coming back from Austria I followed two cars driving at about 100 mph, when we approached a group of cars passing some trucks. (We've got to pass on the left lane here in Germany.)
Somehow, the accordeon effect hit full blast and I had to slam on the breaks to slow down from about 85 mph to 50 within a second. I left about 15 yards of gum on the left lane. Talk about a wakeup call.

It doesn't matter if you have XX or XY chromosomes. Both types do stupid things.

Thinking of it, I've seen more guys driving one-handed with the cellphone at their ear than I've seen women do that. That's a thing I can't understand. Bluetooth earplugs are available for half a tank full of fuel these days. If you've got to speak on the phone while driving use one of those, for heaven's sake!

Err ... sorry for the rant.

Last edited by Anoree; 11-30-2009 at 09:50 PM.
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