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Old 10-10-2008, 06:13 PM   #111
Danielle's Imaginary Boyfriend
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Originally Posted by MISSY View Post
This one has GPS LOCATER if they try to take it we can find it. Or the company will replace it free. all the military laptops have that. I feel bad she had to drop out of her computer class because of it.. Every one of the guys and Marcy were in the military and there is a bond there that you cant explain. They can almost read eachothers minds. They react to things with out ever saying a word. it is creapy some times. Tigger and his Marine buddies they fought in a war together side by side there is a bond there that you just can't break. He has seen things that I dont even want to know about. I dont know if you all rember back in 2003 the groop of Marines that went in and rescued 13 teen girs in Yemon that were kidnaped and were about to be sold. Tigger was in on that rescue, he and 12 other Marines got the navy cross for that. Tigger was shot in the arm during that. He dosen't talk about that to ennyone but his Marine buddies. They talk to each other about things only they can relate with. It's hard to explain.Just like this board he uses this to unwind and get his fustrations out. It helps to calm him down. We have a lot of stress out there on the road, we all deal with it in diffrent ways , some times you just have to get it out , tell someone. Some times we go to the range and blow off 300/400 rounds. it makes you feel better. We have to be a tight nit groop or we would self destruct. see that just made me feel better Ill shut up now!lol
My grandpa came back from WWII and I guess still keeps in touch with some of his buddies from back then. He does not speak about what he saw in Europe for the most part. On occasion he lets something slip, but that's all. I know that whatever he saw in France & Germany left him shaken up. And when my Dad passed away in 73, 10 years after he was out of the USAF, friends of his from Alaska & SeaTac either sent flowers, cards, or I guess even made the trek to Denver. It is a rare and precious bond, I just wish the price to pay for it wasn't so high. I sincerely hope Tigger is doing better today. Please give him my best, Missy, as well as my best to Sarah, his 'rents, and my thanks to Tigg, you, and the rest of your team.
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