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Old 04-21-2010, 07:48 PM   #25
Danielle's Imaginary Boyfriend
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Join Date: Sep 2008
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Chess might be fun, tho' I'm very, very rusty (and technically, it is a sport as defined by the Oxford Dictionary of the English language, and Merriam-Websters: an active pastime. Also a game of skill governed by a set of rules qualifies it, so there, MrSnook Besides, I know Ms D has enjoyed a game of chess or two, so...).

I'd consider wearing knee braces and snowboarding with her: 1 to keep my bad knee from dislocating (again), the other to hold the "good" knee together. Same would go for surfing (just not where I used to live, San Francisco area--too many big, white sharks there)

I'd love swimming, whether in a pool, lake, ocean, or tubing down some rapids (not whitewater tho', not on an old tractor innertube at least).

I'm always ready for a good hike in the country.

And I used to play golf and loved it. Same thing with the knee braces, and screw the carts, I'd carry her bags for here through 18 holes and back again.

(wicked awesome thread, BTW).
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