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Old 05-30-2010, 11:14 PM   #8
Danielle's Biggest Fan
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Originally Posted by Anoree View Post
At a defragmentation (you should quote me right ) the file directories are usually rewritten, omitting unused (i.e. deleted) file entries.
Data is moved multiple times from one section of the harddisk to another, so deleted temp files may be overwritten. It's not guaranteed, though, and far from a safe deletion.
(At least that's how defragmentations worked in previous windows versions.)

A free tool to safely delete files or the free area of the harddisk may be SDelete from Microsoft's Sysinternals.
You are right in saying that, but this is assuming that M$ HDD controler tells that hard drive where to write, after all it could write to the back end of the HDD and when delete, it's still there as this just remove the pointer, with a defrag, it will only move non deleted file's thus the first 10% are files the next 5% are fragmented, betewwn there and the end of the disk, is free space and then you have all deleted files, the defrag wouldn't work to over write the files. now this is a long shot, based on if you have partitions or not and so on, but Anoree is corect in what he said (will that do for you lol)
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