Thread: Stolen Photos
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Old 07-06-2010, 05:47 PM   #7
Danielle's Biggest Fan
Join Date: Sep 2009
Posts: 224

Originally Posted by danielle_ftv View Post
I just wrote a comment on that set:

"Hey guys, I just found out about these pics being put on this website. I remember shooting the pics (like a long time ago) but I never did get to see them and never knew what happened with them. Not sure if they got stolen or not (I can't imagine the photographer who paid to shoot me would put them up on a FREE website) so I assume that they are stolen. Also I am in the process of getting my tattoos removed. They should be completely off by the beginning of next year. To the jerkoffs who have been saying that only people with low IQs get tattoos...guess what? My IQ is actually above average, probably helped me graduate valedictorian and a year early. To the people who have commented about my boobs being "near my knees" don't look at my pictures then. You are obviously looking for a blowup doll and not a real woman.

To everyone else...I really appreciate all the nice comments. I didn't really like the pictures that much but when I read all the compliments you guys have been writing, well I like them a lot better now "
You wasted time responding to them? I know that site. The people who are on there are quite pathetic. They are not worth your time.
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