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Old 12-05-2010, 05:07 PM   #113
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Default D103, 02-12-09: To CK1

"Hey CK1

This is the second part to your long list of questions on the question thread.

Let’s see what was your next question? What is my favorite type of pet?

That would be a Papillion, like my little Ferrero, that I used to have. But I had to give him away, poor Ferrero. I generally don’t like larger breeds of dogs, only because every single large breed that I’ve come across, they just drool too much, and personally, that’s really nasty to me. Cleaning it off the walls and stuff – blch. That’s just one pet that I wouldn’t want to have is a large dog. One pet that I would want to have is actually a kinkajou – I think that’s how you pronounce it. They’re really, really cute, but I think that you actually have to get a large home with a large backyard. They’re not too big, but you do have to get permits from the wildlife office or something like that and I’m sure if they came into my apartment and saw how small that was, and I have no backyard, they would tell me no, I can’t have one.

Also you asked if I could, would I have a zoo?

Only if I could afford to hire enough people to take care of them, because personally, I think you shouldn’t get a pet if you don’t have enough time for them and unfortunately that’s what I did quite a few times. I’d rather at this point not have a pet than have a pet and just not be able to give them the attention and love that they deserve and need.

Let’s see, the second question that you’re asking me is: Where have I lived that I missed or miss?

Germany. I spent most of my time in life there, so I was lucky enough to get to go back for my 19th birthday, thanks to an ex-boyfriend. And it was absolutely beautiful and it was just so nice to visit all this places that I went to during when I was a child. It’s different; you realize stuff that you didn’t and couldn’t figure out when you were younger. You appreciate the culture more, I was trying to say.

And then you were asking: If I could direct a shoot, what would I want to shoot?

I guess just a fantasy type shoot, like I’ve always wanted to do an amazon’s type of shoot where I wore a beautiful long flowing dress and ride on a horse along a stream or a forest or something. I think that would be lovely. But that’s not really directing a shoot. That is more me being in the shoot.

And your last question you’re asking me: Am I jeans and t-shirt kind of girl or a girlie girl that needs to be always wearing a dress?

Actually I’m more of a jeans and t-shirt type… Actually, no, I’m more of a PJ type of girl. I’m rather be wearing my PJs than anything else. But I guess if I’m going out to a party, I’ll get myself all dolled up and wear a dress, or when I’m shooting, too. But generally I’m wearing my little culprit pants and a t-shirt. I’m happy wearing that.

I hope that answered all of your questions. I will talk to you later.

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