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Old 12-06-2010, 05:49 PM   #149
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Default D139, 08-25-09: To e83sOHpFYv

"Hey e83, my new nickname for you

I read your questions on the question thread and you were asking me: What type of porn do I like to watch? And you had a few other questions for me, too.

I like to watch cartoon porn, stuff with Disney characters, kind of kinky that way. And then I also like to watch, I guess, rough sex porn, Kind of like the stuff you see on I don’t really know why I’m into that, but it’s just hot to me.

The other questions you had for me were: Do I get aroused when doing public nudity shoots?

No, not really. Most of the time I’m just worried about getting caught. Nobody seems to realize that if I get caught during a masturbation shoot or even being naked outside, I will be a sex offender, and that pretty much knocks me out of the running for medical school. And it’s not the photographer that gets in trouble, it is me that gets in trouble. So I’m putting myself at risk by doing any type of public nudity shoot. I mean, it’s fun, but I worry a lot when I do them.

What was the other question that you were asking? Am I a member of the Mile High club?

I am not, actually. I wouldn’t mind being a member, but I would prefer to be on a private jet or something like that, if I were going to do it. I would never do it on a South West plane or whatever. That would be too easy to get caught.

And then the last question you were asking me was: How do I feel about being tickled?

It’s fun, it’s playful, but it’s not sexual to me. It doesn’t turn me on. It kind of reminds me of being around my uncles or my brother or whatever. It’s definitely not one of my fetishes, and I don’t really understand people that have that fetish. But there are a lot of fetishes out there that I don’t really get. But whatever, you know what, it’s all good. If you guys like that, then, hey, as long as it makes you happy and doesn’t hurt anybody else, then it’s all good.

I hope that answered your questions, alright?

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