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Old 12-06-2010, 06:19 PM   #153
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Default D143, 09-19-09: To e83sOHpFYv

"Hey e83

I read your questions on the question thread and I think you had four of them for me. Your first question was: When did I first discover masturbating?

God, I must have been like 5 or 6, I was actually really young. I’m not sure how exactly I discovered it. All I remember back then was finding my parent’s porn hidden in the video case of a movie called The Fly. I think it was a gang bang porn, kind of interesting.

Let’s see, what was your other question: Have I ever been to the Beret Jackson car show?

No, not really. I don’t plan on going either. It’s not really my type of thing. So, not all that interested in cars.

Your other question was: What is it on receiving oral that I don’t care about?

For me it takes really, really, really long to get off when I’m receiving oral. It takes like 20 to 30 minutes. I guess I’m always concerned about my partner. The last thing I want for them is to get a tongue strain or anything from having to go down there or be down there for so long. But it’s funny, because most of my partners have been very non-complaining about that. I don’t know. I like giving more than receiving.

And then the last question you asked me was: How long does it take to wax?

It takes about 20 to 30 minutes, but I get my, what is it called, the Playboy wax? So they take all of the hair off down there and I also get my eyebrows done, too, at the same time. And then, it costs altogether around 100$, and that’s including tip, and I don’t go regularly. I do it like every so often, like before certain shoots. I think altogether I probably go and get waxed every two months or so, but you’re supposed to go and get waxed every two or three weeks.

I hope that answered your questions, right?

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