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Old 12-07-2010, 04:29 PM   #177
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Default D167, 02-13-10: To Max

"Hey Max

I read your question on the question thread and you were asking me: What is your record for how many times you have masturbated in one day?

I really don’t know, honestly. I never really counted that or recorded that. I would say it’s probably been about 8 or 9 times, if you’re talking about orgasms, of course. Now hours, god, I would say I’ve masturbated for like three hours at once. I’m trying to remember like the last time that I masturbated for more than one hour or two. Oh, it was a couple of weeks ago. I was actually kind of sick and my nose was completely stuffed up and for whatever reason I realized that by masturbating my nose would get unclogged up or unstuffed. So, to help me get to sleep I was masturbating a lot. But every time I stopped masturbating, my nose would get stuffed up again, so I’d have to continue doing it. Finally I had to stop because I was exhausted. But, yeah, I still have those times where I just go absolutely insane and won’t stop masturbating, but generally I’m good with one or two orgasms and I’m done.

I hope that answered your question.

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