Thread: Paranormalities
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Old 12-06-2008, 09:43 PM   #7
Danielle's Imaginary Boyfriend
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Originally Posted by danielle_ftv View Post
Well I've always believed in the paranormal. I've had times were some weird things have happened that are completely unexplainable. Like once when I was in church summer camp (when I was 11 or 12) all of the summer campers (about 200 or 300 kids) were in service. The pastor was giving a pretty normal sermon and asking us who wanted to ask Jesus into their hearts (the normal stuff) and all of a sudden everyone in the front rows started crying, then before you know it everyone in the whole auditorium was crying. I think that some spirit/higher power/whatever you want to call it, came into us and made everyone started was really weird.
So you went to "church camp" too! I used to go for a week every year back when I was in 5th - 8th grades. We did some goofy stuff there!

Your New Hampshire story was very creepy. I can't say I believe 100% in the paranormal, but sometimes very strange things have happened to me that there's no logical explanation for. I also get feelings of Deja Vu all the time. I go places and it's like I've been there before.
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