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Old 02-12-2009, 06:57 AM   #15
Danielle Fan
Join Date: Feb 2009
Location: Covington, Wa
Posts: 11
Default Tat removal

First off, I am a new fan of yours and I have to say, you are gorgeous! I am a big fan of the natural look, minimul makeup, no piercings, and well, you get the idea and as far as I have seen, you have got that look down! You are one of the most beautiful creatures I have ever seen. In fact, I have not seen very many pictures of you and am not a member of your site but I still feel I can honestly say it. And I am not just talking your body, as gorgeous as it is. You have one of the most naturally gorgeous faces too, and those beautiful eyes of yours. Makes me wish I was 13 yrs younger and living in Arizona!
As far as your tatoo removal, I think it is great but I think the one I believe I saw on your back is actually very nice. The one on you lower abdomin I am glad to see go. And reading your bio page, you have removed piercing as well which I can't thank you enough as, in my opinion, detracts greatly from any womans beauty.
I wish you much luck with the removal process and any future endevours you pursue.

Seattle, Wa
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