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Old 03-04-2009, 09:02 PM   #304
Danielle's Imaginary Boyfriend
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Join Date: Sep 2008
Posts: 512

Wicked awesome, Ms D, with your forensics class exam! I started off as a bio major, but the math really kicked me in the backside! Plus the first class I took was the botany section of "Bio 101" and that bored me (I have a better feel for plants now).

I just restored the other day--and for what its worth, I don't think its exactly staker-ish to check someone out first--makes sense to know as much beforehand nowadays, maybe even more so with your line of work (too many people might think that you're something or someone you're not based on prejudice or stereotype). Then again, had Facebook not irked me with their photo policy back & forth, I might not have even given it a look in months (for that matter, my visit to my MyS page a few days back was the 1st time I'd been there this year.

I also read the interview with Girl Next Door online and thought it was really honest. I'm glad you were able to confide in your sister, and suspect that, as your mom and I are the same age, she'll first be anxious, more than angry, since we grew up post-sexual revolution (whoo, Gen-X), and considering how you first learned of porn, how could she be critical (don't want to give away the ending). In other words, and in my experience, we Gen-Xers are less inclined towards hypocrisy, so when the shock wears off (and I'm not sure how shocked she'd really be--she knows you're assisting, and I assume she has a computer handy, so she may be waiting for you to feel comfortable to open up with her), I'd be surprised if while she might not be comfortable with what you're doing, she might be okay with it because it does seem to make you happy, and you are back in school, and so on. Knowledge is power, and power leads to security, so the more you know, the more power you have and the more secure you feel, and I'd imagine that when you do open up with her, and she learns more, the more at ease she'll feel. Then again, I'm not your mom, so all I can do is try and imagine how I'd feel if I were in a similar position, and this is coming months after first meeting you here, and that after researching Rob and FTV for nearly a year before I even joined. Anyway, I liked the interview very much.

The movie sounds like it was fun--I watched a preview and like the cast & premise but will probably have to wait to see it on TV next year, maybe 2011!

Really, seriously wicked cool re: the exam!

Last edited by geolarson2; 03-04-2009 at 09:37 PM.
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