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Old 03-20-2009, 08:44 PM   #329
Danielle's Imaginary Boyfriend
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Join Date: Sep 2008
Posts: 512

Sounds like you had an exceptional time, Ms D (until trying to come back across the border). I've never been south of the border, and the closest I've gotten to going out of the US has either been going through the Pomo Res in N. Calif., or skirting the Pine Ridge Res (I'm not 100% sure if we went in or not). I do have to admit I miss Guinness, especially on Paddy's day (he was Scottish, BTW, not Irish--he was from Kilpatrick near Glasgow and kidnapped & taken to Eire by a fellow named Niall--ancestor of the O'Neills and O'Donnells). I also miss Merlot, Pinot Noir and Tanqueray and tonic (or Bombay Sapphire!). And so what if you're a bit of a naturist at heart--I've heard of worse! Actually, I admire people who are comfortable in their own skins and don't put on airs--the world would be a much nicer place, me thinks, if more people were as open and honest as you! Anyway, glad you're home safe & sound, really happy you had what sounds like a fantastic time, and best wishes on those exams. And so you're going to have some April showers, okay, but you know what April Showers bring? May flowers, just in time for your 21st! Who-hoo, and so what if some Pilgrims crash your party--could be worse--could be a bunch of Puritans (at least the Pilgrims had a healthier, more well-adjusted way of looking at sex!). Cheerio
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