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Old 03-25-2009, 10:54 PM   #335
Danielle's Imaginary Boyfriend
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Join Date: Sep 2008
Posts: 512

So the fear of discovery is over--that's good. Now you and your mom, and the rest of your family, can move on. She's probably going to be anxious, so keep talking to her--offer a little info, let her ask a few questions (although I imagine you've already done a bit of that already). And you know that despite your disagreement with your sister, she is still someone who will keep your confidences, and that's not so bad. Anyway, I do hope that you and your family do manage to find a happy ground where you can all live--seems to me that the biggest problems occur when families split apart, and not necessarily over porn. Its a kinda a less coherent answer than I'd like to give (beyond thank goodness its out in the open, and I'm sure you and your mom will not drift apart if you two don;t allow it)--all I can do is try to imagine what I'd feel like from both your perspectives if I were in the same or similar circumstances and then try to empathize.

With school, let me just say BOO-YEAH! I admit I was worried (a bit) when I saw your course load and with the amount of time you spend working not just here on this site but also your freelance work, and was seriously worried about you getting back in the groove of things with school, but let me just say here and now that I for one should never have doubted you, and that I am very, very proud of what you've accomplished balancing work, school and your new friends--big time super happy for you, Ms D!
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