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Old 03-31-2009, 01:33 AM   #479
Danielle Junkie
Join Date: Mar 2009
Location: Brantford, ON, Canada
Posts: 30

Let me get this straight - this guy is online, just HAPPENS to come across Danielle's site, and takes it upon himself to "save" poor ol' Danielle???

Question: How do you spell "loser"? I think we know the answer to that one - these sad individuals who feel they need to "save the world".

If we think about this, our pal Raman_bharti would have to have done a search for Danielle's site, meaning he willfully looked up a "sinful" site like this. If we follow this to its logical conclusion, I think Raman_bharti, if he was honest, would probably admit he was looking for nudie sites, then felt bad so he had to lash out and "save himself" by trying to "save" Danielle.

It's easy to find fault in others. Not so easy to admit fault in ourselves.
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