Thread: Questionnaire
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Old 06-14-2009, 04:41 PM   #116
Danielle's Imaginary Boyfriend
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Join Date: Apr 2009
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Posts: 503

Q13 A8

1. How many cars do you own? zer0
2. How computers do you have, including laptops? 1
3. How many pets do you have? None, unless my sister's 2 Labbies count.
4. How many tv's do you have? 1
5. What internet service are you on? "Trío de Telefónica"
6. What is your favourite breed of dog or cat? Not an animal person
7. What is your position at work? Production/R&D Manager
8. Are you happy with your current job? I could say yes
9. Do you consider yourself generous? No.
10. Have you ever donated to a charity? Maybe. Can't remember.
11. Have you or would you help a blind person across the road? Yes, I would.
12. Have you ever opened a door for a lady? Yes, a million times.
13. Shoes, or trainers? (trainers = sneakers) Both, boots, slippers
14. Shirt, or t-shirt? Both.
15. Jeans, or pants? Both.
16. Can you swim? Yes
17. Can you ride a bicycle? No.
18. Can you drive? Can drive people mad, but not a car... yet.
19. What are you best at from the last three questions? Swimming.
20. Are you good at winning prizes at fairs Tried only once. Pulled it off.
21. Do you consider yourself fit? No.
22. Have you ever been on a sea-cruise? No.
23. Have you ever been on a long-haul flight? No. Lima - Cusco, 1 hour in the air.
24. Have you ever been camping? No, thanks.
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