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Old 02-21-2010, 10:52 PM   #55
Anoree's Avatar
Join Date: Oct 2008
Location: Germany
Posts: 2,015
Default 2009-12-03

*** (22:48:56):Welcome to Danielle FTV , danielle!
Anoree says (22:48:57):
i think you planned your system well
Anoree says (22:49:07):
oh, Hi Danielle!
danielle says to (22:49:29):
Hey guys...just a few minutes and I'll be ready for the show
grande351 says to (22:50:03):
Hi Danielle!
*** (22:50:11):grande351 left the room
*** (22:50:26):Welcome to Danielle FTV , grande351!
WhyYou says to (22:50:56):
why are you guys leaving and coming back???
Anoree says (22:50:57):
Too bad the others are gone already.
grande351 says to (22:53:37):
Hi Danielle
WhyYou says to (22:53:39):
laranger is probably hanging on the message board
grande351 says to (22:53:45):
Doing ok
WhyYou says to (22:53:47):
Hi :)
grande351 says to (22:53:57):
How are you?
grande351 says to (22:54:09):
it looks great
WhyYou says to (22:54:14):
I haven't been here for a long time
grande351 says to (22:54:22):
grande351 says to (22:55:11):
Cute outfit!
Anoree says (22:55:12):
I guess my ISP's daily disconnect just occured
WhyYou says to (22:55:16):
it's getting hotter in here
grande351 says to (22:56:49):
Just working. Always working
grande351 says to (22:57:39):
You're doing a good job
grande351 says to (22:58:06):
grande351 says to (22:58:17):
Woo Hoo
Anoree says (22:58:24):
Great, Vegas!
grande351 says to (22:58:39):
Is it a special event?
grande351 says to (22:59:11):
Sounds like fun!
grande351 says to (22:59:22):
I've never been to Vegas
grande351 says to (22:59:51):
Would you let Anthony Cools hyponitize you?
WhyYou says to (22:59:55):
I've been to Vegas a few times
grande351 says to (23:00:17):
Make sure Dallas videotapes it for us
WhyYou says to (23:00:34):
do will be fun
grande351 says to (23:00:35):
You need to share it with us
grande351 says to (23:00:55):
Anoree says (23:01:05):
I'd love to see that if you go through with it
grande351 says to (23:01:06):
It'll be funny!
grande351 says to (23:01:58):
I can't even imagine what he'd have you do
grande351 says to (23:02:17):
Have you ever been hypnotised?
grande351 says to (23:02:55):
I would love to see it!
Anoree says (23:03:09):
Sounds very interesting
grande351 says to (23:03:41):
If you wear a skirt at least wear panties!
grande351 says to (23:04:07):
Commando in a skirt, not a good idea
grande351 says to (23:04:35):
Do you catch guys staring at you/
grande351 says to (23:04:50):
Like trying to sneak a peek
WhyYou says to (23:05:08):
grande351 says to (23:05:32):
I'll be thinking about it
WhyYou says to (23:05:33):
I'm thinking...slowly
grande351 says to (23:05:47):
I've been reading about Meerkats
grande351 says to (23:06:21):
I think you need an exotic animal permit to own one
WhyYou says to (23:06:35):
I still want a small dog...but I can't afford to keep one yet
grande351 says to (23:06:37):
grande351 says to (23:06:47):
grande351 says to (23:07:17):
grande351 says to (23:07:48):
As long as you're here :)
Anoree says (23:08:16):
That's very nice to hear
grande351 says to (23:08:28):
We try to be nice, but it's tough some times (lol)
grande351 says to (23:08:36):
Just kidding
Anoree says (23:08:38):
I thought you might want more viewers
WhyYou says to (23:08:58):
what type of small dog do you want to have?
grande351 says to (23:09:02):
I like being able to chat like this
grande351 says to (23:09:14):
it's the best part for me
grande351 says to (23:09:38):
Yorkies are sooooo cute!
Anoree says (23:09:44):
The chat is the best part for me, too
grande351 says to (23:10:42):
We had a tiny toy poodle that would pee when she was really excited
WhyYou says to (23:10:49):
I like the short hair a jack russell terrier
grande351 says to (23:11:07):
I have a friedn that has one
WhyYou says to (23:11:12):
it would keep me active
grande351 says to (23:11:12):
Cool dogs
grande351 says to (23:11:53):
You're such a girl!
grande351 says to (23:11:56):
WhyYou says to (23:12:07):
LOL grande
grande351 says to (23:12:13):
It's cute though
grande351 says to (23:12:26):
Boobies are nice too
grande351 says to (23:12:41):
grande351 says to (23:13:00):
What size is she going to?
grande351 says to (23:13:35):
Maybe 1 cup size?
Anoree says (23:13:47):
ccs are probably cubic centimeters
grande351 says to (23:13:54):
She's a small girl, right
Anoree says (23:14:49):
WhyYou says to (23:14:59):
nice! :)
grande351 says to (23:15:06):
Oh two!
grande351 says to (23:15:10):
WhyYou says to (23:15:17):
grande351 says to (23:15:19):
Anoree says (23:15:23):
grande351 says to (23:15:29):
Can you get all4
grande351 says to (23:15:52):
How many toys doyou have??
grande351 says to (23:16:10):
It always seems like you have a different one
grande351 says to (23:16:30):
Woo Hoo
Anoree says (23:16:30):
grande351 says to (23:16:43):
I've never seen that before
grande351 says to (23:17:14):
30!! Wow!
*** (23:19:04):Welcome to Danielle FTV , Anoree!
grande351 says to (23:19:09):
He couldn't take it
Anoree says (23:19:17):
overdose ;)
grande351 says to (23:19:20):
oh he's back
WhyYou says to (23:19:25):
grande351 says to (23:19:28):
better not talk about him
grande351 says to (23:19:36):
Ha Ha
WhyYou says to (23:19:39):
WhyYou says to (23:20:02):
watch the show and shut up :D
Anoree says (23:20:09):
ok, I'll be quiet, too
Anoree says (23:21:34):
This is seriously hot, though
WhyYou says to (23:21:58):
yeah..triple vibes
grande351 says to (23:22:35):
Anoree says (23:22:50):
Anoree says (23:22:54):
grande351 says to (23:23:03):
WhyYou says to (23:23:04):
wow...very awesome show
grande351 says to (23:23:22):

I'll never get tire of watching you!
Anoree says (23:23:41):
I'm speechless
grande351 says to (23:24:02):
Can you push them out?
grande351 says to (23:24:41):
Kind of???
grande351 says to (23:24:46):
Totally hot!
Anoree says (23:24:45):
I's certainly a hot show!
grande351 says to (23:25:06):
WhyYou says to (23:25:09):
Anoree says (23:25:09):
grande351 says to (23:25:38):
grande351 says to (23:25:41):
Anoree says (23:25:47):
Nice juicy
WhyYou says to (23:26:22):
I'll sleep good tonight...dreaming of that show
grande351 says to (23:26:27):
Is it a little warmer in there now
Anoree says (23:26:25):
I love your afterglow smile
grande351 says to (23:26:46):
I love your smile any timeQ
Anoree says (23:27:16):
Have a nice trip to Vegas
grande351 says to (23:27:24):
Ok Have a nice time in Vegas
grande351 says to (23:27:28):
Bye sweetie
Anoree says (23:27:30):
See you!
*** (23:27:33):danielle left the room

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