Thread: Hi Danielle
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Old 08-29-2015, 10:18 PM   #334
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Originally Posted by Andrey View Post
How are you?
My name is Andrey....
I hope you will read my story and will be great if you can respond to me with a video if is possible please.
Where should I begin, so 2 week's ago I installed on my phone a app "mate1" online dating. This girl she was used one off your picture. To be honest I did not know who you are until that point, after a few days I didn't know what came over me to search that picture on Google Images and I found you. We spoke a lot. Her name is Sandra Boateng and she is fron Ghana, East Africa.
After I found out I spoke with her and she told me is not true "Bla-Bla-Bla". I was disappointed on her, not on you, because she lied to me. I don't want to sound weird but I real like you. If she wasn't her I didn't have a chance to meet you. I hope one day I will meet you even for a few seconds. I don't know what to do. I told her to send me a real picture, buy she still insist she is the one in the picture. I send her this website and she told me this website is old, she told yes I was a Porn Star but now I'm not anymore. Can you respond me please with a video because I want to send her, to prove she is still a liar. Thank you so much. What you advise me to do.
Take care and speak soon.
I'm sorry that happened to you. Unfortunately it is an issue and one that I'm not able to stop. I feel like I've discussed people using my photos for scams in a video log (I'm not 100% sure about that though). I've also discussed it numerous times on Twitter. It seems as though it's happening more and more (especially this year).
Danielle FTV
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