Thread: Jokes
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Old 01-24-2009, 09:21 AM   #21
Danielle's Only True Love
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Big Grin Amusing questions

How can someone be dirt poor, and another be filthy rich?
Are one-handed people offended when police tell them to put their hands up?
Do cementry workers prefer the graveyard shift?
If you get cheated by the Better Business Bureau, who do you complain to?
If a picture is worth a thousand words, what is a picture of a thousand words worth?
If rabbits feet are so lucky, then what happened to the rabbit?
What happens to an 18 hour bra after 18 hours?
What if your in hell and your mad at someone,where do you tell them to go?
Why is it considered necessary to nail down the lid of a coffin?
If your plan is having no plan, do you have a plan?
If you take an oriental person and spin him around several times, does he become disoriented?
If people from Poland are called Poles, why aren't people from Holland called Holes?
Why do we say something out of whack? what is a whack?
Do infants enjoy infancy as much as adults enjoy adultry?
If a pig loses it's voice,is it disgruntled?
If love is blind, why is lingerie so popular?
Why is the man who invests all your money, called a "broker"?
When cheese gets it's picture taken, what does it say?
If a person who plays the piano is called a pianist, why is a race car driver not called a racist?
IF Fex-Ex and UPs were to merge, would they call it Fed-UP?
If it's true that we are here to help others, then what exactly are the others here for?
If quitters never win, and winners never quit, what fool came up with, quit while your ahead?
If we quit voting, will they all go away?
When signwriters go on strike, what is on their signs?
How can sweet and sour be sweet and sour at the same time?
Did Noah keep his bees in the archives?
Why isn't the number 11 pronounced onety one?
How comes no one says "it's only a game" when their team is winning?
If lawyers are disbarred and clergymen defrocked, does that mean electricians are delighted, musicians denoted, cowboys deranged, models deposed,tree surgeons debarked, and dry cleaners depressed?
If You Don't Ask, You Don't Get
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