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Old 02-15-2010, 10:06 PM   #12
Anoree's Avatar
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Default 2009-02-21 Part 4

Ck1 says to (22:12:03):
Ck1 says to (22:12:07):
bad Rob!
grande351 says to (22:12:12):
I'm sure glad you tried a second time!
*** (22:12:17):Welcome to Danielle FTV , rgraham7590!
geezer says to (22:12:22):
Rob REJECTED you! He must have been nuts!
Ck1 says to (22:12:53):
Just for that he should give me one of his cars...
Anoree says (22:12:59):
I think Rob wrote, he rejected you because of too small pictures. He thought you'd hide something
Ck1 says to (22:13:13):
i can sell it and pay of my house.
geezer says to (22:13:14):
Alison got a car from him
grande351 says to (22:13:16):
He still hasn't let you drive the Veyron??
Anoree says (22:13:46):
I think Lia got a car, too
grande351 says to (22:13:52):
You drove all the other ones?
grande351 says to (22:14:12):
You have ridden in it, though
grande351 says to (22:14:22):
The Veyron I mean
Ck1 says to (22:14:29):
i would be using the CSI light to see if anyone touched my 2mil car.
grande351 says to (22:15:22):
I'd love to ride in it
T-bone Thomas says to (22:15:23):
Audi TT
geezer says to (22:15:30):
Is Rob driving the speed limit since getting his ticket?
grande351 says to (22:15:48):
I doubt it!
*** (22:15:51):T-bone Thomas left the room
Ck1 says to (22:15:56):
um, i think he can afford it.
geezer says to (22:15:57):
He was caught doing about 150 on a local freeway
grande351 says to (22:16:01):
I've seen the 200 mph video
*** (22:16:14):Welcome to Danielle FTV , T-bone Thomas!
T-bone Thomas says to (22:16:36):
214 mph
grande351 says to (22:16:44):
That's the one
geezer says to (22:17:04):
I'm thinking of the one where he got his name in all the newspapers! It was the first time "his name" was associated with Adult Material
Ck1 says to (22:17:08):
they can prove that the car was going that speed... but who was driving is a different issue.
captnjack says to (22:17:14):
u have beautiful legs!
grande351 says to (22:17:16):
I know!!
geezer says to (22:17:40):
Thanks, Captnjack
Ck1 says to (22:17:45):
i got pulled over by a cop on foot for going 37 on a 35mph zone.
grande351 says to (22:17:47):
How do you go 214 on a public road and not get in trouble?
grande351 says to (22:17:58):
He really lucky!!!
grande351 says to (22:18:17):
Those suck!!!!
grande351 says to (22:18:25):
I hate speed cameras
T-bone Thomas says to (22:18:37):
Are you scared when driving with Rob?
Ck1 says to (22:18:48):
they are not used in florida... only stop light running lights at certain cities and certain intersections.
geezer says to (22:19:00):
I've heard England has thousands of cameras watching everybody on the roads.
grande351 says to (22:19:11):
Rob probably thinks it funny
grande351 says to (22:19:21):
when you get scared
grande351 says to (22:19:45):
Me neither
geezer says to (22:20:15):
He can afford the fines but, at some point, won't they take his license away?
Ck1 says to (22:20:19):
that is just the way he drives... he can't understand why you are upset because he has driving all his life.
Ck1 says to (22:20:43):
before the good lawyer.
T-bone Thomas says to (22:20:52):
I once drove with him in his SLR and I was scared too,lol
grande351 says to (22:21:02):
He should let you drive it
grande351 says to (22:21:34):
I'd be soo afraid I'd wreck it
geezer says to (22:21:43):
Rob's a dentist! Would YOU let HIM work on your teeth?
Ck1 says to (22:21:48):
i would not want to sit in the car... i could not afford it if i got dirt on the carpet.
*** (22:21:53):rgraham7590 left the room
grande351 says to (22:22:25):
I had a crappy dentist experience this week, I'll have to tell you about it
longhornbill says to (22:22:34):
A buddy of mine owns one and had a flat. No repair. Just a new tire and wheel. 20K!
grande351 says to (22:22:38):
It sucks!!
Anoree says (22:22:36):
I'd think Rob is way out of practice
grande351 says to (22:23:16):
Jsut for the KEY!!!
grande351 says to (22:23:22):
geezer says to (22:23:27):
Doesn't he still attend dental conferences? And I THINK he volunteers his services once or twice a month.
grande351 says to (22:23:36):
That's insane
grande351 says to (22:23:53):
T-bone Thomas says to (22:23:57):
Do you like go shopping?
geezer says to (22:24:23):
WOW! DOUBLE tax writeoffs!
grande351 says to (22:24:23):
He doesn't still practice does he?
longhornbill says to (22:25:10):
Where did his "bucks" come from? Not dentestry!
Ck1 says to (22:25:42):
Do you like to go shopping alone or with friends or with boyfriend?
grande351 says to (22:26:23):
I didn't think he would still be doing it
grande351 says to (22:27:12):
Is there anything you wouldn't wear for a shoot?
geezer says to (22:27:41):
Speaking of "shoots" - what about some light bondage stuff
grande351 says to (22:27:45):
Ck1 says to (22:27:48):
well, i grew up in a family of mostly women so i would stand outside and hold the purse... so that is what i still do. my ex was very surprsided when i just reached out and took her purse when she wanted my try something on.
Ck1 says to (22:27:52):
grande351 says to (22:28:36):
That sounds like it would be good!
T-bone Thomas says to (22:28:59):
When you play with your hair are you nervous? Lia always plays with her hair when she's nervous
Ck1 says to (22:29:45):
I think its cute
geezer says to (22:29:45):
It's better than picking your nose
grande351 says to (22:29:54):
Way better geezer
Ck1 says to (22:30:00):
grande351 says to (22:30:32):
I just don't get it
geezer says to (22:30:44):
I think there is a site for EVERY fetish - even stuff none of us have even thought of
grande351 says to (22:30:58):
I thought you were kidding about the cartoon stuff
Anoree says (22:31:26):
I've got to check that out sometime, too
grande351 says to (22:31:28):
You mean like when they have Bart Simpson having sex?
geezer says to (22:31:35):
I'd like to see "Mickey" doing "Minnie"
grande351 says to (22:31:45):
That's toooo funny!
longhornbill says to (22:31:56):
Geezer! You have introduced me to stuff I never thought of!!!
captnjack says to (22:32:01):
Elmer Fudd and alice in wonderland!
geezer says to (22:32:05):
My pleasure!
Ck1 says to (22:32:36):
lemu... soemthing like that.
grande351 says to (22:32:38):
Ck1 says to (22:32:39):
i can't spell
grande351 says to (22:33:00):
Have you been to Disney world?
Ck1 says to (22:33:00):
the actual movies or the adult ones
grande351 says to (22:33:23):
Ariel was sooo HOT!
Ck1 says to (22:33:28):
Ck1 says to (22:33:42):
Lumiere is his name.
Ck1 says to (22:34:27):
you know that each space mountain is different at each park
geezer says to (22:34:31):
Retired Military can get into the Disney Resorts for free in 2009
geezer says to (22:34:42):
grande351 says to (22:34:50):
I didn't know that
Ck1 says to (22:35:01):
i am full of those.
*** (22:35:06):laranger left the room
Ck1 says to (22:35:09):
or as some tell me, i am full of it.
grande351 says to (22:35:26):
We made it to the Trivia championship again this time
*** (22:35:27):Welcome to Danielle FTV , laranger!
Ck1 says to (22:35:30):
that would be good for a candid
grande351 says to (22:35:39):
I hope we win this time
grande351 says to (22:35:48):
And there's no fights
Ck1 says to (22:36:00):
cheaters sometimes win... but usually get their tires slashes in the parking lot.
grande351 says to (22:36:06):
You had to be there
grande351 says to (22:36:22):
It was surreal
*** (22:36:30):geezer left the room
grande351 says to (22:36:42):
Alcohol will make you do strange things
Ck1 says to (22:36:52):
um, yeah.
grande351 says to (22:37:05):
Not too drunk
Ck1 says to (22:37:12):
liquid courage.
grande351 says to (22:37:22):
That's true CK1
Anoree says (22:37:22):
I wouldn't drink there either
Ck1 says to (22:37:27):
what it takes to get me on a dance floor
Anoree says (22:37:44):
well, I hardly drink anyway, but ... ;)
grande351 says to (22:37:48):
There's not enough alcohol in the world to get me to dance
Ck1 says to (22:38:00):
there is enough... but then you can't get me off the dance floor.
Ck1 says to (22:38:05):
and there lies the problem
longhornbill says to (22:38:07):
Your dancing log is still my favorite
grande351 says to (22:38:30):
Yes, Please do that!
Anoree says (22:38:36):
The dancing log is my favorite, too
Ck1 says to (22:38:51):
me three.
grande351 says to (22:38:52):
Your dancing is very cute and sexy all at the same time
grande351 says to (22:39:36):
It's cute when you're a little nerdy though
captnjack says to (22:39:47):
diffcult to dance by yourself
grande351 says to (22:39:56):
I can relate!

Part 5

Last edited by Anoree; 02-15-2010 at 10:09 PM.
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