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Old 06-05-2010, 04:43 AM   #562
Danielle's Imaginary Boyfriend
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Join Date: Sep 2008
Posts: 512

I suppose you could say the "unsatisfied" people are likely the inhibited ones with crappy sex lives who are just jealous. Sounds good to me, so why not, and let them go suck on some eggs for a while, the whiners, eh?

The smoothie sounds good. Myself, I usually go with something heavy on I'm thirsty.

As for the sleep study, I've been there, done that twice. In both cases with me, the study was performed by the SpectREM Sleep Center (associated with UNR's med school). Check in was something like 8 or 9 PM, check out something like 6 or 7 AM if I remember right. It takes a little while to have the electrodes attached to your head (1st time I went I had long hair; 2d, I'd buzz cut it, although not specifically for the study, but it did simply things for me & the tech). There was a shortish intro meeting with the physician, followed by a longer in-depth discussion with the doctor after the 1st study & another shortish follow-up with the doctor after the 2d study. I forget, but I think they two studies I was in were just a week or so apart. It was interesting, some of it I understood (thank you AP bio & that AA in behavioral science!) a lot was a bit over my head, but long story short what the doc prescribed for me seems to have helped with what ails me (at least I feel better about it, and that goes a long way in & of itself).

And speaking of sleep, now I'd dozy. Cheers, Ms D., and for what its worth, I'd never check the "unsatisfied" box if I canceled a subscription to your site. I quite honestly cannot believe anyone would truly be unsatisfied considering how much you give of yourself here in the free side, and how much more you must put into the premium side with costuming, the webcams, &c. Some people, I suppose, would never be satisfied, not with their left hand, let alone their right, eh? Wankers!
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